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The diagram illustrates the manufacturing process of sugar making from

sugar canes.

Overall, there are 7 stages in the process of making sugar, starting with
planting the sugar canes and ending with many white solid seasonings we
know as sugar.

Firstly, sugar canes are planted in the soil for 12 to 18 months before they can
be harvested by humans or machines. After that they are then crushed into
juice by the crushing machine and subsequently, the liquid created after being
crushed will be purified in a limestone filter.

Following that, we get to the syrup-making stage, where the purified juice is
heated in the evaporator in order for the juice to turn into syrup. Afterwards,
it will be centrifuged in the centrifuge to separate the sugar crystals from
syrup. Finally, after the process of drying and cooling the syrup becomes
sugar ready to be sold to the customers.

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