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The diagram demonstrates how do the process produce chocolate from the beans until

became product of factory.

There are at least have 3 stage in producing chocolate product. firstly must we know
that harvest the ripe red pods of cocoa trees . that only grow around America, Africa and
indonesia we used pods harvested of white cocoa beans next the bens fermented in
fermentation room don not forget to spread in sun to dry and lets put into large sacks for
easier tidy.

Before the cocoa beans became chocolate the harvester must transported by train or
lorry go to the factory, when was taken by factory beans manner to rosted few hours. The
next stages is crush processing until outer sheil removed. put cocoa beans and inner part
pressed make the liquid chocholate produced. From this stage we can manner many food and
drink contain chocolate such ice cream, bar chocolate, cake or candy.


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