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Topic GIT

Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title gastrointestinal tract
MCQ Author's Name sumeira adnan
Reference *BD chaurasia
Chapter / Page # chapter 19

1.assescary organ of GIT:

a) salivary glands
b) Small intestine
c) Esophagus
d) Sigmoid colon
2.Food is propelled along GIT through:
a) Voluntary muscle movt
b) Voluntary movt
c) Peristaltic movt
d) Skeleton muscle movt

3.About esophagus:
a) Travels Infront of trachea
b) Starts at the level of C6 and ends at T11
c) Lower esophagus sphincter is functional as well as
d) Dysfunction of lower esophageal sphincter causes acid
4. About stomach
a) Lies undercover of the left costal margin and rib
b) Cardia orifices joined by lower end of esophagus at the
level of T 10
c) Pyloric orifices open in transverse colon
d) Cardiac notch is present at lesser curvature

5.external features of stomach:

b) Angle incisure separates stomach from esophagus
c) Two sphincters above gastroesophageal and lower pyloric
d) Divided in two parts cardia and body
6.Blood supply and nerve innervation of stomach:
a) Fundus is supplied by short gastric artery (T)
b) Lesser curvature supplied by right and left gastroepiploic
artery (F)
c) sympathetic innervation by vagus nerve (F)
d) Sympathetic action is relaxation of sphincter and
contraction of gastric muscle(F)
Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title gastrointestinal tract
Sub topic small and large intestine
MCQ Author's Name sumeira adnan
Reference *BD chaurasia
Chapter / Page # chapter 20

7.About small intestine:

a)Extends from pylorus to ileocecal junction
b)Duodenum is moveable part
c) duodenum is curved around the head of spleen
d)1.5 meters long
8.Which of the following is not a characteristic of large
a) Sacculation
c) Taenia coli
d)Appendices epiploic

9.appendices epiploicae are seen in

a) Stomach
c) Duodenum

10 Peyer’s patches are present in

a) Duodenum
c) Ileum
d)Transverse colon
11.Intestinal villi
a) Numerous in duodenum
b) Fewer in duodenum
c) Numerous in ileum
d) Patchy in ileum
a) Middle part of GIT
b) Absorption is maximum in this part of GIT
c) The HAUSTRA of the colon are the small pouches caused
by sac formation CALLED SACCULATION
d) The taeniae coli (also teniae coli) are three separate
longitudinal ribbons of smooth muscle on the outside of
the stomach

13. variform appendix

a)This is worm like diverticulum arising from the
posterior wall of caecum
b)About 2 cm below the pyloroduodenal opening
c) Removal of appendix is not a option of treatment.
d)Basic function is digestion

14. About colon

a) . The transverse colon hangs off the liver, attached
to it by a large fold of peritoneum.
b)The transverse colon is encased in peritoneum, and
is therefore fixed
c) One function of the descending colon in the
digestive system is to store feces that will be
emptied into the rectum.
d)One of the main functions of the descending colon is
to remove the water and other key nutrients from
waste material and recycle it

15.Which cells in the pancreas make insulin?

a) Germ cells
b) Islet cells
c) Epithelial cells
d) Hepatic cells

16.What does pancreas make?

a) Enzymes
b) Carbohydrates
c) Fats
d) Muscles
17. All are diseases of GIT except
b)Peptic Ulcer
c) Hemorrhoids


a) Lubrication of faeces by water.
b)Bacterial flora of colon synthesis vit B
c) Primarily acts as a reservoir of food also as a mixer
of food
d)Produces intrinsic factor of castle which help in the
absorption of vit B12.
Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title gastrointestinal tract
Sub topic spleen,pancreas,liver
MCQ Author's Name sumeira adnan
Reference *BD chaurasia
Chapter / Page # chapter 23

19.clinical importance of spleen

a) Can be palpable in normal condition
b)Asplenia: where the spleen is enlarge
c) Hyposplenia: reduce splenic functions
d)Never palpable in any disease

20. All are true about Size and shape of pancreases

a) It is J – shaped, set obliquely.
b)It is about 15-20 cm long .
c) 2.5-3.8 cm broad and 1.2-1.8 cm thick and weighs
about 90 g.
d)It is G shaped, set obliquely

21. Regarding parts of pancreas

a) The pancreas is divided (from right to left) into the
head, the neck, and tail.
b)The head is most small part.
c) The tail reaches the hilum of the spleen.
d)The entire organ lies posterior to the stomach
separated from it by the greater sac.

