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the flow tarot guidebook

Copyright © 2022 by Rachel Torda

All rights reserved. No part of this book or the accompanying cards

may be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, without the
express written permission of the copyright holder — except for
personal use, including the use of brief quotations in articles, social
media posts or reviews.

Flow Tarot concepts and text © Rachel Torda

Flow Tarot Guidebook designed and written by Rachel Torda

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2022
Making a Tarot Only About Water - 4
Connect with the Flow Tarot - 6
Water Tarot Spreads - 8

major arcana - 9

minor arcana - 65
The Suit of Waves - 56
The Suit of Ponds - 71
The Suit of Snow - 86
The Suit of Clouds - 101

Working with the deck

About the Flow Tarot - 116
Deepen Your Connection to Water - 118
Water Rituals - 122
Acknowledgments - 128
Making a tarot
Since the beginning of time, humans have knelt at the edge of
water. At countless shorelines, they have worshipped and blessed,
bathed and sacrificed. They have drunk their fill. They have prayed
for rain. They have cleansed and anointed. And when the time came,
they released their dead to slip beneath the surface, while their own
tears watered the land.

Water is life. Without it, no living creature would survive. But it is so

much more than an elemental building block. It is a companion of
humanity, winding its way through every part of our lives, even now.

Water flows around us, all the time, as it moves through the water
cycle that keeps our planet alive.

Water flows through us, all the time, as it delivers the rejuvenating
hydration that keeps our bodies alive.

Water speaks into the quiet void of the landscape, filling the air with
soft murmurs and loud roars.

Water dances with light, changing from deepest blues to rainbow

hues and back again.

Only about water
Water mirrors the world on its silvery surface, yet holds fathomless
depths beneath its waves.

Water smoothes edges, from river stones to mountain ranges.

Water washes and leaves glistening what was once obscured by dirt.

Water heals. Whether it flows through us or over our skin, water

seeks out the wound, uncovers the hidden parts that need care, and
nourishes us at the deepest level.

Water is our birthright. We are part of it, and it is part of us. We are
never separate from it. We are only water in a human form.

The Flow Tarot invites you to open up to the water inside and around
you, connect with your watery nature and rediscover your own innate
sense of flow. Let the cards connect you to this ancient element.
What can you learn from water? What messages does it have for you?
What gifts, like seashells washed up on a shore, will this ancient
element bring you?

Welcome to The Flow Tarot: The Tarot of the Water Element.

Connect with
The Flow Tarot is a 78-card deck centered entirely in the element of
water. The Major Arcana follows the journey of a water drop through
the water cycle. And while most decks have the Minor Arcana on the
cardinal elements (Wands - Fire, Pentacles - Earth, Cups - Water,
Swords - Air), the Flow Tarot uses only forms of water in the suits.

Waves (Wands) — saltwater, transformative energy, world

systems, vast life-supporting environments
Ponds (Pentacles) — freshwater, groundwater, resources,
smaller networks, interconnectedness
Snow (Swords) — ice and snow, clarity, challenging
situations, choices, acceptance
Clouds (Cups) — rain and clouds, emotions, unconditional
nourishment, renewal

Find Your Flow — Each card is a reminder of the changing nature of

water. Rain falls and evaporates back into clouds, ice melts and turns
into streams. A rising tide in the morning will turn and go out again
by the evening. As you ask questions and receive answers, try to find
this sense of flow. What is the next step for you? Where are you
being pulled toward? What are you being asked to leave behind?

The flow tarot
Expand Your Perspective — In water, the large and the small are
constantly swirling around each other. Sprinkle drops of water into a
river, and they dissolve into the rushing current. But scoop your hand
into the river again, and the water you pull out returns back into
small droplets. Consider this when asking questions of your cards:
What are the small parts of the issue at hand? What is the big
picture? Could identifying either of those help you gain clarity?

Use the Guidebook — The first paragraph describes the water

phenomenon happening in the card. The rest of the text connects the
image with a tarot message for you. And the “I“ statement at the
bottom of each page is a mantra to take away from that reading.
How is the card telling you to flow? What message can you meditate
on, journal about, or carry with you for the rest of your day?

