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‫مدارس الرياض للبنين و البنات‬

Riyadh Schools for Boys & Girls

‫متوسط و ثانوي دولي بنات‬
High School International Girls ١٤٣٩‫ـ‬١٤٣٨
‫الفصل الدراسي األول‬
2017/ 2018
First Semester

Science Department
Tahsili 3

1. Volvox belongs to:

a. red algae
b. green algae
c. golden algae
d. brown algae

2. Sarcodinas are able to move by

a. pseudo podia
b. flagella
c. cilia
d. none of the above

3. The relation between two living organisms, both of them get benefit from the other
a. symbiosis
b. commensalism
c. mutualism
d. parasitism

4. Disease transferred by mosquitoes

a. typhoid
b. plaque
c. malaria
d. tuberculosis

5. The (paramecium) contractile vacuoles in the ciliates can regulate

a. water
b. food
c. energy
d. reproduction

6. Tse tse fly causes

a. American sleep disease
b. African sleeping disease
c. tuberculosis
d. fever

7. Which of the following is not a method for obtaining food from Fungi?
a. Parasitism
b. decomposition
c. Photosynthesis
d. symbiosis

8. Dinoflagellate is characterized by
a. Radial symmetry
b. asexual reproduction
c. pseudocoelomates
d. move by using Flagella

9. One of the following characteristics is not in sticky fungus

a. live in water
b. no cell
c. produce flagellated spores
d. cell wall made from chitin

10. Most life cycles of algae are characterized by:

a. alternation of gametes
b. alternation of cycles
c. alternation of generation
d. alternation of chromosomes

11. Animal-like protists produce spores in one stage of their life cycle
a. sporozoans
b. Sarcodinas
c. ciliates
d. flagellates

12. The kingdom Protista is of three groups according to

a. reproduction
b. movement
c. breathing
d. feeding

13. Some types of fungi live with algae symbiotically to form together a
a. Hypha
b. Lichens
c. Root fungi
d. fungal root

14. That is used to feel light in euglena is

a. Plastids
b. Nucleus
c. cortex
d. eye spot

15. Diatoms store excess food as
a. Carbohydrates
b. Oils
c. Proteins
d. Sugars

16. algae belong to golden algae

a. Spirogyra
b. Volvox
c. Euglena
d. Diatoms

17. The plasmic membrane is pushed by the cytoplasm in Sarcodinas by

a. Flagella
b. Pseudopodia
c. pili
d. Cilia

18. Protists are classified into 3 groups according to:

a. how do they obtain food
b. how they move
c. reproduction
d. respiration

19. Paramecium belongs to

a. Ciliates
b. pseudopods
c. sporozoans
d. flagellates

20. The cell wall of diatoms is made up of:

a. peptidoglycan
b. cellulose
c. chitin
d. silica

21. Which of the following is not a way how fungus obtains food?
a. parasitism
b. photosynthesis
c. decomposition
d. symbiosis

22. Chitin is :
a. Complex sugar
b. amino acid
c. fatty acid
d. minerals

23. Yeast cells reproduce by:
a. binary fission
b. budding
c. splitting
d. cutting

24. Athletes’ foot disease is caused by:

a. Viruses
b. bacteria
c. fungus
d. algae

25. Unicellular fungus :

a. Mold
b. mushroom
c. yeast

26. The cell wall of fungus is made up of :

a. Cellulose
b. chitin
c. peptidoglycan
d. silica

Answer key:
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. b
10. c
11. a
12. d
13. b
14. d
15. b
16. c
17. b
18. a
19. a
20. d
21. b
22. a
23. b
24. c
25. c
26. b

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