22. vascular supply of pancreas all are true except

a) Arterial Supply by pancreatic branches of the

splenic artery and the superior
pancreaticoduodenal artery
b)Vein drain into splenic, superior mesenteric and
portal veins
c) Venous drainage by inferior
pancreaticoduodenal artery
d)Arterial supply by mesenteric artery
23. structure of pancreas all are true except
a) The endocrine component of the pancreas consists of
islet cells.
b)Two of the main pancreatic hormones are insulin and
c) Function of endocrine part is digestion .
d)The pancreas contains exocrine glands that
produce enzymes important to digestion

24. Main pancreatic duct all are true except

a) The main pancreatic duct is also called duct of
b)It lies near the posterior surface of the pancreas and
is recognized easily by its white color.
c) Within the head of the pancreas the pancreatic duct is
related to the bile duct which lies on its right side.
d)The two ducts enter the wall of the third part of
the duodenum.

25.which is false cause of pancreatitis

a) Infections.
c) Medications.
Topic urinary system
Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title urinary system
MCQ Author's Name sumeira adnan
Reference *BD chaurasia
Chapter / Page # chapter 30

01. Just posterior to the symphysis pubis; hollow,

collapsible sac empty=deflated balloon; full=pear
shape. Name this part.
a) Bladder
b) Ureters
c) External Urethral Sphincters
d) Urethra
02.How many ureters are present?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

03.Urine that has glucose in it usually an indicator of

a) Diabetes
b) Bacterial infection
c) Kidney stones
d) Muscle atrophy

04.The trigone is an area located within the

a) Urethra
b) Urinary bladder
c) Renal Pelvis area
d) Kidneys
05.Which among the following is structural and
functional unit of a kidney?
a) Nephron
b) Neuron
c) Urethra
d) Henle’s loop

06.Regarding position of kidney all are true except

a) Located retroperitoneally
b)Lateral to T12–L3 vertebrae
c) Lateral to T10-T12 vertebrae
d)The right kidney is slightly lower than the left, &
the left kidney is little nearer to the median plane
than the right.

07.Urine transport
a) Urine formed in the kidney passes through
a renal papilla at the apex into the major calyx
b)two or three minor calyces converge to form renal
c) The renal papilla is the location where the major
calyx ends
d)The pyramids consist mainly of tubules that
transport urine from the cortical, or outer, part
of the kidney.

08.Main functions of kidney :

a. Filters blood plasma, eliminates waste through
b. Maintain heart rate
c. Regulates osmolarity of body fluids, Filters
blood plasma, eliminates waste.
d. Kidney has no role in Acid-base balance

09. 3 layers of ureter tissue

a) Outer layer: muscular

b)Middle layer: fibrous
c) Inner layer: Epithelium

10. Parts of urinary bladder

a)Divided into four parts
b)broad fundus only
c) body and apex only
d)fundus and neck only

11.process of micturition.
a) Internal sphincter contracts voluntarily Smooth muscle
b)External sphincter voluntarily relaxes Skeletal
c) Poor control in infants is disease
d)Bladder muscle contracts Urine forces through ureter.

12. About urinary system

a) Kidneys – stores urine
b)Ureters –transport urine to bladder
c) Urinary bladder – produce urine
d)Urethra transports urine to bladder

13. Excretory product of urinary system

a)Urea, uric acid, Creatinine
b)Urea, blood, faeces
c) Uric acid only
d)Creatinine only
e) Blood

14.Main Component of urinary system

a. Bladder, ureter, kidney, suprarenal gland
b.2 ureter, 2 kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra
c. 1 ureter, 2 kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra
d. 2 ureter, 2 kidneys, urethra

15.Which one of the following is not a part of a renal

a) Loops of Henle
b)Peritubular capillaries
c) Convoluted tubules
d)Collecting ducts

16. Causes of acute kidney failure

a)Not enough blood flowing to the kidneys, heart

attack etc
b)Heart attack only
c) Claw hands
d)Main cause is viral fever

17. The urinary system is also known as:

a. The renal system.
b. The endocrine system.
c. The gastric system.
d. The reproductive system.
18. Internally both kidneys have three distinct

a. The cortex, mediastinum, and pelvis.

b. The cortex, medulla, and peritoneum.
c. The carina, medulla, and pelvis.
d. The cortex, medulla, and pelvis.