Reflect on the Journey — Consider the past, present and future of

the image and how it relates to your question. For example, if you
pulled an image of a storm, ask where your attention might have
been drawn in the past that you didn't notice dark clouds gathering
on the horizon? Can you find a shelter from this storm in the present
moment, or are you already feeling overwhelmed by the downpour?
What do you imagine the future will look like once the sky clears?

card spreads
Pull your cards and look for the flow in the message you receive.
Listen to your intuition. Feel which images resonate with you. Then
keep notes to help deepen your connection to water in your life.

Find Your Flow — Past, Present, Future

1. Present - What energy is swirling around me
2. Past - What am I leaving behind?
3. Future - What am I flowing into?

Ocean of Potential — Weekly or Monthly Spread

1. What energies will be flowing with me this
2. What truth is rising up to the surface?
3. What no longer needs my focus?
4. What inspired action can I take to move forward?
5. What ocean of potential is waiting for me?

Into the Light — Full Moon Spread

Connect with the Full Moon energy and pull cards about what
is being illuminated out of the darkness, what burdens you no
longer need to carry, and what is getting ready to emerge.
1. What is being revealed in the shadowy depths?
2. How can I release that which is no longer serving me?
3. Where am I being called up into the light of my true purpose?

the Major Arcana
The Major Arcana usually follows the journey of a human
from his naive beginnings in the Fool card to his full per-
sonification in the World card. But the Flow Tarot follows
the path of a single water droplet as it travels through the
many forms of the element. In the Fool card, it is isolated
as a single drop, falling to an unknown destination. By
the World card, the drop has come full circle and is shown
in perspective with the wider world. Then the morning
dew in the World card returns as the water droplet in the
Fool card. And so the water cycle begins again.
the fool: a single drop
A whole universe is contained inside a single drop of water. It falls
freely, moving through air, bringing renewing moisture to wherever
it lands. It delivers life to new places, and it nourishes the life that is
already there. It is the single delivery system that can alter entire
planets. All in one drop.

Like the drop, you hold all potential in your being. You hold entire
worlds within you. You do not have to dictate how to fall or where
you will land. Just let go. The journey may change you, shape you,
but you will not lose who you are. Even if you fall to the deepest
depths. Even if you turn to ice. Even if you rise up and become
lighter than air and float to the highest clouds. You are still the same.

The Fool card reminds you to let go. There are many unknowns. Do
not force yourself into being something or someone that you are not.
You are moving toward a connection that’s already waiting for you, a
network that’s welcoming you. Whatever your next destination is,
whatever vessel you might fall into, you will not lose the sense of
who you are. It is still there. And when it is time to move from that,
you will flow intact to the next cycle of your life. Where are you in this
card? What are you moving toward? What needs to be let go of?
Where can you find places to flow in your daily life?

my nature is to flow

the magician: the endless waters
A single droplet splashes into the water. It blends and swirls until it
again becomes one with the endless body of water it was separated
from when it fell through the air. In a beautiful moment of inner
absorption and outward motion, the droplet disappears. But on the
surface a ring of ripples expands outward, marking the moment of
this energetic exchange. This action, over and over, is what helps the
oceans to fill up, the waves to lap at shorelines and fresh water to
rejuvenate all lifeforms, all around the world.

You embody both the drop and the endless waters. You are part of
this never-ending flow. As long as you live, moments will spread out
from you, stretching through time and past horizons until you can no
longer see their impact. But they are still part of you. Breath deep.
Throw your arms out wide. Embrace all potentialities. Imagine what
you could do if you knew there were no boundaries, no obstacles you
couldn’t flow around. You are endless. Let your life force ripple out.

The Magician is a card of sacred action, of alchemy, of blending all

into one. It asks you to stretch your entire being into the far corners
of what might be possible. Take inspired action. Where are you in
this card? Are you the drop, moving toward an unknown destination?
Or are you the water, welcoming back a part of yourself? What is one
action that can begin the ripple effect of change in your life?

I am endlessly expanding

the high priestess: the gift
A bright white cloud billows up into the atmosphere. The weighted
darkness beneath it suddenly breaks open. A nourishing rain shower
falls toward Earth. There is no expanse of blue sky above, no horizon
on the ground below. There is only the downpour, isolated in the
moment of falling, as if giving itself from the cloud.

Rain is your birthright. It brings life, no matter where you are. You do
not have to do anything for it. You do not have to prepare or pray or
be special in any way. It is unconditional. It falls on all parts of the
planet, without consideration of what is happening below. It is
simply given.

