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The diagram presents the whole process of manufacturing the instant noodles, which

is composed by eight procedures.

Based on the picture, we could see that the flour was delivered to be stored in the
factories, becoming the storage silos at first. Then the silos will be integrated with the
water and oil in a open-box at the start site of the Rollers. Next, after being rolled by
the rollers, the mixer is changed into the dough sheets, after which the sheets will be
cut by the auto machines and be the dough strips. The following step is that the strips
will be shaped by the machines and turn into the Noodles discs, then these discs must
be cooked with oil and dried utilizing high temperature. Fishing all the steps above,
those discs will be put into one by one cups, adding the vegetables and spices.
Eventually, all the cups are decorated with the labelling , after that they are able to be
sold in the markets.

To sum up, it isn't too much complicated to produce the instant noodles, and the eight
steps can be regarded as three parts, which are storage , processing, and decorating

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