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The provided diagram demonstrates the steps to make

manufactured instant pasta.

Overall, after looking at the various steps, it can be found that

the process contains eight steps. At the end of the process
properly labelled and sealed cups of noodles are produced.

To begin with, this is a machine-based process, which entails

eight stages, and the starting point is pouring the flour into the
large storage silos, followed by adding it into the mixer with
water and oil to make a dough. After that, dough sheets are
made by the rollers and into dough strips.

Furthermore, dough sheets go into the machine to make dough

strips, which then formed into noodles discs. By then the
noodles discs are cooked with oil and dried to be ready for
packaging into cups. Eventually, the vegetables and spices are
added, followed by the process of labelling and sealing and by
then, noodles are ready.

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