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Correction [w1]


The given diagram illustrates the way to create ethanol fuel from corn.
Overall, it is clear that there are 9 stages in the process, beginning with collecting the corn and
ending with delivery. The special things about this process is that it takes 48 hours for fermenting
The first step of this process involves harvesting the corn from the field, followed by loading it in
warehouse. The process continues with grinding corn into flour, following this water is added to the
flour to get a mixture cooked in 4 hours straight.
In the subsequent step, the cooked mixture is fermented in 48 hours and then that previous product
is separated into solid by-product and liquid. Afterwards, that solid byproduct ___ then be then
removed and the liquid is kept to be refined to get ethanol in 5 hours. After storing the resulting
ethanol, it is delivered to distributors or stores in the final step.

The given diagram illustrates the way bricks are made for industrial building purposes.

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Overall, the process includes/involves contains 7 stages which begin with digging the clay and
ending end with transporting. The special part of this process is to put the bricks into 3 small stages
of heating and cooling to get the required durability.
The beginning step of the process is contains excavating the clay from the ground by a big digger
followed by placing it on the metal grid to gain smaller pieces. Those pieces are is then rolled to get
fine clay followed by adding water and sand to this product to gain/collect/obtain a mixture. The
resulting product is either put into the mould or cut by the wire cutter to get rectangular shaped
Rectangle-shaped bricks
Rectangular bricks
Afterwards, these bricks are dried in drying oven from 24 to 48 hours. In the subsequent step, the
bricks are moved into a kiln that will heat them it with the temperature from 200oC to 980oC and
then another kiln with higher temperature from 870 to 1300 before they are cooled in a cooling
chamber from 48 to 72 hours. Finally, the bricks are packaged before being transported to
distributors distrubutors.

The given diagram describes the process in which ethanol fuel is made from corn. Overall, there are
9 main steps involved in the production of ethanol fuel. The fermenting process is probably the
most noteworthy one, which makes use of useful bacteria and tiny creatures in order to ferment

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cooked corn. In the first stage, corn is harvested from the field by farmers before being preserved in
the barn. Afterwards, the stored corn is crushed into corn flour, which is then cooked with water for
4 hours continuously. The resulting mixture goes through a special step – fermenting, which lasts
48 hours. Next, the fermented product is separated into 2 products named the solid by-product
which is discarded, and the liquid which is collected. Following this The following step is the
purification of ethanol, which is taken from the previous step, in 5 hours. The filtered ethanol is
then stored and ready for distribution to retailers and stores.

The supplied given/provided diagram illustrates the method how bricks are manufactured for
construction use. In general, the production of bricks is a 7-steps process, in which the sortation of
clay is considered the most crucial, as it ensures the smoothness of the produced brick. At first,
clay is exploited by an excavator at a river bank. Next, the collected clay is placed on a metal grid,
which sorts out the bigger clay to gather smaller pieces into a roller. The previous product is then
mixed with sand and water, and the mixture is either cut by a wire cutter, or moulded into the
rectangle-shaped bricks. After being handled, the product is put into drying oven, which heats the
bricks for 24 to 48 hours. The following stage involves burning the bricks in kiln at moderate
temperature – from 200oC to 980oC and at high temperature – from 870oC to 1300oC. Subsequently,
bricks are cooled in a cooling chamber for 48 to 72 hours, which will then be ready for packaging,
and delivering to distributors.
Writing task 2: Nowadays, in many countries, women have full-time jobs. Therefore, some people
think that it is logical to share housework evenly between men and women.
Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

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[1] paraphrase ‘đề’
[2] answer the question
some people think/believe/argue that ____
= It is thought/believed/argued that ____
= There is a thought/a belief/an argument that ___
housework = household chores = domestic tasks
women work full time
women work on a full-time basis
-share the responsibility of making money – share financial burden/budgetary pressure
ensure equality – remove sexual discriminations
-strengthen familial bonds
understand the difficulities of completing household chores – mutual
if not
women feel tired/burnt out – feel unfair – potential cause – arguments/conflicts – divorce
be proficient in __
= be good at
Practice Process:You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows how energy is produced from coal.
Write at least 150 words.

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coal [transport/move to the factory by trucks] – coal [place/put/load/feed/bring into Furnace by
roller/conveyor belt] – Oxygen [pump/lead/pipe into Furnace] – coal [burn/heat] = slag
[eliminate/dispose] + raw syngas [filter/refine/purify by removing CO2/Hg/S] – purified syngas
[pump into Gas turbine – make gas turbine spin/turn/operate/rotate/work/run/power/drive/activate]
[1] make generator activate – generate/produce/create electricity
[2] Hot exhaust gases [discharge/release/emit + lead into HRSG: ___ be transformed/converted into
Overall, the process begins with delivering the coal and ends with generating the electricity. The
special part of this process prosess is that the electricity can be generated in two different ways
After that, the refined syngas is pumped into gas turbine to make it operate, which activates the
generator to produce electricity. In On the other hand, operating the gas turbine also releases hot
exhaust gases, which are then led lead to heat recovery steam generator and then be converted into
steam. Afterwards, the resulting steam is pumped into the steam turbine to make it spin, which also
activates the generator to create electricity
Fish – fishes
Then – subsequently
The generation of electricity is a complex process, in which the refinement of raw syngas is
probably most noteworthy as it purifies syngas for later process. ___. The Purified syngas is then
piped into Gas turbine and in turn powers the first Generator creating Electricity. Next, the hot
exhaust gases are discharged into a Heat Recovery Steam Generator which makes use of the

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remaining products from the previous stage to create steam. Following this, the resulting steam is
pumped into Steam turbine and operates it to drive a Generator to produce Electricity.
Thereby + V-ing
This process has one special thing, that is the heat recovery steam generator. Using a variety of
different complex machineries, the generator is able to create flue gases and steam from exhaust
gases alone.
As the purified syngas from the removal procedure is pumped into the gas turbine, it makes the
turbine revolve, thus activating the generator which creates electricity. The gas turbine while
spinning also creates a lot of hot exhaust gases that are is led into the heat recovery steam generator.
This generator transforms the exhaust gases into flue gases and steam. The exhaust gases, now
transformed into steam, is pumped into the steam turbine that initiates the turbine and,
consequently, the generator connected to it to create electricity.
Homework w2+w1

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