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Writing Task 1 (Test 2)

The chart provides information about how to transform sugar cane into

Overall, it can be clearly seen that in order to change canes into seasoning
take a lot of time and equipment; moreover, some steps require
professional skills.

A closer look at the diagram reveals that the process starts with growing
the cane which may take about 12 to 18 months; next, the ingredients will
be harvested by the farmers; not only by hand but also by machine.

After that, the crushing process will begin and turn the ingredients into
juice; furthermore, it will be filtered by the limestone filter to purify it. Then,
the farmers use heat to evaporate the air and change the juice into syrup. In
addition, the centrifuge is also an important part; if we skip this step, there
will still have some crystals remaining in the syrup. The last part is to dry
and cool the syrup, so it will change into sugar and be ready for usage.

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