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Tổng 4 kĩ năng tất cả trên máy tính.

Phần nói cũng nhìn câu hỏi trên màn hình và trả
lời. phần nói tổng thời gian 12 phút, phần viết 60 phút, phần đọc 60 phút và phần nghe
45 phút.
Phần nói sẽ có 3 bài. Bài 1: giao tiếp xã hội về những chủ đề cuộc sống quanh ta.
Bài 1. 2 chủ đề lớn, mỗi chủ đề sẽ có 3 câu hỏi đi kèm và mình phải trả lời hết 2 chủ đề.
Bài 2. là bài lựa chọn phương án tốt nhất trong số 3 phương án mà tính huống đưa ra
và giải thích.
Bài 3. là bài sơ đồ tư duy và ngoài sơ đồ sẽ có 3 câu hỏi đi kèm
Dạng bài: Đề chia làm 2 chủ đề lớn, mỗi chủ đề có 3 câu hỏi đi kèm. Các chủ đề
đều hỏi về các thông tin quen thuộc, mục đích làm quen và dẫn dắt th
Bài số 1. MN cần nhìn vào từ đầu tiên của câu hỏi
Nếu từ đầu tiên là những từ như: have, do, does, are, is, may, can, could, has,
should, would thì phải trả lời yes/no
Nếu từ đầu tiên là những từ như: when, where, what, how, how many, how much,
what…for, how far, which, what kind/type/sort of thì cần chuẩn bị những từ trả lời cố
định cho những từ để hỏi đó
+ you - I, your - my, ( v hoac gioi tu) you - me
+ loại câu hỏi và cách trả lời
+ Từ để hỏi:
+ sự thay đổi về đại tự trong câu hỏi và câu trả lời
Khung trả lời :
1. Let’s talk about …. (chủ đề)
- First of all, nhắc lại câu hỏi 1 (thay đổi ngôi) . Trả lời + giải thích cho câu trả lời
- Second of all, nhắc lại câu hỏi 2. Trả lời + giải thích cho câu trả lời
- Third of all, nhắc lại câu hỏi 3. Trả lời + giải thích cho câu trả lời
2. Lets talk….
1. Because I think that it is….and…..
2. Because for me it is ….and…..
3. Because I believe that it is….and….
4. Because in my opinion it is….and……
/convenient/suitable/reasonable/interesting, cheap, happy…).
That is all.

Cách trả lời: Có 2 dạng câu hỏi:

+ Dạng 1: trong câu không có từ để hỏi. Trả lời : yes /No”: có hai loai: trực tiếp và gián tiếp
1. Câu hỏi trực tiếp:
Do you…? yes, I do. I do…. Câu hỏi này thường đi kèm với Why (Tại sao) :
Will you….? yes, I will. I will…..
Can you….? yes, I can. I can…. … because
Have you....?yes, I have. I have……
Are there….? yes, there are
Can you tell me about…..? yes, I can tell you about…..
Can you give me some information about …..?yes, I can….
2. Câu hỏi gián tiếp: là loại câu trong câu xuất hiện trong câu từ: know, if,
whether. Phần này là học trả lời câu hỏi trong thư: phần writting .
I would like to know about………
I am not sure if/whether you are taking part in the party.
Ví dụ:
1. Do you like shopping? .
2. Can you tell me about the food in HN?
3. I would like to know about him.
Dạng 2: xuất hiện trong câu có từ để hỏi: có 2 loai trực tiếp và dán tiếp :
Câu hỏi trực tiếp: có từ để hỏi xuất hiện đầu câu và cuối câu có dấu hỏi.
Câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng từ để hỏi Who/ Where/ When/ what, how, Which
Chuẩn bị các cụm trả lời cố định cho các câu hỏi có từ để hỏi.
Ví dụ:
1. Who (người nào) => My mother/ husband/ friends, etc.
2. Where (ở đâu ) => In the park/ in the zoo/ at home, etc. In HaNoi city
3. When (khi nào) => in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening
4. + How => By bike/ by motorbike/ by car
5. + How often (tần suất) => Everyday/ once a day/once a week
6. +How long (bao lâu) => two weeks
7. +How……feel?(cảm giác thế nào) => very happy /fun…..
8. + How many people /rooms….are there in….(số lượng đếm được)? => There are 4, 2,
3…..people/rooms in……
9. + How much:….. (số lượng ko đếm được)? => it is ….(giá tiền)
10. What sẽ có 2 dạng
what do…… câu hỏi làm gì: playing games, go swimming
what+ danh từ….Là gì:
11. What do you often do in your free time ?
12. What is your hobby ?
13. What is your favorite activity?
Trả lời: ...... watch TV/ play tennis/go shopping
14. What kind.../types of …..(thể loại gì)(nhactre./pizza /sandwich.)
15. what kind of book: sách gì

