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MCQ the abdomen

1- stomach is completely destroyed from the

A- forgut

b- midgut

C- hindgut

d- non above

*answer: a.

2- which of the following organ lies in the upper and left part of abdomen. ●

a- liver

b- heart

C- stomach

E- spleen

*answer: c

3-the stomach has all the following except

a- 2 orifices

b- 2 curvature

C- 2 surface

d-2 lopes

*answer: d
4- Shape of the stomach is empty -

a- J- shape

b- pyriform - shape

C- C- shape

d- all the above

*answer: a

5- Traube's space is………..

a- between left coastal margin and lower edge of left lung.

b- between right costal margin and upper edge of right lung.

C- between right costal margin and upper edge of left lung.

d- all the above

*answer: a

6_the pyloric orificeit open in to

a- illium

b- duodenum

c- jejunum

d- portal system

*answer: b

7- the tributaries of ivc is the following except?

a-common iliac .v.

b-left side .v.

c- hepatic .v.
d-right side .v.


8_ stomach bed is separated from the stomach by.-

a- Greater sac

b- lesser sac

c- fundus

d- pylori Antrum

*answer: b

9- the short gastric artery which are branch of the

a- gastroduodenal

b- splenic artery

c- common hepatic artery

d_ non above


10- left and right gastric vein drain into:

a- splenic vein

b- superior mesentric vein

c- portal vein

d_ all the above


11- left gastric artery branch of the

a- hepatic artery.

b- coeliac artery.

c- splenic artery

d_ non above


12- Rt and St gastroepiploic artery supply

a- lesser curvature

b- Greater curvature

c- fundus

d- non above


13- the nerve supply of the stomach arise from…….

a- sympathetic

b- parasymphatic

c- all above is correct

d- non of the correct


15_ the- anterior gastric nerve continuation of …….

a- right vagus

b- left vagus

c- all of the above

d- non of the above.


16- in stomach irregular food consumption causes except

a- Acidity

b- ulcer

c- gastritis

d- Typhoid

answer: d

17- small intestine made up of the following except

a- jejunum

b- ilium

c- appendix

d- duodenum

answer: c

18-Following Structures Form Part Of The Stomach Bed except:

a. Left Suprenalgland

b. Coeliac Trunka




19- the shorter part of small intestine is

a- jejunum
b- duodenum

C- ilium

d- all the above

answer: b

20- small intestine end at the:**

a- pyloroduodenl junction

c- superior duodenum flexure

d- lesser omenum

b-ileocaecal junction


21- 2sd part of the duodenum begins at the :**

a- the inferior duodenal flexure

b- the superior duodenum flexors

c- the pyloroduodenl junctions

d- the duodenm jejunum flxure

answer: b.

22- longitudinal fold of the suspensory:**

a- major duodenum papilla

b- minor duodenum papilla

C- plica longitudinal

d- non above
answer: c

23- vein of the duodenum drain in to :

a- splenic vein

b- portal vein

c- superior mesentric vein

d- all the above true

answer: d

24- sympathetic nerves of the dispensary ligament of treitz:**

a- from vagus

b- thoracic 4th spinal segment

c- thoracic 10th spinal segament

d- B,C is correct

answer: c

25 - villi of jejenum:**

a- more

b- large

c- thicker

d- all of the above


26 - site in the umbilical region is :**

a- jejunum

b- ilium
c- duodenum

d- non of the above


27-Spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the :

a- children

b- adult

c- infant

d- new born


28- in the upper border of the spleen showes incompletely fused because is:**

a- sharp notched

b- thich notched

c- developing from many splenules

d- non of above

answer: c

29- the spleen has two surface are:**

a- upper ana lower

b- medial and latral

c- superior and inferior

d- diaphragmatic and visceral

answer: d

30- the clinical angle of spleen is :**

a- anterobasal angle

b- posterobasal angle

c- latrobasal angle

d- non of the above

answer: a

31- all the following transmit from hilum of the spleen except:**

a- Tributaries of the splenic vein

b- Autnomic nerve and lymphatic

c- lienorenal ligament

d- terminal branches of splenic


32- portal circulation begin at the level of **

1- L2

2- L5

3- T12

4- T10

answer: a

33_draining vein of portal venous system:**

a- inferior vena cava

b- portal vein and it's branches

c- non of the above

d-all of the a bove

answer: b

34- terminatation of system venous system **

a- end by sinusoid capillary in the liver

b- 2 end (sets) of capillary

c- 1end (sets) of capillaries

d- non of the above

answer: c.

