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Практичне заняття 62 The world of professions

1.Character traits
Read the sentences below and match them to the character traits. What traits
are important for the job that you want?
1. Mike doesn’t mind stress. In fact, it helps him to work better. – b) able to
work under pressure
2. Julie is always sitting at her desk when everybody else arrives in the office. –
f) punctual
3. Julio wants to be chairman of his company one day. – c) ambitious
4. Dave hardly ever makes mistakes. He double-checks all his calculations. – d)
5. Bettie keeps making the same silly mistakes. For example, she often
misspells clients’ names in her emails. – e) careless
6. Carlo always supports his colleagues and accepts their advice. – a) able to
work in a team
2. Fob interview advice
Look at the list on the next page. Do you think they are good or bad things to say
in an interview? Put “G” (good) or “B” (bad) next to each sentence.
1. I’m looking for new challenges. – G
2. I’m really nervous. - B
3. How much will I earn? – B or G
4. In the short-term I want to develop my sales skills and gain more experience
in selling. – G
5. My weakness is that I work too hard. – B
6. I really need this job! – B
7. I work quite well under pressure. I find it very motivating. – G
8. My current boss is horrible. – B
9. No, I don’t have any questions for you. – B
10. I love the idea of free snacks on Fridays! – B
3. Reading
Now complete the text below with statements from Exercise 2.
1. How much will I earn?
2. I’m really nervous.
3. My weakness is that I work too hard.
4. I love the idea of free snacks on Fridays!
5. I really need this job!
6. My current boss is horrible.
7. No, I don’t have any questions for you.
4. Talking point
Do you agree with the advice in the article?
It is difficult for me to answer this question because I have never been to an
interview. But in general, I agree with all above mentioned advice. Also, I think it is
important to prepare when you go to an interview. You need to practice your
answers to common interview questions, to study the job description and note
required skills, qualities, and experience. Also, it is good to prepare smart
questions for your interviewers.
5. Interview
Look at the typical interview questions below. Listen to the dialogue and tick the
ones that you hear.
 Could you tell me who you work for at the moment?
 How long have you been working for…?
 Why are you leaving your job?
 You know this job requires a lot of travel. Is that a problem for you?
 Have you had any experience in…?
 What are your goals for the future?
 What is your greatest weakness?
 How do you cope with pressure?
6.Checking understanding
Listen again and choose the best answer for each question below:
1. How long has Kate been working for KP Lewis? – a) 3 years.
2. How long has she been working in the accounting department? –
c) 8 months.
3. Why is she leaving her job? – b) She can’t use her skills.
4. Is travelling a problem for her? – b) no
5. Why was she successful as a sales representative for a language school? – c)
The school increased registrations.
6. What are her short-term goals for the future? – b) She wants to develop her
sales skills.
7. What are her long-term goals? – a) She wants to obtain a high position in a
8. What is her greatest weakness? – c) Shae makes appointments at the last
9. What motivates her to focus on her work? – b) pressure
7.Role play
In pairs, interview each other for a job of your choice. Use
questions/expressions from this lesson and any others that you may need.
Would you give your partner the job? Why/why not?
 Tell me about yourself?
 Ok, I have a number of accomplishments I’d like to tell you about, but I want
to make the best use of our time together and talk directly to your needs.
 Why did you leave your last job?
 To be honest I can’t use all my skills in my current job.
 Do you consider yourself successful?
 Yes, I do. I am successful because if I set high standards for
myself I meet them.
 What do you know about this organization?
 I have read a lot on site before coming here and I can say that I perfectly fit
to this position.
 Are you applying for other jobs?
 Yes, I would like to find the job where I can develop my skills. But I am sure
that I will be useful for this organization.
 How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
 As long as we both feel I’m doing a good job.
 What is your greatest strength?
 My ability to prioritize, my strong problem-solving skills, my ability to work
under pressure, and of course my ability to focus on projects.
 What is more important to you: the money or the work?
 Money is always important, but the work is the most important. There is no
better answer.
 What motivates you to do your best on the job?
 Well, three things: a challenge, achievement, recognition.
 Do you have any questions for me?
 Yes, I have several questions. What type of projects will I be
able to assist on? What aims How soon will I be able to be productive?
 Well , You will have a second tour of interview with your potential manager
and he will provide you with all information.

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