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Part 1:

1. Do you enjoy dancing? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Unfortunately, I don’t really enjoy dancing mainly because I have never
really been good at it. Besides, I was never really interested to learn dancing either.
But, most importantly, I have always felt that “dancing” is such a “domain” which
should be dominated and ruled by those who really enjoy this art.

2. Has anyone ever taught you to dance? [Why/Why not?]

Answer: Actually, nobody has ever taught me how to dance simply because I was
never really interested in learning to dance. Besides, learning Japanese traditional
dancing is not really that easy since they usually require a strong back and strong
legs, neither of which I possess, to perform, in my opinion.

3. Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country.

Answer: Most Japanese traditional or folk dancing is related to food-producing
activities such as planting rice and fishing. One such traditional dance (neither
slow nor fast) is called “Noh Mai” which is done to the tune of music, made by
flutes and small hand drums. A woman usually performs this dance.

4. Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future?

[Why/Why not?]
Answer: Yes, I do think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future since
more and more people all over the world are becoming interested to learn about
their “national heritage” in order to revive some of their old traditions and cultural
aspects as a symbol of their “national pride”.

Part 2
Describe someone in your family who you like.
You should say:
 how this person is related to you
 what this person looks like
 what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you like this person.
Model Answer 1:
I am not really the kind of person who likes or admires people so easily even when
they should be, and this is perhaps because, for a girl, I am a rather “free-spirited”
person. But, when it comes to my elder sister, I can’t help admiring and liking her
even on her worst days.

My sister is about 5 years older than me, and since my childhood, she is the person
who looked after me in the absence of my parents.

She is perhaps the most beautiful (both inside and outside) girl that I have ever
seen, and she has the kindest heart I can think of. She is 5 feet 10 and has a slender
body and an amiable smile. It seems like with her gorgeous and genuine smile she
can conquer the worst of her enemy!

She is an example of a perfect elder sister that anyone can expect. She is a caring,
responsible and kind-hearted person. I can still vividly remember those days when
she was there for me when I needed her the most. I can also remember those
special times when my elder sister kept playing cartoon characters one after
another until I actually chose the one which I decided to watch in the end. My elder
sister and I loved baking a chocolate cake together, and this memory goes back to
those days when I had just probably learned to write a full sentence and draw an
elephant without any help.

I really like my sister mainly because she is a truly loving and patient person for
her age. In fact, in my 25 years of life, I have never seen my elder sister get mad at
me even though I have done plenty of things to annoy her. As an elder sister, she
knew her role perfectly well in the absence of our parents. Finally, I admire my
elder sister because of her sheer determination which made her study for a PhD
degree at night after having a full-time job during the day time.

Model Answer 2:
Thank you for letting me talk about a family member whom I like a lot. I'm going
to talk about my grandmother because I love her. She has been one of the most
influential people in my life and has always been a source of inspiration for me.
How this person is related to you:
My grandmother is my maternal grandmother, and she has been a constant
presence in my life since I was born. I have a deep bond with her, and she has
always been there for me whenever I needed her.
What this person looks like:
My grandmother is in her late 70s now, but she still looks young and energetic. She
has a kind and gentle face, and her smile can light up a room. She has beautiful
silver hair that she always keeps neatly combed. Despite her age, she is always
impeccably dressed, and her sense of style is impeccable.
What kind of person he/she is:
My grandmother is a very kind-hearted person, and she is always willing to help
others in need. She has a lot of life experience and wisdom, and I always feel like I
can learn a lot from her. She is also very independent and strong-willed, and she
has faced many challenges in her life with grace and courage. She has always been
a great role model for me, and I aspire to be like her in many ways.
And explain why you like/admire this person:
I like and admire my grandmother for many reasons, but mostly for her resilience
and strength of character. She has faced many difficulties in her life, including the
loss of her husband and a child, but she has never given up or lost her sense of
hope. She is also very wise and has a lot of life experience, which she is always
happy to share with me. I feel very lucky to have her in my life, and I hope that I
can be as kind, wise, and strong as she is when I grow older.

Part 3 - Details Discussion:

Discussion Topic: Family Similarities

1. In what ways can people in a family be similar to each other?

Answer: A family can have many members, and yet some of them can be similar
to each other in at least two aspects. One of these two aspects can be manifested in
their looks and physical attributes. In other words, by looking at their physical
attributes, one can rather easily identify them as members of particular parents or a
particular family. They can also be similar to each other in the aspect of their
behaviours, as in the way they talk, laugh or think. Besides, they can also be
similar in the way they like or dislikes things.

2. Do you think that daughters are always more similar to mothers than to
male relatives? What about sons and fathers?
Answer: It is true that daughters often spend more time with their mothers and as a
result can acquire some personality traits from their mothers, but that does not
necessarily mean that they are more like their mothers than their fathers or
brothers. The same can be said about sons who may seem like their father's clone,
they in fact have many similarities with the female members of the family as well.
I can say that so confidently because at least in my extended family, most
daughters are more similar to their fathers than their mothers.

3. In terms of personality, are people more influenced by their family or by

their friends? In what ways?
Answer: In my humble opinion, it can be really challenging to distinguish between
the influence of friends and family on an individual like that, as this question asks.
Talking about the influence of family, it does play a very important role in raising
a person and instilling values in them. So, from that point of view, families
probably play the most vital role in laying the foundation for an individual to grow
up with a certain type of personality. On the other hand, people tend to learn a
different set of behaviours and values in the company of their friends which they
may often find rather useful in the real world.

Discussion Topic: Genetic Research

4. Where can people in your country get information about genetic research?
Answer: In my country, people can get information about genetic research from
various sources. One of the most common sources is the internet, where people can
find a plethora of information on genetic research through search engines,
scientific websites, and academic databases. In addition, people can also get
information on genetic research from universities, research institutes, and hospitals
that conduct research on genetic diseases.
5. How do people in your country feel about genetic research?
Answer: In general, people in my country have mixed feelings about genetic
research. Some people are enthusiastic about it and believe that it has the potential
to bring about significant advancements in medicine and healthcare. They see it as
a way to cure genetic diseases and improve human health. On the other hand, some
people are cautious about genetic research and are concerned about its potentially
negative consequences, such as the possibility of creating "designer babies" or the
misuse of genetic information. Overall, there is a growing awareness and interest
in genetic research in my country, and people are becoming more informed about
the subject.

6. Should this research be funded by governments or private companies?

Answer: There are different opinions on whether genetic research should be
funded by governments or private companies. Some argue that government
funding is necessary to ensure that research is conducted in the public interest and
that it is not driven solely by profit. On the other hand, others argue that private
companies are better equipped to fund research, as they have the resources and
motivation to develop new products and treatments. Ultimately, I think a
combination of government and private funding may be necessary to support
genetic research, with a focus on ensuring that research is conducted ethically and
in the public interest.

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