35- all the following branches from portal vein except:**

a- R.t terminal branch

b- Left terminal branch

c- splenic vein

d- short gastric veins.

answer: d

36-The lower part of the suspensory:**

a- striped muscle

b- elastic fiberes

c- plain m.fiber

d- all the above

answer: c
37- the shape of stomach is :**

a- J- shape

b- G- shape

c- pyridorm shape

d- A and C

amswer: d

38- the site of maximum tenderness in appendicitis is :**

a- promonteric

b- McBorney's point

c- parabolic

d- midinguinal

answer: b

39 - the liver characterized by: **

a- largest gland in the body

b- has 4 anatomical lobes

C- all the above

d- non above

answer: a

40- one of the following is a mobile part of large intestine**

a- Accending Colon.

b- Left Colic Flexure.

c-sigmoid Colon
d-decending Colon

answer: c

41-The anterior Taenia coli of large. intestene is**

a-Taenia Messcolica

b-Taenig libra

c-Taenia omentalis

d-Taenia Signata


42- The appendices epiploicae scartered over the Large intestine excepte:**


b- Caecum.

c- rectum

d-All above are correct


43- Most of the Liver is covered by ribs andCastal Cartilages except-**

a-Left hypochondrium.
b- Right hypochondrium.

c- upper part of epigastricam.

d- Lower part of epigastrium

answer: c.

44- Lobes of the Liver is :**

a-Large Left Labe

b-Small Right Lobe.

c-Large Right Lober

d_ all the above

answer: c

45- all above The porta Hepatis it transmits excepte :**

a-portal vein.b- Hepatic Artery. ●

b-Lymphatics and Lymph Nodes.

C- a_b

d-cystic duct

answer: d

46-all above Impression of the Liver excepted:**

a- in the Right Lobe of liver

b-Caudate impression

c-quadrate Lobe.

d- in the Left Lobe of Liver

answer: c
47-It is formed by the union of the cystic and Common hepatic ducts is:**

a- Bill duct

b-Cystic duct

c-Hepatic duct

d- all the above

answer: a

48_ The posteriormedial wall of the gall bladder neck Is dilated outwards to from a pouch called:

a-Caput medusa

b-Hartmann's pouch

c-traub's space

d_non above

answer: b

49-The stomach has all following exceptes-**

a-2 orifices

b- Curvature

c- Lobes

d 2 Surfaces

answer: c

50 -Which of the Following Structures Does Not Pass Through The Diaphragm**

a. Oesophagus

b. Aorta
c. Cisterna Chyli


answer: c

51-All the following characters of greater curvature excepte**

a- Convex

b- Con Cave

c-It forms the Left border of stomach

d-In the upper end present the cardic notch


52-Clinical Anatomy of Sto mch is :**

a- Fatty liver


c- Acidity

d- Appenditis

answer: c

53-All the following are special features of the 2nd * part of duodenum excepte:**

a-Major Duodenal papilla

b- Minor Duodenal papilla.

c-Right Colic flexure.

d-plical longitudinalis.

answer- c

54- All the following are present in Large intestine except :-**
a-Appendices Epiploicae.


c-Taenia Coli


answer: b

55- Hilum of the kichey contains the following structures from anterior.**

to posterior:

a-Renal artery-Renal vein, Renal pelvis.

b) Renal pelvis Renal artery, Renal vein.

c-Renal vein, Renal pelvis, Renal artery.

d- None of the above is correct.

answer: d

56- The extension Of the kidneys are from:**

a- T12-L4


c- T10- L3

d- non of the above is correct.


57-All the following contents. are the posterior relations of the kidney except-**

al Diaphragm

b-psoas major

C-psoas minor
d- Medial and lateral Arcuate ligament

answer: c

58- The anterior renal fascia is called :**

a-gerton's fascia

b-bizuckerkanidall Pascia

c-All of the above is correct

d- None of the above is correct

answer: a

59- The anterior relation of the left kidney contains the following structures except:**



c-Small intestine


answer: c

60-one of the following is from the contents of the anterier relations of the Right kidney:**

a- spleen.

b-Small intestine.


d-splenic vessels.

answer: b

61- Lateral border of the right kidney is related to :**


b-Descending colon
c-a & b are correct

d-None of the above is correct

answer: d

62- Each segment artery gives.**

a-under lobular artery

b-winter lobar artery

c-lobar artery

d-None of the above is correct.

