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Chapter 11

Stability of Slopes
11.1 Causes of instability in slopes, modes of failure and its
remedial measures
Stability of slopes in soil mechanics refers to the ability of a slope to resist failure
or movement. Soil stability is important in construction, as slopes that are not
stable can lead to landslides or other types of failure.
There are several causes of instability in slopes, including:
• Slope angle: A steeper slope angle can increase the risk of failure, as the weight
of the soil can cause it to slide or slump.
• Soil type and composition: Different types of soil have different properties that
can affect stability. For example, clay soils are typically more stable than sandy
soils, but they can become unstable when they become saturated with water.
• Water: Water can weaken the soil, making it more susceptible to failure. Water
can come from precipitation, surface runoff, or groundwater.
• Vegetation: Vegetation can provide stability to a slope by holding soil particles
together. The absence of vegetation can increase the risk of failure.
• Human activities: Human activities such as construction or mining can alter the
natural conditions of a slope and increase the risk of failure.
• Earthquake: A strong earthquake can cause soil liquefaction which can cause
instability and failure in slopes
• Climate change: Climate change can affect slope stability through changes in
precipitation, temperature, and sea level.
• Time‐related factors: weathering, erosion, and other natural processes can
cause changes in soil properties over time, which can lead to instability.
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Modes of failure of slopes:
The modes of failure of slopes can be broadly grouped into two categories
• Slow failure: Slow failure occurs over a long period of time and is often caused
by weathering, erosion, and other natural processes. Examples of slow failure
include creep, soil settlement, and soil collapse.
• Rapid failure: Rapid failure occurs suddenly and is often caused by a
combination of factors, such as heavy rainfall or an earthquake. Examples of
rapid failure include landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows.
Some specific modes of failure of slopes are:
• Rotational failure: In the case of rotational failure, the failure occurs by rotation
along a slip surface and the shape thus obtained in slip surface is curved. Failed
surface moves outwards and downwards. In homogeneous soils, the shape is
circular while in case of non‐homogeneous soils it is non‐circular. Rotational
failure may occur in three different ways : Face failure or slope failure, Toe
failure and Base failure.
• Translational failure: Translation failure occurs in the case of infinite slopes and
here the failure surface is parallel to the slope surface. When the soil along the
slope has similar properties up to a certain depth and soil below this layer is
strong or hard stratum, the weak topsoil will form a parallel slip surface when
failed. This type of failure can be observed in slopes of layered materials or
natural slope formations.
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Modes of failure of slopes:
• Wedge failure: Wedge failure, also known as block failure or plane failure, generates a
failure plane that is inclined. This type of failure occurs when there are fissures, joints, or
weak soil layers in slope, or when a slope is made of two different materials. It is more
similar to translational failure but the difference is that translational failure only occurs in
case of infinite slopes but wedge failure can occur in both infinite and finite slopes.
• Compound Failure: A Compound failure is a combination of translational slide and
rotational slide. In this case, the slip surface is curved at two ends like rotational slip
surface and flat at central portion like in translational failure. The slip surface becomes flat
whenever there is a hard soil layer at a considerable depth from toe.
Remedial measures of slope instability:
• Drainage: Installing drainage systems, such as French drains, can help control water flow
on and around the slope and reduce the risk of failure.
• Retaining walls: Building retaining walls can help support the slope and prevent failure.
Examples, gabion walls, gravity‐retaining wall, cantilever walls, buttress counterfort
retaining wall, steel crib walls, etc.
• Soil stabilization: Methods such as soil nailing, shotcreting, and grouting can be used to
stabilize the soil and reduce the risk of failure.
• Slope re‐grading: Changing the angle of the slope or re‐grading the soil can help reduce
the risk of failure.
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Remedial measures of slope instability:
• Bio‐engineering: Planting vegetation on the slope can help hold soil particles
together and increase stability. The use of living plants either alone or in
conjunction with small scale civil engineering structures for the purpose of
reducing the shallow seated instability and controlling erosion on slopes is called
• Rockfall protection: Rockfall protection measures such as rock fall mesh, rockfall
barriers and rockfall netting can be used to prevent rockfall hazards.
• Early warning systems: These systems can detect potential failure mechanisms
and give early warning of potential failure, allowing for evacuation and other
preventive measures.
• Monitoring: Monitoring the slope regularly can help detect changes in stability
and allow for early intervention.
11.2 Finite and Infinite Slopes
• In soil mechanics, the term "finite slope" refers to a slope of limited height,
typically less than 15 meters or 50 feet.
• Finite slopes are typically found in man‐made structures such as cut slopes,
embankments, or retaining walls.
• Finite slopes are characterized by a well‐defined upper and lower surface,
and they can be analyzed using slope stability analysis methods such as the
limit equilibrium method, the method of slices, or the finite element method.
• On the other hand, "infinite slopes" refers to slopes of unlimited height, such
as natural hillsides, mountains or cliffs.
• Infinite slopes are characterized by an upper surface that is not well‐defined,
and the analysis of these slopes is more complex than finite slopes. The
analysis of infinite slopes is typically done using numerical models or
different stability analysis methods.
11.3 Stability analysis of infinite slopes, Taylor stability number
Consider a homogeneous soil having an infinite slope in which no seepage is
taking place. For an infinite slope in a homogeneous soil, the stresses and soil
properties on every vertical plane are same, and also on any plane parallel to
the slope, they are again identical. Hence, failure occurs due to the sliding of
the soil mass along the plane parallel to the slope at a certain depth
(translational slide). Consider the following diagram:

abcd = soil element at failure

α= Slope angle
W= Weight of soil element
N= Normal component of W
T= Tangential component of W
L= Length of soil element
11.3 Contd..

