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Q1: The funeral of this charismatic leader in 1970 drew 5 million people to the streets of


The crrect Answer is: (Gamal Abdel) Nasser

Q2: You'll need at least 54 feet of moulding for a 12 foot x 15 foot room, one in this shape?

The crrect Answer is: rectangle

Q3: Placing one's pedal extremity amidst one's oral cavity?

The crrect Answer is: putting one\'s foot in one\'s mouth

Q4: Canneries of this are the largest private-sector employers in American Samoa?

The crrect Answer is: tuna

Q5: Actor who appeared in every movie mentioned in this category?

The crrect Answer is: Steve Martin

Q6: An estimated 1/3 of Africa's 150,000 pygmies live in this country once called the
Belgian Congo?

The crrect Answer is: Zaire

Q7: "No Country for Old Men" co-star Josh?

The crrect Answer is: James Brolin

Q8: Old-timey 10 letter term for the silly behavior exhibited by Mr. Brokaw perhaps?

The crrect Answer is: tomfoolery

Q9: This word for brief praise on a book cover like "Jillian Turbo-Smythe is a master of
suspense!" dates back to 1907?

The crrect Answer is: a blurb

Q10: He played the CIA chief in "No Way Out" & represented Tennessee in the U.S. Senate?

The crrect Answer is: Fred Thompson

Q11: Soft & rich, not harsh; when followed by "out", it means "to relax"?

The crrect Answer is: mellow

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