Answer: c

63-All the following are the nerves supply of the kidney except:**

a- renal plexuses

b-Coeliac plexus

c- sympathetic (T10-L1) libers

d-All of the above is Convect.

answer: d

64-is the gradual loss of kidney function.**


b- Tuberculosis

c-Renal tumors.

d- chronic Renal failure.

Answer: d

65-The weight of each suprarenal gland is about:**

b- 5g


d- None of the above is correct

Answer: b

67-The cortex of the supraenal gland contains:**

a- Zona glomerulosa.

b-Zone Fasciculate

c-zona Reticularis

d-All of the above is correct.

Answer: d

68-The clinical anatomy of the suprarenal gland that children appears in the:**

a- Masclinization

b-adreogented syndrome

c-Addison's disease.

d- feminization

Answer: b

69-in The middle suprarenal ordery is branch of:**

a-Superior phrenic

b-inferior phrenic artery

c-abdomenal aorta

d) renal artery

Answer: c
70-The pancreas is considered as.**

a- exocrine gland

b-endocrine gland

c-Mixed gland

d-All None of the above is correct

Answers: c

71-A part of the pancreas that contains the alpha, beta and Delta cells called**


b- neck



Answer: d

72- The venues drainage & the pensions are Pencreas**

a-splenic vei

b-superior mesentic vein

c-portal vein.

d-All the above is caused.

Answers: d

73- All the following are the border of body of pancrous except..**

a- anterior border

b- posterior border

c- inferior border
d- superior border

Answer: b

74-Main pancreata duct is called-**


b- santorini

c-All the above is cond

d) non of the above is correct

Answer: .a

75- The anterior viscera relations of 2nd part of duodenum is :**

a- right colic flexure.

b- right renal vessles

c- right lob of the liver

d- right psoas major

Answer: c

76- the jejunum and ileum are supplied by branch of :**

a-suprarenal artery

B- superior mesenteric.

c- Coeliac artery

d- non of the above

answer: b

77- Tenia coli is absent in :**

a- appendix and rectum

b- appendix and cecum

c- appendix only

d- all above is correct


78- both sympathetic and parasympathatic is supply large intestine exept:**

a- lower half of the anal canal

b- lower half of cecum

c- all above correct

d- non above

Answer: a

79- upwards and to the left (2 o clock) in:**

a- paracolic

b- promonteric

c- splenic

d- non of the above

Answer: c

80- the largest gland in the body is:**

a- spleen

b- liver

c- skin

D-All above is correct

Answer: b
81- all the following is the posterior surface visceral relation in liver except:**

a- the caudate lobe

b- the bara area

c- diaphragm

d- the groov for the inferior vena cava

Answer: c

83- cystic vein which open directly into:**

a- liver

b- right branch of portal vein

c- all of the above correct

d- non of the above


84-the left supra renal vein drain in to**

a- Left abdomenal artery

b- Left renal vein

C- inferior renal vein

D- non above


85- All of the Following are Related to the Anterior Surface of Left Kidney Except:**



D-Left Colic Flexure

Answer: b

86- Suprenal Gland Does Not Receive Blood Supply From:*

a. Inferior Phrenic artery

b. Renal Artery

C. Sup. Mesenteric artery

D. Abdominal aorta

Answer: c

87-all of the following are anterior of 2nd part of duodenum except **

a)Rt. Part of liver

B) Rt. Renal vessels

C)transverse colon

D)small intestine

Answer: b

88-all of the following not of characters o jejunum except**

A)located in hypogastric Reagan

B) mesntry contain more fat

C) present of peritoneal window

D)has narrow lumen

Answer :c

89- not related of kidney **

A) after birth 12 lobe will fused to Form adult kidney

B) post. surface of kidney is flat

C) left kidney is above Rt. Kidney

D) hilum from anterior to posterior is : Renal pelvis..Renal a .. Renal V


90-not related with suprarenal gland **

A) coeliac Ganglion located at medial surface of Rt. and Lt. Supra renal gland

B) they located opposite of vertebral end of 11 intercostal muscle and 12 rib

C) IVC located anterior surface of LT. suprarenal gland

D) zona glomerulosa secret mineral

Answer: c


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