A. Câu hỏi gián tiếp: xuất hiện trong câu có từ để hỏi, cuối câu không có dấu hỏi. Phục vụ
trả lời câu hỏi trong phần writting
I want to know where(who,, what, when.……..
1. Who is your favorite singer?
2. What do you want for birthday presents?
3. What do you do in your free time?..
4. Which do you prefer reading book or playing chess ?
5. When do you often play sports?
6. Where do you often spend your free time?
7. How do you feel about learning English?
8. How often do you go to the cinema?
9. How long will you finish the project?
Đề số 1: how do
1. Let’s talk about Leisure & Hobbie
1. Do you like listening to music?
2. What kind of music do you like?
3. Who is your favorite singer?
2. Let’s talk about Family and friends
1. How many people are there in your family?
2. Who do you spend your free time with?
3. Who are the most important people in your life?
Những từ bôi màu vàng là các tính từ tích cực
/convenient/suitable/reasonable/interesting, cheap, happy…).
Let’s talk about Leisure & Hobbie
First of all, Do I like listening to music? yes, I like listening to music because I
believe that it is very good and happy.
Second of all, What kind of music do I like? I like Remix of music because for me it is
very interesting and wonderful.
Third of all, Who is my favorite singer? my favorite singer is my mother because in
my opinion it is very necessary and fantastic.
Next, Let’s talk about Family and friends
first of all, How many people are there in my family? there are four people in my
family because I think that it is very fun and wonderful.
second of all, Who do I spend my free time with? I spend my free time with my
friends because for me it is very necessary and comfortable.
Third of all, Who are the most important people in my life? the most important people
in my life is my mother because I believe that it is very reasonable and interesting
màu xanh: là nhắc lại câu hỏi và đổi ngôi
màu xanh da trời: là trả lời câu hỏi
Màu đỏ: 1 trong 4 câu giải thích
màu vàng là các tính từ
Đề số 2:
1. Let’s talk about Friends
1. Do you have a lot of friends or just a few close friends?
2. In your free time, do you prefer being alone or with friends?
3. Which is more important to me family or friends?\
2.Let’s talk about Music
1. Do you like listening to music? Why/ Why not?
2. What kinds of music do you like best? Why?
3. Who do you often listen to music with?
Đề số 3:
1. Let’s talk about Shopping
● Where do you usually go shopping?
● Who do you like going shopping with?
● Do you prefer going shopping alone or with friends?
2. Let’s talk about Sports
● What is your favorite sport?
● Which sports would you like to learn? Why?
● Why do people play sports?
Đề số 4:
1. Let’s talk about Transport
● How do you go to work?
● How long does it take you to get to work?
● Is it easy to travel in your city?
2. Let’s talk about House & Home
● How many rooms are there in your house?
●What is your favorite room in the house?
● What do you want to change in my house?
Đề số 5:
1. Let’s talk about Weather
● What’s the weather like in your place in Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter?
● What kind of weather do you enjoy?
● In your place, which month is the hottest/coldest in a year?
2. Let’s talk about Neighborhood
● Can you tell me something about your neighborhood?
● What do you like most about it?
● Do you plan to live there for a long time? Why/why not?
Let’s talk about travelling
first of all, do I like travelling? yes, I like travelling because for me it is very happy
and interesting.
second of all, do I usually travel to somewhere on my weekends? yes, I usually travel
to somewhere on my weekends because I believe that it is very wonderful and fantastic.
third of all, do I prefer travelling alone or in a group in my holiday? yes, I prefer
travelling in a group in my holiday because I think that it is very comfortable and suitable.
Next, Let’s talk about technology.
first of all, do I use any gadgets on a daily basis? yes I use any gadgets on a daily basis
because I think that it is very good and comfortable.
second of all, how much time do I spend using a computer at work or at home? I spend
about 8 hours using a computer at work because I believe that it is very interesting and
Third of all, has the internet made my job/studies easier? yes, the internet has made my
job/studies easier because in my opinion it is very reasonable and necessary.
Dạng bài: 1 huống cho sẵn với 3 sự lựa chọn. (4 phút)
Yêu cầu thí sinh phải đưa ra quan điểm rằng lựa chọn nào là tốt nhất và giải thích lý
do. Đồng thời phải đưa ra lý do vì sao không đồng tình với 2 lựa chọn còn lại.
Khung trả lời:
My situation: nhắc lại tình huống của đề bài xuất hiện trên màn hình
( đôi ngôi I -you , your -my, (giới từ hoặc động từ thường ) trước từ you - me. )
I will choose (Lựa chọn A) for some reasons.
First of all, I believe that it is ..…and…. (Lí do 1). Second of all, I think that it is ... and…(Lí do 2)
However, there are several reasons why i don’t choose the other option.