• Here, W = g LH
• N = W cosα
• T = W sinα
• The normal stress acting at the failure plane,
s= N/Ab=W cosα/(L/cosα)=g H cos2α
• The shear stress acting at the failure plane
causing the slide,
Ꞇ= T/Ab=W sinα/(L/cosα)= g H cosαsinα
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11.3 Contd..
11.4 Stability analysis of finite slopes:

For the analysis of finite slopes there are three methods:

• Swedish circle method (Slip circle method):
This method of analysis of finite slope is used for purely cohesive and fully
saturated soil. Thus, this type of analysis is also known as “f=0” analysis.
Here, the mass of soil above sliding surface is taken as a unit. This type of analysis
is useful when the soil that forms the slope is assumed to be homogeneous.
This method is also used for short term analysis of slopes. The saturated soil is
considered to be in undrained stage. So, total stress parameters are used.
11.4.1 Swedish circle (slip circle, total stress analysis)

11.4.2 Slice method (C‐f analysis)
• In this method, the soil mass above a circular failure surface is divided into many
slices (6‐12 slices).
• It is considered that the normal force and shearing force acting on the side of a
slice due to adjacent slice, is equal and opposite, thus cancelling each other.
11.4 Slice method (C‐f analysis)
11.4.3 Friction circle method
• Assumes the failure surface as an arc of a circle.
• Used for short term stability of slopes, hence
undrained parameters are used.
• Figure shows a slope with trial surface in the form
of a circular arc of radius R with its center at O.
• Let length of arc AC = L, which is made up of
number of elementary arcs of length ∆L.
• If the mobilized cohesion along the circular failure
surface is cm, which opposes the movement of soil
along the plane (causes failure), then the
mobilized cohesion acts tangentially opposite to
the slope movement. Example, for the
elementary arc mobilized cohesive force is cm.∆L.
• The resisting cohesion is the value of cohesion of
soil found from tests (cu)
• The resultant of this cohesive force along the arc
AC is given by cm.Lc, where Lc is the length of
chord AC.
• The position of resultant cm.Lc is determined by
equating the sum of the moments of all the
elementary cohesive forces along the slip circle
about the center of rotation O, to moment of the
resultant about O.
• Other forces acting are weight of sliding mass (W)
and total frictional resistance (P) on the slip
11.4.3 Friction circle method
• Considering equilibrium of forces, we can draw the force polygon as shown in
• The resultant P has to pass through the point of intersection of W and C, and
is tangential to the friction circle with radius RsinΦ.
• Factor of safety with respect to cohesion,
Fc = cu/cm; where cm = C/Lc.
• Factor of safety with respect to friction,
FΦ = tanΦ/tanΦd; where Φd is the angle of friction developed along the
potential failure surface.
• Factor of safety with respect to strength,
Fs = Fc =FΦ
• First assume FΦ = 1, and find Φd
• Find cm using Taylor Stability number formula.
• Calculate Fc.
• Compare if Fc =FΦ; if correct then Fs = Fc =FΦ
• Else, choose other value of FΦ and find respective values of Fc
• Plot the graph Fc vs FΦ to find the point of Fc =FΦ which is the required Fs.
11.5 Location of most critical circles
• To find the slip circle with minimum factor of safety, Fellenius has given a graphical method to determine
the location of the center of most critical circle, which determines the failure slip circle.
• Consider a slope AB inclined at angle α.
• The Fellenius line (line consisting the center of critical circle) passes through point D, located at depth H
below point A, and at a distance of 4.5H from point A at the toe of slope; where H = height of slope.
• Locate point E by drawing two lines AE and BE, where AE makes angle β1 with AB, and BE makes angle β2
with horizontal as shown in figure.
• Angles β1 and β2 can be obtained from
the table below:

Slope angle Slope ratio β1 β2

60 1: 0.58 29 40
45 1: 1.00 28 37
34 1: 1.50 26 35
27 1: 2.00 25 35
18 1: 3.00 25 35
11 1: 5.00 25 37
11.5 Location of most critical circles
• The centers of slip circles are located in the line joining D and E (Fellenius Line)
• Trial circles are taken with centers in the Fellenius line(ED), and factor of safety for those trial circles are
obtained and plotted on the line ED as shown in figure.
• The center of circle corresponding to the minimum factor of safety indicates the most critical circle.
• For purely cohesive soil (Φ=0), the point E itself represents the center of most critical circle.
11.6 Use of stability coefficients

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