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Science Education


Jool Maseeh

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Table of contents
Title page --------------------------------------------------------- 1

Table of contents --------------------------------------------------------- 2

1. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------- 3

2. Lesson plan --------------------------------------------------------- 4

3. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------- 7

4. References --------------------------------------------------------- 8

5. Appendices --------------------------------------------------------- 9

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1. Introduction
This assignment consists of a detailed lesson plan which was designed for a topic from science syllabus of
grade 6. The assignment will provide a very detailed lesson plan which covers all the components that are
essential for an effective lesson plan. The main components of the lesson plan includes learning outcomes,
indicators, learning intentions, success criteria, key competencies, shared values, details of the teaching and
learning activities, differentiated activities, assessment tools and the time allocated for the lesson. The topic
selected to make this lesson is “Five kingdoms of life” which is one of the main topic from the 1 st strand of
the science syllabus, Life and Living. This strand develops an understanding of the diversity of life and the
interconnectedness of life and it also examines how do the environment affects life and how do human
activities affect the environment.
Singh (2021) mentioned that science is concerned with the advancement of information, comprehension,
abilities, and moral principles in relation to the physical and biological facets of the world. Students should be
given the chance to develop these information, abilities, and values through a variety of in-class and
extracurricular activities. Hence, the activities should be set up in a way that sparks interest and curiosity,
fosters a love of science, leaves room for imagination and creativity, gives students the chance to think
critically, and helps them make sense of their experiences. Students must engage in active learning if they are
to make sense of the world around them. Instructors play the role of facilitators in creating a learning
environment where students can create their own learning. As a result, the teacher's responsibilities in such
instruction would include, establishing a learning environment in the classroom that is supportive of and
challenging for science learning and teaching, designing effective learning experiences that assist students in
achieving set objectives, promoting and managing classroom discourse in support of student learning, learning
about, and then utilizing, students' motivations, interests, abilities, and learning styles, and also analyzing
student work (Ismail, 2015).
Furthermore, Ismail (2015), suggested that many circumstances can lead to effective scientific teaching and
learning. The environment that is created during instruction should reflect a positive, active view of the
learning process. Learning happens when students actively create their own meaning out of new information
and assimilate it in order to establish new understandings in terms of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes.
This is different from passively absorbing information. In addition to the aforementioned, according to
Ortolani (2018), the scientific curriculum places a strong emphasis on the necessity of participating in hands-
on activities such field trips, projects, experiments, and investigations. One of these is to give pupils a rich
framework in which to practice their scientific thinking. This assignment aims to provide a very detailed lesson
plan including all the components of it for one of the grade in key stage 2 which is grade 6 and it also will
cover the main activities and teaching aids needed to teach this lesson based on “Five kingdoms of life”.

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2. Lesson plan
DAILY LESSON PLAN – 2022 - 2023

Student Teacher Name: Jool Maseeh Subject: Science

Grade: 6 Week: 1 No. of students: 20

Date: 14/2/2023 (Sunday) Duration: 35 minutes


Sub Strand Outcomes Indicators

Livings things- LL1.2 Construct simple e. Identify the five kingdoms commonly used for the
their structure classification systems and uses classification of living things, and provide examples of
and functions present classification systems organisms from each to illustrate the diversity of living
to infer the relatedness or things.
divergence of organisms.

Key Practicing Islam

Competencies Talk about the creations of Allah and how Allah has created every small creature alive
in the world
Relating to People
Take responsibility for your own learning and behavior within a supervised
Thinking critically and creatively
Think logical and build ideas regarding real life situations

Shared Values Values relating to self

Values relating to environment

Learning We are learning to:

Intention: Identify the five kingdoms commonly used for the classification of living things
Provide examples of organisms from each to illustrate the diversity of living things.

Success We will be successful if we are able to:

Criteria: Identify the five kingdoms commonly used for the classification of living things
Do the worksheets regarding the 5 kingdoms

Teaching aids Students Book

(per Videos
class/group) Worksheets
& Advanced

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Learning activities (Starting) Time (35m)

Engage (Starting): 5 mins

 Ask students some questions to check their prior knowledge
 Consider the term "kingdom." How does it make you feel?
 Have you ever heard of the Five Kingdoms of Life?
 Did you know that every living thing belongs to a kingdom?
 What kingdom do you think humans belong in?
 Listen to the responses from the students and discuss their answers to introduce the

Explain (Main body / Development activities):

 A video about the five kingdom will be shown to the students 10mins
( )
 The video will be about 6 minutes long and the video will provide a basic overview
of the Five Kingdoms of life.
 After the video is completed, the teacher can discuss the main areas covered in the
video. The teacher can ask some questions like “what did you learn from the

Explore 15 mins
 The class is divided into 5 groups
 Each group will get a kingdom. The students are supposed to use notes on text book
and do extra research to collect information and make a concept map for the
features of each kingdom that they got.
 Present the work to the class and display their work on the science corner so that
they can refer back it later.
Task 2
 Worksheets will be given to the students according to the level of the students. The
class will be divided into 3 different levels according to their ability.
 High level: a worksheet to answer the questions
 Average: a worksheet to write characteristics and examples for kingdoms
 Below average: a worksheet to match the kingdoms with their names

Closer / Ending: 5 mins

 Check the students work
 Ask questions Orally
 Highlight the main points of the lessons

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Assessment & Evaluation

Let them complete the work

How to evaluate the different levels of students
FA: If students do the work on their own
MA: If the students discuss in groups and the work
A: If the teacher helps the students
Formative Assessment
Based on how they read and answer the questions and how they complete the work
FA: If the students get at least 3 questions correct
MA: If the students get 2 questions correct
A: If the students get at least 1 question correct

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3. Conclusion
To sum up, it can be concluded that there are different techniques and strategies that the teachers can utilize to
teach science subject to key stage 1 and 2. The topics taught in key stage 1 and 2 in science subjects are very
important and it has different values and key competencies which can be very essential for their real life. The
topic chosen for this lesson plan is also a very interesting topic which can be taught to students using different
teaching and learning strategies. For an instance, cooperative learning strategies such as different group activities,
and brain storming can also be very useful while teaching such topics in science. The scientific curriculum is
specifically built around how students relate to and interact with their environment. The context for learning is
the environment in the broadest sense, and students' classroom experiences will be improved and extended by
firsthand exposure to their surroundings. Environmental education will begin with the immediate area, and as
students' knowledge and understanding expand and deepen, they will also include other locations and introduce
students to other global dimensions. One of the fundamental goals of science education should be to instill the
principles and skills needed to recognize regional and global environmental vulnerabilities and to act responsibly
in maintaining and protecting the environment. It is much recommended to use different interesting strategies to
teach science in key stage 1 and 2 in order to maintain the interest that the students have towards the subject.

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4. References
Ismail.A., 2015, Science in the National curriculum, Science Syllabus Key Stage 2.pdf
Ortolani.G.,2018, Science education: purpose, methods, ideas and teaching resources,
Singh.A., 2021, Importance of Science Education in Schools,

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5. Appendices
Worksheet for High level students

Answer the following questions

1. What is meant by classification?


Name 5 kingdoms of life.

What are the 2 broad groups that animal kingdom is classified into?
Write a characteristics and example for each kingdoms
Kingdoms Characteristics Examples

Kingdom Monera

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Animalia

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Worksheet for average students
Write a characteristics and example for each kingdoms
Kingdoms Characteristics Examples

Kingdom Monera

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Animalia

Worksheet for below average students

Match the following with correct kingdoms of life
Kingdom Monera

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Fungi

Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom Animalia

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