I don’t choose (Lựa chọn B) because I think that it is … and …. (Lý do3: thêm một sô tính từ tiêu cự

I don’t choose (Lựa chọn C) because for me it is … and…. (Lý do4 thêm một số từ tiêu cực )
To sum up, for all reasons I put above. I believe that (Lựa chọn A) is the best idea

Lưu ý: 1. You – I / your – my, you –me

My situation: I am considering a travel package for my holiday. There are three

options: trekking to the mountains, discovering an island, and enjoying an all-inclusive
package at a five-start resort. I will choose enjoying an all-inclusive package at a five-
start resort for some reasons.

first of all, in my opinion it is very wonderful and interesting. Second of all, I believe
that it is very necessary and suitable.

However, there are several reasons why I don’t choose the other options.

I don’t choose trekking to the mountains because I think that it is very boring and

I don’t choose discovering an island because for me it is very uncomfortable and


To sum up, for all reasons I put above. I believe that enjoying an all-inclusive package
at a five-start resort is the best idea

ĐỀ SỐ 1:
1. Sitution: The school of your children has proposed some ways of assessment: giving
scores only, giving comments only , or both giving scores and comments. Which do you
think is the best option?

My situation: The school of my children has proposed some ways of assessment: giving
scores only, giving comments only, or both giving scores and comments. I will choose both
giving scores and comments for some reasons.

first of all, I believe that it is very interesting and good. second of all, I think that it is very
suitable and important.

However, there are several reasons why I don’t choose the other option.

I don’t choose giving scores only because in my opinion it is very uncomfortable and

I don’t choose giving comments only because for me it is very useless and unimportant.

To sum up, for all reasons I put above, I believe that both giving scores and comments is the
best idea

2. Sitution: You want to give a pet to your grandparents who are living in the countryside.
There are three choices for you: a dog, a cat and a fish . Which do you think is the
most suitable and why?

3. Your brother has won a lottery of 1,000,000 VNĐ. He is thinking of how he

would use that amount of money: buy a house, buy a car or save in the bank. Which
do you think is the most suitable and why?

