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Test 3, Writing task 1:

The diagram represents how instant noodles are manufactured by

describing every stage of the process. Overall, the process of making noodles
includes eight stages where were added six materials to reach the final
The first stage is getting the flour from the storage silos and bringing it to
a mixer that combines it with water and oil. The dough is thinned with rollers
that turns it into sheets, then the thin layer of dough is cut into strips.
The fifth stage of manufacturing noodles consists in turning the dough
strips into noodles discs, the these will be cooked in oil and dried until the
excess of cooking oil is removed. The final product is then put into cups where
were added vegetable and spices to the noodles. Finally, the cups are labelled
and sealed with the necessary materials and then the noodles are prepared to
be sold and consumed.

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