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Практичне заняття 57 .Music around us.

Warm up
In pairs, discuss the following questions.
1. What is your favourite type of music to listen to? – I listen to different types
of music such as pop and rap music, rock and indie music, industrial, disco
and techno music, and, of course, classic music. But I probably like pop
music the most, just because it's generally so upbeat.
2. Do you listen to different music in different situation? If so, what do you
listen to? Music is everywhere in our lives. We hear it on the radio, on TV,
in the streets, in shops, in cafes, everywhere. But I prefer to listen to my
music, and usually it is different music in different situations, everything
depends on my mood. If I am full of energy, eager to do something active I
prefer to listen to dancing music with a strong beat. When I am in a bad
mood I listen to some lyric music.
3. Do you listen to classical music? Why/why not? – I can’t tell that I am a big
fan of classical music and listen to it every day. But from time to time I have
a mood for this type of music. I love the way classical music makes me feel
emotional, and I find that they're very relaxing and enjoyable to listen to.
Music vocabulary
Match the vocabulary to the definitions.
1. Symphony (n) - a complex and long piece of music for a large orchestra
which is divided into three or four main parts.
2. Instrumentation (n) - the manner in which a piece of music is written for
a particular set of instruments.
3. Melody (n) - the main tune in a piece of music, particularly when it's
written for several instruments or different voices.
4. Motif (n) - an idea or phrase that is repeated and advanced throughout
a piece of music.
5. Flourish (n) - a short, loud piece of music that signals the arrival of an
important person or the start of a significant event.
6. Piccolo (n) - a wind instrument that plays high notes.
7. Contrabassoon (n) - a very large wind instrument that produces very low
8. Composition (n) - a piece of written music.
9. Sonata (n) - a piece of music, generally divided into three or four parts,
which is written for either one instrument and a piano, or one
instrument alone.

Focus on vocabulary.
Complete the following vocabulary with the missing vowels.
1. Unsuspicious (adj) – giving a negative indication about what the future
2. Persist - keep going even when it is difficult to do so.
3. Formidable – inspiring fear or admiration because it seems difficult.
4. very significant because it includes a range of things.
5. Romanticism (n) - a style of art in the late 18th and early 19th century which
put emphasis on feelings, imagination and being at one with nature.
6. Sombre - having a serious and sad tone.
7. Ominous - Indicating something negative will happen in the future.
8. Anguish -Extreme physical or mental pain creating difficulty and

Watching for details

Watch the video and answer the following questions.
1. What two names formal and informal, are given to the piece of music in the
2. In which city was it first played? Vienna
3. In which year was it first played? 1808
4. In which year did Beethoven die? 1827
Understanding the video
Part A: Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions.
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. b
6. c
7. b
Part B: Answer the following questions in your own words.

1. One of Beethoven's biographers later called this pattern the "fate motif" because it suggests the
figure of fate knocking at the door.
2. The Fate motif sounds out the letter V in Morse code, and during the Second World War, the
Fifth Symphony became the code for victory over the Allies.
3. Ш
4. It has become a symbol of suspense, revelation and triumph.

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