Trả lời:

My situation: nhắc lại tình huống của đề bài xuất hiện trên màn hình
There are three choices: buy a house, start a business or save in the bank.
I will choose for some reasons.
First of all, because my dream is own my business. Moreover, If i invest in righ place with
my lucky, i can earn more than the money i invest
I don’t choose buy a new house because I think 1 billion is not enough to buy a house
I don’t choose because the interest is not high and it is very boring
To sum up, I believe that i choose start a business is the best idea
Đề số 4: our family is making a plan for this weekend. There are THREE options for you to
choose: Going to the cinema, Having meal in a restaurant, Going to the beach. Which plan
do you think is the best choice for your family?
There are three choice :
I will choose having meal in a restaurant because This weekend I do not have free time,
so I plan to have a dinner out with my family. My children love hotpot, so I go to have a
chicken hotpot in a restaurant near the city centre. It is a famous restaurant and we have to
make a call to book a table before coming.
I don’t choose going to the cinema because i can watch films on the Internet or TV at home
with my family
I don’t choose Going to the beach at the weekend because We are planning to go to the
beach this summer when my Children have a long holiday after a school year.
To sum up, i will choose ........the best idea .

Đề số 5: A group of people is planning a trip from Dannang to Hn .three means of sport are
suggesred : by train, by plane, by coach. Which is the best choise?

Đề sô 5: learning English

You want to improve your enghish speaking skill: joining an English class at centre , joing
an English club, taking to foreigners in public places. Which is the best choice for you?
Trả lơi:
- I will choose: joining an English class at centre is the best choice for some reasons.
First of all, i can study with experienced teachers. Second of all, i can practice speaking
English with many different topics. For example, each lesson i often learn about one topic.
As a result, at the end of the course, I'm able to speak to others about different things.
- However, there are several reasons why i don’t choose the other option.
- I don’t choose to joining an English club because it is very noisy, i can’t hear what other
people are saying.
- I don’t choose taking to foreigners in public places because i only speaking about very
common topics like name, food or weather.
To sum up , .........
Đề số 6: family
Your family are choosing an activity for your parents’ wedding anniversary. Which one
is the best choice: a part at a restaurant, going on holiday, a party at home.
Trả lời: i am thinking about ...nhắc lại đề bài
There are three choice: a part at a restaurant, going on holiday, a party at home.
I will choose a party at hone is the best choice for some reason
Firstly, a party at hone can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. A familiar
environment helps people become closer to each other . secondly, my family can save a lot
of money . we can use this amount of money for other things like food, drinks and so on.
There are some reasons why i don’t choose the other options
I don’t choose a part at a restaurant because it is very expensive
I don’t choose going on holiday because i have to take a lot of time to make a plan about
where to go and what to do.

To sum up, i think that a home party is the most ideal to .....

