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Date:----- ----- 2018

Group number :--------

Final exam
Topographic anatomy and operative surgery
Lecturer : A.Lolishvili

Time: 50min

1. Which foramina does CN V3 pass through

a.Foramen ovale *********

b.Foramen rotundum

c.Internal acoustic meatus

d.Superior orbital fissure

2.Which of the following forms the lateral border of the posterior triangle of the neck?

a.Sternocleidomastoid muscle
b.Trapezius muscle
c.Omohyoid muscle

d.Levator scapulae muscle

3.Which hole in the skull does the internal carotid artery pass through?
a.Carotid canal ***********

b.Foramen magnum

c.Foramen ovale

d.Foramen lacerum

4.Which structure is found at the level of C3?

 a.Hyoid bone **********

b. Upper border of thyroid cartilage
c.Cricoid cartilage
d.Bifurcation of common carotid arteries

5. . At what level does the azygous vein enter the SVC?

 a.1st right intercostal space

b.2nd right costal cartilage

c.2nd right intercostal space **** not sure

d.3rd right costal cartilage

6. Pain from parietal pericardium is carried in somatic afferent fibres from what nerves?

 a.Long thoracic nerves

b.Phrenic nerves *********

c.Vagus nerves

d.Sympathetic trunks

7.posterior boundry of proper oral cavity:

a.soft palate *********

b.hard palate

c.teeth and gums

d.orophayngeal isthmus

8. What is the mineralized matrix, similar to bone but harder, that forms the primary mass of each tooth?

Correct answer is - dentine



9. The anterior mediastinum houses the:


b.pulmonary trunk

c.thymus gland *************

d.thyroid gland

10. lingual tonsil is?

a. acumalation of lymph follicles **************

b. acumalion of muscular tissius

c. acumulation of papilaes

d. acumulation of pulp

11. filiform papillae of tongue presents on:

a. apex and margins of tongue

b. anterior to sulcus terminalis

c. on the margins of tongue

d. lateral sides of medial septum ************

12. inferior longitudenal muscle of tongue attachements:

a. origin-median fibrous septum,insertion-sides of tongue

b. origin-root of tongue,insertion-apex of tongue *******

c. origin-submucosal fibrous layer of dorsum,insertion-submucosa of ventrum

d. origin-mylohyod line,insertion-hyoid bone

13. All of the following belong to the urinary system except:

     A.   Urethra.

     B.   Ureter.
     C.   Bladder.
     D.   Prostate. ******
14.    The urinary system is the principal system responsible for:
     A.   Removal of carbon dioxide.
     B.   Water and electrolyte balance.
     C.   Excretion of toxic nitrogenous compounds.
     D.   A and B
     E.   B andC **************
     F.    A, B, and C

15.The apex of the renal pyramid is called the:

   A.   Major calyx.
   B.   Minor calyx
   C.   Renal papilla. *********
   D.   Renal pelvis.
   E.   Ureter.
16.The tuft of capillaries in the renal corpuscle is called the
   A.   Podocytes.
   B.   Glomerulus. ***********
   C.   Calyx.
   D.   Renal pyramid.
   E.   Renal sinus.
17.The location of the kidneys in relationship to the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity is referre to as
   A.   Retroperitoneal. **********
   B.   Retroabdominal.
   C.   Posterior.

A18. The mitral valve controls blood flow from:

a. the left atrium to the aorta

b.the left atrium to the left ventricle ******

c.the right atrium to the right ventricle

d.the right ventricle to the pulmonary trunk

19.The carina is present at the bifurcation of what passage?

a. Brachiocephalic artery

b.Common carotid artery

c.Common iliac artery

d.Trachea **********

20. The cricoid cartilage is present at what vertebral level?

a. C5

b. C6 *******

c. C7



21. tensor veli palatini muscle attachement:

a. originate --in the posterior nasal spine and the palatal aponeurosis.Insert-- into the muscle of the opposite side

b. Originates-- in the cartilaginous part of the auditory tube as well as the scaphoid fossa of the sphenoid bone.

inserts-- into the palatine aponeurosis and broadens the soft palate by pulling it laterally ************

c. Origin-arises from the cartilaginous portion of the auditory tube and the petrous part of the temporal bone.
Inserts-- into the palatine aponeurosis as well as the fibers of the muscle on the opposite side

d. Origin- proximally to the posterior border of the hard palate and also to the palatine aponeurosis.

distally inserts-- itself on the posterior aspect of the lamina of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx

22. lesser omentum is:

a. made of a double layer of peritoneum that connects an organ with another organ or to the abdominal wall.

b. is a double-layered peritoneal fold that connects the lesser curvature of the stomach and the proximal part of the duodenum
to the liver *******************

c. is a prominent, four-layered peritoneal fold that hangs down like an apron from the greater curvature of the stomach and the
proximal part of the duodenum). After descending, it folds back and attaches to the anterior surface of the transverse colon and
its mesentery.

