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The diagram shows how sugar is produced from sugar canes.

There are seven stages in the production, starting with

growing sugar canes and ending with drying and cooling sugar to use.

First, sugar canes are grown on the fields. It takes twelve to eighteen months for sugar canes to grow up. Next, they
are harvested either manually by farmers or by machines. They are then put into the crushing machine. This
machine is made of metal, specially designed for extracting the juice from sugar canes. After that, the juice is
purified through a limestone filter to remove extra fibre. In the next stage, the juice is put into an evaporator under
high heat where the water in the juice is evaporated and the juice becomes syrup. After that, the syrup is poured
into a centrifuge. This machine can seperate sugar crystals from syrup to form sugar. In the finally stage, sugar is
dried and cooled.

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