Đề số 7: house
You are going to get married soon. Where would you choose: live with your parents , buy a
flat near the city centre and buy a house 10 kms far a way.
Trả lời
- i will choose buy a flat near the city centre for some reasons
Firsty , buy a flat to be cheaper than a house . besides , it is safe to live there because there is
security guard 24 hours a day. The second reason is that living in a flat gives me a good
chace to make friends with other people because there are many families libing on the same
floor. Finally, as the flat is located near the city centre, it is convenient to travel to many
places, expecially the workplace. Therefore, i can save time and money of travelling .
There are some reasons why i don’t choose the other options
I don’t choose living with parents because i and my husband may not have private space
and have the freedom to do what we want.
I don’t choose to buy a house 10 kms far away because it is not convenient to go to work .
moreoverr, buying a house is expensive.
To sum up, for all reasons I put above. I will choose to buy flat near the city centre is the
best idea.
Đề số 8: hobby
You have a Sunday evening out with your friends: seeing a move , going shopping , singing
karraoke. Which one would you choose. ?
Vd: seeing a move :, my fiends and i are big fans of watching movies so it is very
interesting to go to cinema and enjoy our favourite movies at the weekends. Moreover,
seeing movies is a good way for me to reduce stress after school. Finally, it is a great chance
to spend time with friends for example, we can chat with each other before and after the
- i don’t like shopping because i think that it is often hobby for women, not for men so it is
not suitable for my friends including both boys and girls. Beside, going shopping is a wate
of time .
Sing karraoke is not my choice since it is very noisy anđ we can not chat with each other.
Topic : travel.
Your family is going to plan a trip : a seaside resort , a lakeside hotel, a countryside cottage.
Which ione is the best choice?
Trả lời:
First of all, it is easy and fun to organize different activities in a resort with a large space.
There are many activities for my family to do on the each such as playing team sports, going
swimming and so on. Taking part in these activities helps my family members become close
to each other. Secondly, as it is getting hot, it is suitable for us to have trip to the beach . it
is great to play water sports in hot weather.
There are some reasons why i don’t choose the other options
Firstly , it is difficult to organize different activities in places with small spaces like a hotel
and cottage. besides, there are not many interesting activities to do or beautiful views to see
in these places.
To sum up, with all reasons above, A is the best choice for ......
Topic 7: hometown
you are going on a 3 day holiday. Which option is the best choice: da nang, hanoi, hue .
Trả lời:
- da nang: first of all, i can visit beautiful beaches in Da Nang. It is great to walk along the
beach and have the fresh air. Besides, i have a chance to enjoy beautiful views on the beach
such as watching the sunset and sunrise. Moreover, i can eat lot of local seafood such as
crabs, and so on. Finally, there are many activities to do on the beach such as playing team
sports , going swimming and so on. When playing these sports , i will feel more relaxed and
become healthier
There are some reasons why i don’t choose the other options
Firstly , it is boring to go on holiday in HN because i have visited famous places here many
times. Besides , it is difficult to move around in Hn during rush hours because traffic jams
are serious. Moreover, huê is not my choice because i do not like to visit historical places
My situation: I am doing my project about life in the countryside. to do the project well,
three suggestions are offered: going to the countryside, watching it on the internet and
reading books. I will choose watching it on the internet for some reasons.
first of all, I think that it is very cheap and necessary. Second of all, in my opinion it is very
reasonable and interesting.
however, there are several reasons why I don’t choose the other option.
I don’t choose going to the countryside because for me it is very expensive and
I don’t choose reading book because in my opinion it is very boring and useless.
to sum up, for all reasons I put above. I believe that watching it on the internet is the best


Dạng bài: Câu hỏi được trình bày ở hình thức 1 bản đồ tư duy. Mở đầu phần 3 có 1 câu chủ đề.
Trong bản đồ tư duy có phần chủ đề ở chính giữa và các ý bổ trợ xung quanh. Yêu cầu: Thí sinh cần
phát triển chủ đề theo đúng các gợi ý đã đưa ra, đồng thời phải nêu ví dụ hoặc lập luận, dẫn chứng để
củng cố các gợi ý đó. Bên dưới bản đồ tư duy sẽ có 3 câu hỏi, thí sinh chọn câu hỏi nào thấy dễ nhất để
trả lời. Cách trả lời giống với phần nói số 1.

In recent years, (chủ đề nằm ở trung tâm sơ đồ) has become a broad issue to the
general public. Some people believe that (đọc lại đề bài sau chữ topic) while others
disagree with this view. From my point of view, I totally agree that (topic) because
of the following reasons.
First of all, the first point is ( Ý chính số 1), because I think that it is ,
Second of all, the second point is ( Ý chính số 2), because in my opinion it
Third of all, the third point is ( Ý chính số 3), I belive that it is ……..and….
To sum up, it can be said that TOPIC. Therefore, it suggests that the people should support
this trend

chủ đề: Going camping

Topic: Going camping is very beneficial to college students. benefit: có ích

Ý chính số 1: relaxing

Ý chính số 2: discovering

Ý chính số 3: networking.

In recent years, Going camping has become a broad issue to the general public. Some
people believe that Going camping is very beneficial to college students while others
disagree with this view. from my point of view, I totally agree that Going camping is very
beneficial to college students because of the following reasons.

first of all, the first point is relaxing because I think that it is very interesting and wonderful.

Second of all, the second point is discovering because for me it is very comfortable and

Third of all, the third point is networking because I believe that it is very necessary and
To sum up, It can be said that Going camping is very beneficial to college students.
Therefore, it suggests that the prople should support this trend.

follow up question.

Question 1,is going camping popular in my country? yes, going camping is popular in my
country because I think that it is very interesting and wonderful.