19. The renal medulla is composed of tissue

called ______.
a)Renal pyramids
c) Renal sinus
d)Renal pelvis
20. renal system does not play a direct role in
regulating which of the following?
a) Blood concentration
b)Blood temperature
c) Blood pressure
d)Blood pH
21. Urine is formed in a three-step process: which of the
following gives the correct order in which these steps take
place in the nephron?

a) Tubular secretion, tubular reabsorption, glomerular

b)Tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion, glomerular
c) Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular
d)Glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, tubular

Topic : reproductive system

Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title reproductive system
MCQ Author's Name sumeira adnan
Reference *BD chaurasia
Chapter / Page # chapter 31 and 32
01.Testes are protected in scrotum because they
a) Produce heat
b) Produce sperms
c) Help in micturition
d) Control homeostasis

2.Tunica alburginea is the covering of _____________

a) Testes
b) Liver
c) Spleen
d) Lungs

3.Name the primary sex organ of a female.

a) Testis
b) Mammary glands
c) Ovaries
d) Fallopian tube
4.Sperm is nourished by a sugary fluid from the
a) Cowper’s gland
b) Prostate gland
c) Seminal vesicle
d) Vas deferens

5.Seminal vesicle produce ___________

a) Sperm cells
b) Testosterone
c) Fructose rich fluid
d) Estrogen

6. Fallopian tube is differentiated into ____________

a) 3
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
7. The internal sex organs present in pelvic cavity they
a) uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries & vagina
b)Fallopian tubes only
c) Fallopian tubes, spleen
d)labia, clitoris, and vaginal opening

8. attachments of Broad ligaments.

a)Right and left broad ligament are folds of
peritoneum which attach the uterus to the
lateral pelvic wall.
b)The ovary is attached to the posterior layer of the
broad ligament called mesosalpinx.
c) It’s a Fibromuscular ligament
d)Attaches uterus with upper abdomen wall

9. Name of fibromuscular ligaments of uterus:

a)Round ligaments, Uterosacral ligaments,
Transverse cervical ligaments.
b)Broad ligament
c) Transverse cervical ligaments only
d)Uterosacral ligaments and Broad ligament
10.External Genital Organs
a. ureter
c. Prostate gland
d. bladder

Topic lymphatic drainage

01.All are true regarding lymphatic drainage except:

a) Larger particles (protein and particulate matter)can
be removed from the tissue only by the lymphatic.
b)Lymphatic system may be regarded as drainage
system of coarse type.
c) Drainage system which is accessory to the venous
d)70-80% is absorbed by the lymphatic which begin
in the tissue spaces.
Topic endocrine system

Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title endocrine system
MCQ Author's Name Sumeira Adnan

Chapter / Page # chapter 17

1.Which one of the followings are male sex hormones?

a. Insulins
b. Aldosterone’s
c. Androgens
d. Pheromones

2.In adults, insufficient thyroxine can lead to ______

a) Goiter
c) Cretinism

3.In Male the sex hormone that maintains sexual organs

and secondary sex characteristics is
4.In the body, both the blood sodium and potassium
levels are regulated by _______.
a) Pheromones
c) Cortisol
5.In which of the following pairs, the hormone of
endocrine glands and its primary action is mismatched.

a) Calcitonin - Lower blood calcium level

b)Parathyroid - Raises blood calcium levels
c) Somatostatin - Inhibits release of glucagon
d)Melatonin - Regulates the rate of cellular

6.Islets of Langerhans are found in

a) Anterior Pituitary
b)Kidney Cortex
c) Spleen
d)Endocrine pancreas

7.Name the condition when the concentration of Ketone

body increases in urine
a) Acromegaly
b)Diabetes mellitus
c) Diabetes insipidus
d)Cushing’s disease
8.Pituitary gland known as the 'master' endocrine gland
is under the control of
a) Pineal gland
b)Adrenal gland
c) Hypothalamus
d)Thyroid gland

a) Stimulates glucagon release while inhibits insulin
b)Stimulates release of insulin and glucagon
c) Inhibits release of insulin and glucagon
d)Inhibits glucagon release while stimulates insulin

10.The endocrine gland which contributes to setting the

body's biological clock is the ______.
a) Pituitary gland
b)Thymus gland
c) Pineal gland
d)Thyroid gland
11.In human adult females oxytocin
a)Causes strong uterine contractions during
b)Is secreted by anterior pituitary
c) Stimulates growth of mammary glands
d)Stimulates pituitary to secrete vasopressin

12.Specific region of Hypothalamus, responsible for

physiological sweat secretion, is
a)Para-ventricular nucleus
b)Supra-Optic nucleus
c) Median Eminence
d)Pars Distalis

13. Which of the following is Growth hormone inhibiting

a) FSH
b) TRH
d) Somatostatin

14. Name the hormone, which is released by the

posterior pituitary.
a) Oxytocin
b) TSH
d) Prolactin

15. Which one of the following is the main function of


a)Increase in blood volume

b)Decrease in blood volume
c) Increase in blood glucose
d)Decrease in blood glucose

16.Which of the following does the adrenal cortex


c) Aldosterone
d)Growth hormone

17.The largest endocrine gland thyroid gland lies at the

level of
a)C5 TO T1
b)C4 TO T1
c) C7 TO T2
d)C5 TO C7

18.which gland depend on the external environment for

raw material, iodine, to synthesize hormones:
a) Hypothalamus
c) Pancreas
d)Suprarenal gland

