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Writing: how to make Instant noodles

The picture highlights the step involved in producing instant noodles.

Overall, there are eight stages, starting with the storage of raw materials and
finally packaging for later consumption.

The first stage is to store flour in silos, which is delivered from the flour factory to
the noodle manufacturing. Water, oil, and this flour are combined together in a
mixer to make instant noodles. After that, rollers transform the mixture of
essential components into flat and thin dough sheets, which are then sliced into
many dough strips. After being rounded to form noodles discs, these long and
narrow sections are cooked in hot oil and dried to eliminate any excess oil.

After the necessary ingredients have been blended, processed, chopped,

rounded, cooked, and dried to make the finished noodles discs, which are the
most important components of instant noodles, they are placed in cups and
veggies and seasonings are added. Finally, labels and seals are applied to these
cups. The finished instant noodles are carried to the locations where they are
needed as a result of this stage.

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