Question 2, what are the negative( nhược điểm) effects of going camping? the negative
effects of going camping is very expensive because in my opinion it is very boring and

Question 3, what can be done to encourage teenagers to project the enviroment when going
camping? we can raise(nâng cao) teenager’s awareness(ý thức) to protect the enviroment
when going camping because for me it is very comfortable and reasonable.


1. Online courses have changed the way people learn. (cau chu de)

be more
to study

new Online your own
learning courses idea


in learning

Followed-up questions:
● What advice would you give someone on how to study English?
● Do you think being a student is the best time of your life? Why? Why not?
● Should a student’s university education be free or should the students have to
get a loan?
Trả lời :

Well, I would like to talk about my topic. It is about (chủ đề )

I think (câu chủ đề) because of many reasons such as: ( ý chính sô 1,2, 3).
First of all, online course provide new learning experience for people who want to
Besides, learners will be more independent in learning because When they learn online
course, they must follow the rules and study by themselves.
Moreover, online courses are more convenient for learners. They can listen to the lectures
again and do their exercise at any time.
To sum up,........
Followed-up questions:
● What advice would you give someone on how to study English?

- I would give someone on how to study E for example: You can listen to English songs,
see English films. Furthermore, communicating with a native speaker, participating in an
English speaking club are very good to improve your English as well.
● Do you think being a student is the best time of your life? Why? Why not?

- Yes,I do. I think being a student is the best time of my life because have a wonderful time
with my friends at university and I don’t have to worry about anything.
● Should a student’s university education be free or should the students have to
get a loan?

- I think university education should only be free for some special majors like police,
security, military education because it is considered a good way to attract more talents for
the education career and for safeguarding the country

Đề số 2:
There are some ways to protect the environment.
Ways to protect the enviroment
- use alternative energy
- use public transport
- recycle
- your own idea
Followed-up questions:
● What can you recycle?
● Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?
● Is it important to teach students to protect the environment at school?
Đề số 3: Smoking should be banned in public places

your own

smoker's financial
health smoking burden

second -

Well, I would like to talk about my topic. It is about (chủ đề ). I think (câu chủ đề) because
of many reasons such as: ( ý chính sô 1,2, 3).
Firstly, smoking is not good for smoker’s health because smoking is lots of the leading
cause of lung cancer
Secondly , smoking affects second hand smoker’s health, that is the mean even if you are
not a smoker , you are influenced for health
lastly, smoking is financial burden because They also have to spend a lot of money for the
bad smoker' health
To sum up, đọc lại câu chủ đề , that is (nêu lai 3 ý chính phụ)
Followed-up questions:

1. Do you smoker?
- No, I don’t because smoking is very bad for my health.
2. Why do many people want to smoke ?. Many people smoke because they want to reduce
stress and focus on their work, especially people who have to work at night or under
pressure. Moreover, there is cocaine in cigarettes, so smoking can be addicted easily
3. What should you do to prevent smoking in public places?
Firstly, people should be given information and educated about bad influence of
smoking. Secondly, we should have rules to ban smoking in public places, then we hang
signs “No Smoking” there. Smokers should pay a penalty or must be a punishment if they
break the rules.

In recent years, Public library has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people
believe that There are some benefits of having a public library while others disagree with
this view. From my point of view, I totally agree that There are some benefits of having a
public library because of the following reasons.
first of all, the first point is a great place for kids because I think that it is very good and
second of all, the second point is build better communities because I believe that it is very
important and necessary.
Third of all, the third point is improve literacy because for me it is very comfortable and
to sum up, it can be said that There are some benefits of having a public library. therefore, it
suggests that the people should support this trend.
Follow up question
Question 1, Do I think public libraries will be more popular in the future? yes, I think public
libraries will be more popular in the future because I think that it is very interesting and
Question 2, what kind of people go to public libararies? The students go to public libraries
because (they can read the documents free) in my opinion it is very comfortable and
Question 3, what can be done to encourage(khuyến khích) people to go to pubic libraries?
Libraries need to have many types of books to encourage people to go to public libraries
because I believe that it is very necessary and reasonable.

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