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The flowchart illustrates the process of producing chocolate.

Overall, there are ten stages of chocolate production, starting with collecting ripe pods from cacao
trees, and finishing with making liquid chocolate.
Firstly, red pods from cacao trees, which are grown in South America, Africa, and Indonesia are
harvested, and white cocoa beans inside them are selected. After that, the beans are fermented and
dried by spreading in the sun.
Once dried, the beans are put in large sacks at the fifth stage, and ready to be transported by train,
lorry, or ship. When delivered to the factory, the beans are then roasted at 350 degrees Celcius. The
following step of this is that the beans are crushed to remove the outer shell. Finally, after removing
the outer shell, the inner part of the beans is pressed into liquid chocolate, which also finishes the
process of the ten stages of producing chocolate.

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