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The diagram illustrates the process of producing instant noodles from the rare materials

into a cup. Overall, it is clear that the manufacturing had 8 stages. The process was started
from flours storage and ended to labelling and sealing stage.

First of all, the flour was saved into the storage silos. The flour has been mixed with water
and oil in the noodle mixer. Subsequently, the substance changed to dough and sent to the
dough sheets equipment. In addition, the texture of the dough was modified as strips for
the next process.

Furthermore, the noodles’s dough was transformed into discs or to one portion of the
package. After the noodles have been cooked and dried with oil, the noodles was packaging
to cups with some additional vegetables and spices. For the last stage, the cup have been
labelled and sealed, and the process of the making instant noodle from the factory was end.

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