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Case Report

Submitted by Khadija Tariq

Sap Id 10190
MS Clinical Psychology
Session (spring 2023 – spring 2025)

Submitted to Ma’am Samia Khalid

Riphah Institute of Clinical & Professional Psychology Lahore Campus
Riphah International University Lahore
Bio Data:
Name: K.C
Age: 24 years
Gender: Female
Education: MS
Religion: Islam
No. of Siblings: 5
Birth Order: 3
Marital Status: Single
Residence: Lahore
Informant: Herself

Reason for referral:

The patient came to herself for the administration of RISB with complaints of low mood,
irritability, decreased sleep, loss of interest and fatigue.

Identifying Information:
The patient is 24 years old female. She is 3rd born among her siblings. She is doing MS
and is in 1st semester. Her mother is a housewife and father is a carpenter. She lives in a
nuclear family system.

Presenting complaints:
Symptoms Duration
 Irritability 1 weeks
 Low mood 2 weeks
 Insomnia 3 weeks
 Low appetite 2 weeks
 Headache 2 weeks
 Palpitations 1 week
 Fatigue 2 weeks
 Loss of interest in activities 2 weeks
 Aggression 2 weeks
Test Administration:
The patient take time for the test at least 30 minutes. The test was administered in the
distraction free room. The patient complete the test with full concentration.

Behavioral Observation:
The patient was dressed up well. The patient was sitting on the chair comfortably. The
patient expressions seems like to be curious about the test. Her eye contact was good. The
patient showed cooperative attitude throughout the test.

1. Quantitative Analysis:

P3 P2 P1 N C1 C2 C3

Scores 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

No. of 0 8 13 7 4 1 7


Total 0 8 26 21 16 5 42


Total 118

Cutoff Score = 135

Total Score =118

2. Qualitative Analysis:
According to RISB scores, the patient seems well adjusted personality.

 Familial Attitudes:
The patient showed positive attitude at home. For example Item No. 4:
Back home… “I get relaxed when I came back home”. She also has positive feelings about
her parents as she responded at Item No.35: My father….. “is a hero” Item No.11: A
mother.... “is a good woman”. Item No.1: I Like…. “My parents” and Item No.21: I am
best when ….. “I spent time with my whole family”. Item No.8: The best…. “my parents”
Item no.6: At bedtime…. “I thanks Allah for having a good family”. Item no.34: I wish….
“live my family forever” These responses indicate a healthy relationship with family. The
patient showed a conflicted response at item No.31: The only trouble…. “ seeing my
family in any problematic situation”. Item no.13:My greatest fear….. “to lose my family”
This shows that the patient center of attention is her family. These responses showed
positive attitude regarding family.

 Social and Sexual Attitudes:

The patient showed conflicting attitude towards people as she responded
in Item No.29: What pains me…. “disloyalty of people” and Item No.20: I
suffer…. “when people talks to me very rudely & ignores me” Item No.9: What
annoys me…. “rudeness & ignorance” Item No.10: People….”mixture of good &
bad” The patient expressed about girls is conventional as she responded on Item
No.40: Most girls…. “pretty & beautiful”. The patient has not a good behavior
with teachers as she responded in Item No.14: This school…. “teachers are
aliens” These response showed that the patient has conflicts with other people.
The patient has the ability to adjust in the society as in Item No.18: My nerves….
“I’ve control over them” The patient expressed positive response towards sexual
attitude as she responded in Item No.26: Marriage…. “ Marriage is a beautiful
phase of life & mandatory for life” and Item No.7: Boys…. “men are very
responsible and protective figures”. These responses showed positive attitude
towards sexual life and opposite sex.

 General Attitudes:
The patient general attitude towards herself and other people around her such as,
she responded in Item No.3: I want to know….. “why people hurting each other”
Item no.24: The future….. “will be bright” Overall, the patient wants to know the
wrong doings of the society. She also has the positive attitude towards her future.
But in certain conditions, she was feeling depressed usually related to her life. An
ambiguous and conflicting response shown at Item No. 30: I hate…. “someone so
much” and item no.15: I can’t….. “forget someone that hurts me”. He also
showed inferiority complex in Item No.33: The only trouble ….. “ earn money &
get high paying job”. These responses showed that the patient has complex about
herself for having a good job. The patient showed her positive opinion towards
sports and dancing as she responded in Item No.16: Sports…. “I love playing
cricket” and Item No.38: Dancing…. “fun activity”.

 Character Attitude:
The subject showed her confusing and conflicting state of mind as she
responded in Item No.5: I regret…. “not having any regrets”. Item No.12: I
feel…. “something is running all the time around me”. Item No.23: My
mind….”full”. The patient expressing herself in Item No.32: I am very….
“talkative & friendly” Item No.38: Dancing…. “fun activity “ Item No.36: I
secretly…. “wants to be successful person” Item No.28: Sometimes…. “I love
singing” these responses showed that the patient has a friendly nature and fun
loving person and optimistic about future.

The patient quantitative and qualitative analysis shows that she is well adjusted with
her environment. She score 118 that is below than the cutoff score (118<135) that means
the patient has good adjustment level. She has a strong bond with her family. Some
conflicts have seen in her social life as she was annoying and get sad when people
ignores her or talk with her rudely. She is very optimistic about her future. She also has
complexity about money and having a high paying job. Overall, she is well adjusted with
her environment.

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