19.Thyroid capsule has following features:

a) It has only inner capsule
b) Inner true capsule formed by the peritracheal
c) The fibrous septa arising from the true capsule
divide the gland into two lobules.
d) the dense venous plexus lies deep to the true
20. Secretion of thyroid gland
a)Thyroxine – 93%, Triiodothyronine – 7%
b)Thyroxine – 7%, Triiodothyronine – 93%
c) Thyroid gland secrets calcitonin only
d)C cell secrete thyroxine
21. sign and symptoms of hyperthyroidism
a)weight gain, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation,
b)Weight loss, bradycardia
c) Decreased appetite
d)Decreased sweating

22. Parathyroid hormone raises blood Ca by acting on 3

Bone: main effect- stimulates osteoclasts -> bone
breaks down -> Ca released
Intestines: increases release of Ca from intestine
Kidney: stimulates excrete out of Ca from the kidney
Bone: main effect- stimulates osteoblasts -> bone breaks
down -> Ca released.

23.Abnormalities of parathyroid hormones are as fellow

a) Hyperparathyroidism, decrease amounts of
parathyroid hormone in the blood
b)Primary hyperparathyroidism is due to
autonomous, abnormal hypersecretion of PTH in
the parathyroid gland
c) Hyperparathyroidism most commonly due to
damage to or removal of parathyroid glands during
thyroid surgery
d)Secondary hyperparathyroidism is due to
autonomous, abnormal hypersecretion of PTH in the
parathyroid glan
24. Location of adrenal gland
a)Retroperitoneal, Related to upper pole of the
b)Peritoneal organ, Related to upper pole of the
c) Related to lateral surface of the kidney
d)Related to bladder

25.Two parts of thyroid gland connected by :

a) An isthmus
b) a bridge
c) A neck
d) A islet
26. Adrenaline and noradrenaline release from the
adrenal medulla in response to:
a. Pain
b. Anxiety
c. Excitement
d. All of the above

27. Stimulates contraction of uterine muscles:

a. Luteinizing Hormones
b. Gonadotropic Hormones
c. Oxytocin
d. Thyrotropic Hormones

28. Which of the following glands does not belong to the

endocrine system?

a. Pituitary
b. Thyroid
c. Parathyroid
d. Salivary

29. Which hormone decreases the production of urine?

a. ADH
b. Adrenalin
c. Oxytocin
d. Thyroxine

30. Which hormone plays the greatest role in the

contractions that occur in the uterus during labor?
a. ADH
b. Estrogen
c. Oxytocin
d. Prostaglandin

31.Which hormone exerts the greatest influence on

a. Thyroxin
b. Cortisone
c. Insulin
d. Parathormone
32. Which of the following is not true of thyroxine?
a. needed for normal mental growth
b. increases carbohydrate utilization
c. decreases lipid synthesis
d. decreases protein synthesis
33.Which of the following is not true of aldosterone?
a. secreted from the zona glomerulosa
b. decreases blood Na+ levels
c. stimulated by angiotensin II
d. raises blood volume

34.In the general stress syndrome, all of the following

are increased except which one?
a. Blood Sugar
b. Heart Rate
c. Blood Pressure
d. Digestion

35.Which gland produces growth hormone?

a. Pituitary
b. Hypothalamus
c. Parathyroid
d. Pancreas

01.Axial Skeleton' in human being consists of.

a) 70 bones
b) 80 bones
c) 90 bones
d) 100 bones

02.orifices means
a) Joint between two bones
c) An opening
d)Type of joint
03.Internal respiration takes place between
Between lungs and blood
Between lungs and tissue
Between nose and lungs
Between lungs and environment

04.coverings of lungs
a) Pericardium
c) Pleura

05.the lungs are

a)Cone shaped
b)Bean shaped
c) Pear shaped
d)None of the above
06.Right and left hepatic duct join to form
a)Common hepatic duct
b)Cystic duct
c) Pancreatic duct
d)None of the above

07.main function of nose is

a) Warming
c) Humidification
d)All of the above

Semester # one
Subject Name Anatomy
Lecture Title endocrine system
MCQ Author's Name Sumeira Adnan
Chapter / Page # chapter 17

08.What will be the level of thyroid hormone in

hyperthyroid patient
a) Reduced
c) Remain same
d)None of the above

09. Urinary bladder lies in

a) Thoracic cavity
b)Pelvic cavity
c) Peritoneal cavity
d)None of the above

10.What is the most common form of thyroid hormone

released by the thyroid gland?
c) None of the above
d)All of the above

11.Which gland produces growth hormone?

a. Pituitary
b. Hypothalamus
c. Parathyroid
d. Pancreas

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