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Work Sheet-3 XI-2079 Suresh Thapa

Algae (Spirogyra)
1. Which is commonly called ‘water silk’?
a. Ulothrix b. Spirogyra c. Chlamydomonas d. None
2. Meiosis in Spirogyra occurs
a. Before gamete formation
b. Before zygote formation
c. After zygospore formation
d. After zygospore germination
3. Phycocolloids are the characteristics of
a. BGA b. green algae c. brown algae d. red algae
4. Which is not characteristic of algae?
a. Found only in water
b. All contains thread like thallus
c. Gametes are motile in water
d. Embryo is not formed in the life cycle
5. Red sea is red in colour due to Trichodesmium erythraeum, which is
a. Bacteria b. cyanobacteria algae d. brown algae
6. The plant, which gives agar-agar, is
a. Chara b. Gelidium c. Sargassum d. Laminaria
7. Iodine is extracted from brown algae called
a. Laminaria c. Gelidium d. Porphyra d. Ulva
8. Potash is extracted from brown algae called
a. Polysiphonia b. Laminaria c. Macrocystic d. Chondrus
9. Cephaleuros virescens causes red rust of tea leaf, which is
a. Red algee b green algae c. brown algae d. none
10. The antibiotics chlorellin is produced by
a. Chlorella b. Laminaria c. Polysiphonia d. Porphyra
11. One of the algae can be used as food in the space flight, is
a. Ulothrix b.Chlorella c. Spirogyra d. Nostoc
12. Spirogyra plant represents the
a. Haploid generation
b. Diploid generation
c. Neutral generation
d. None of these
13. Which is the reserve food material of red algae?
a. Cynophycean starch b. laminarian starch c. floridean starch d. starch
14. Sometimes, ladder-like structure is exhibited in Spirogyra
a. Scalariform conjugation
b. Lateral conjugation
c. Direct conjugation
d. Asexual reproduction
15. Non-motile and thin walled spores of Spirogyra are called
a. Macrospores b. microspores c. aplanospores d.zygospores
16. Zygospore of spirogyra is
a. Haploid b. diploid c. polyploid d. none
17. Spirogyra is commonly known by the name of pond scum or pond silk because
a. Spirogyra filaments are not rough
b. The pectose layer of Spirogyra filament becomes mucilaginous
c. The filaments secrete a silky substance
d. The cellulose layer secretes a mucilaginous substance
18. The Chlorophyceae is
a. Red algae b. brown algae c. green algae d. None
19. A large central vacuole is found in the centre of the cell and cytoplasm forms a thin layer at
periphery. Such cytoplasm is also called
a. Primordial utricle b. spiral chloroplast c. cytoplasmic strand d.all of the
20. Chain like conjugation is called
a. Scalariform conjugation b. lateral conjugation c. akinetes d. aplanospores
21. The study of algae is known as
a. Algology or phycology b. mycology c. paleontology d. cytology

Mitosis and Meiosis

1. In which of the following stages of cell division of DNA content becomes doubled?
a. G1-phase b. S-phase c. metaphase d. G2-phase
2. In angiosperms, meiosis takes place in
a. Zygote b. spore c. spore mother cell d. endosperm
3. Mitochondria increases its number in cell during
a. Early G1-phase b. S-phase c. G2-phase d. late G1-phase
4. How many vegetative cells are produced by 4 turns of cell division
a. 6 b. 8 c. 16 d. 4
5. Crossing over takes place in
a. Diplotene b. pachytene c. diakinesis d. leptotene
6. Division of cytoplasm is called
a. Cytokinesis b. karyokinesis c. cell division d. none
7. How many meiosis divisions are required to produce 20 seeds?
a. 12 b. 18 c. 20 d. 25
8. How many meiotic divisions are required for the formation of 200 seeds of Capsella?
a. 200 b. 400 c. 250 d. 300
9. If the initial amount of DNA is denoted as 2X, then the amount of DNA present in S-phase will
a. 4X b. 2X c. 8X d. X
10. How many equational divisions are necessary in a cell of onion root tip to form 128 cells?
a. 64 b. 127 c. 7 d. none
11. The number of mitotic cell division required to produce 256 cells from the single cell would be
a. 10 b. 12 c. 6 d. 8
12. Cell plate grows from
a. Walls to the centre b. centre to the walls c. in patches d. simultaneously
13. During which stage the chromosomes first become visible
a. Anaphase b. metaphase c. prophase telophase
14. The stage in which daughter chromosomes move towards the poles of the spindle
a. Anaphase b. metaphase c. prophase d. telophase
15. The exchange of segments of two non-homologous pair of chromosomes is termed as
a. Crossing over b. linkage c. terminalization d synapsis

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