d. is a double layer of peritoneum that occurs as a result of the invagination of the peritoneum by an organ and constitutes a
continuity of the visceral and parietal peritoneum. It provides a means for neurovascular communications between the organ and
the body wall.A mesentery connects an intraperitoneal organ to the body wall—usually the posterior abdominal wall

23.omental foramen(epiploic foramen) superiorlybounded by:

a. the superior or first part of the duodenum

b.the liver, covered with visceral peritoneum **************

c. the IVC and a muscular band, the right crus of the diaphragm, covered anteriorly with parietal peritoneum.

d. the hepatoduodenal ligament (free edge of lesser omentum), containing the hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct

24. normal liver lies on the level of:

a. 3rd to 12 rib on the left side

b. 7rd to 11rib on the left side

c. 5rd to 7 rib on the left side **************

d. 3rd to 12 rib on the left side

25.central vein transmits blood to:

a.hepatic portal vein

b.hepatic bile duct

c.hepatic artery

d.hepatic vein ***************

26. stomach is connected to transverse colon by:

a. hepatoduodenal ligament

b. hepatogastric ligament

c. falciform ligament

d. greater omentum ***************

27.covering of lungs is called:



c.pleura *************


28. horizontal fissure extens on right lung

a. extends from T4 vertebra to 6th costal cartiladge

b. extends from T2 vertebra to 6th costal cartiladge

c. extends from T2 vertebra to 11th costal cartiladge

d. extends from T4 vertebra to 6th costal cartiladge

29.pleural recess is :


b.costodiaphragmatic ***********



30. These are triangular pieces of mostly hyaline cartilage located at the posterior and superior border of the cricoid cartilage.

a. corniculate

b.arythenoid ***********


31. Cirrhosis of the Liver is:

a. is the twisting of a bowel loop that may cause bowel obstruction and constriction of its vascular supply, which may lead to
b. is the invagination, or telescoping, of one bowel segment into a contiguous distal segment.

c. results from stone formation in the gallbladder and extrahepatic ducts

d. is a largely irreversible disease characterized by diffuse fi brosis, parenchymal nodular regeneration, and disturbed
hepatic architecture. Progressive fi brosis disrupts the portal blood fl ow, leading to portal hypertension *************

32.tail of pancreas is:



c.intraperitoneal *******8


33.visceral pleura is supplied by:

a.internal thoracic artery

b.bronchial artery ************

c.pulmonary artery

d.musculophrenic artery

34. Signs of Hyperthyroidism with Diffuse Goiter are:

a.Nasal congestion, facial pain and/or pressure, purulent discharge, fever, headache, painful maxillary teeth, halitosis

b. Thyrotoxicosis (hyperfunctional state), lid lag, exophthalmos (infiltrative increase in retrobulbar connective tissue and extraocular
muscles), pretibial myxedema (thickened skin on leg) *******

c. Myxedema ,Lethargy, memory impairment, slow cerebration ,Skin coarse, dry, scalding, cold (follicular keratosis), yellowish
(carotenemia),slow pals

d. Vesicular rash confined to a radicular or cranial nerve sensory distribution; initial intense burning and localized pain with vesicles
appearing 72–96 hours later

35.Hiatal Hernia is:

a. lower esophageal sphincter which Iprevents the back flow of gastric contents into
the lower esophagus. it can become compromised, usually by a loss of muscle tone or a sliding hiatal hernia,
leading to infl ammation of the esophageal lining.

b. Herniation of the diaphragm that involves the stomach. A widening of the space between
the muscular right crus forming the esophageal hiatus allows protrusion of part of the stomach superiorly into the posterior
mediastinum of the thorax ************************

c. GI lesions that extend through the muscularis mucosae and are remitting, relapsing lesions
d. is an idiopathic infl ammatory bowel disease that can affect any segment of the GI tract but usually involves
the small intestine (terminal ileum) and colon. Transmural edema, follicular lymphocytic infi ltrates, epithelioid cell granulomas, and
fi stulation characterize this disease

36. pancreas receives arterial supply from:

a.right hepatic artery

b.splenic artery *******

c.renal artery

37. impression on the liver:

a.renal **********




38.ascending colon is according to peritoneum:

a.retroperitoneal ***********




39. Intussusception is:

a. is the twisting of a bowel loop that may cause bowel obstruction and constriction of its vascular supply, which may lead to
b. is the invagination, or telescoping, of one bowel segment into a contiguous distal segment.***********

c. results from stone formation in the gallbladder and extrahepatic ducts

d. is a largely irreversible disease characterized by diffuse fi brosis, parenchymal nodular regeneration, and disturbed
hepatic architecture. Progressive fi brosis disrupts the portal blood fl ow, leading to portal hypertension

40.duodenum is supplied by:

a.pancreatico duodenal a ****************

b.pancreatico renal a

c.duodeno hepatic a

d.pancreatic a

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