The High Priestess is a card of sacred knowledge. The luminous

rain signifies the gifts of intuition and insight. Open up to these
illuminations when they come into your life. The High Priestess is
a reminder you are surrounded by higher meaning, deeper
knowledge. You do not have to understand the meaning yet. It is
there to nourish and guide you.

Do you feel the sparkle of illumination in your life? A shimmering

feeling of something you should know, or have known before? Don’t
turn away from this. A card of intuition, receiving and flow, the High
Priestess asks, what gifts are you ready to receive into your life?

I let intuition guide me

the empress: the Abundant Source
High in the mountains, a spring bubbles with life. Its healing waters
cascade down the rocks and form a pool. Standing at the edge of this
secluded spot, you breathe in its beauty. The stress you were carrying
begins to melt away. Running your hand under the waterfall, water
sprays your feet and drips from your fingertips. Clouds of mist
shudder through the ferns and cover the moss in crystal droplets.
Everything is nourished by this life-giving fountain. You step in, and
let the waters make you whole again too. From the beginning of
time, humans have held water as sacred. Modern science confirms
what the ancients always knew: Water heals. From hot springs to
mineral baths to saltwater sea bathing. If you are aching, water will
hold you up. If you are injured, it can heal your wounds. If your soul
is carrying your burden, even looking out at a body of water will help
you feel better. It rejuvenates, body and soul.

The Empress card swirls with the energy of nurturing abundance. It

reminds you that you are still growing and blooming. Honor these
places of gentle beginnings, no matter how much you have experi-
enced in life. Growth is a circle. Take time for deep nourishment.
Treat yourself with compassion, and nurture the parts of your soul
that have been neglected. Indulge yourself. Self-care is not selfish.
Delight in the sensual, luxurious, restorative experiences that bring
you back to your center. Welcome the renewal that springs from
within. How can you connect to your own abundant source?

I am deeply nourished

the emperor: The vast network
In a great roar of water, several streams converge in one spot to form
a single mighty river. The water that moves through here is fast and
visceral. It pounds over rocks and thunders down the mountainside.
In the life of a river many, many streams will feed into it. Each one
pushes it farther, over rough terrain that it would not have been able
to cover. Gravity moves all water downhill, but it is not enough to
sustain it. The vast network of water that feeds into a river along the
way is what keeps it churning and moving. A river is constantly the
sum of its parts, renewing and pushing it ever closer to its goal. This
is the source of power for the mighty river. This is the real strength of
the mighty river. Pulling in water whenever it can gives it the power
that wears down mountains and carves out canyons. And this is the
power that will drive it all the way to the sea.

The confluence of many streams into one mighty river is the embodi-
ment of Emperor energy. The Emperor card arrives as a sign to take
control of your destiny. You have a vast network of potential running
through your life. Find ways to use these resources and step fully into
your power. You have everything you need. Make a plan. Be strategic.
Imagine if you focused all of your energy and attention toward one
goal. How far could you get if you merged your resources and talents
into a single river of focus and action? Set big goals. As big as
oceans. You have the drive and dedication to see your plan through
to the end. You are capable of doing whatever you set your mind to.

my potential is unlimited

the hierophant: The Collective Channel
Each drop of water that flows over the land smooths out the way for
all the water to follow behind it. Nowhere is this more apparent than
in waterfalls. Here, water has eroded the softest part of the landscape
and exposed the hard rock underneath. What is left behind is worn
down flat and smooth. Quickening as it approaches the edge, the
river tumbles over in a roaring freefall of water and spray. With every
cascade of water, the waterfall carves a deeper channel. Each drop
over the edge is making a smoother path for all the water that will
come behind it.

The Hierophant card reminds you that, just like water rushing toward
the waterfall, you too are a legacy of the ones who’ve come before
you. They have smoothed the channel, worn down the way. There is a
pull to follow, whether you choose to or not. Where the High Pries-
tess’s dreamy rain calls you to turn inward and let your own intuition
guide you, the Hierophant’s waterfall suggests you stay grounded
and listen to the wisdom of those who have come before. However it
does not mean you are locked to their path. Instead it encourages
you to learn from the ancestors and traditions that have paved the
way, and use it to help find your own path. Open your heart. Are you
being true to your deepest self? Is there a collective channel in your
life, pulling you in one direction? Or is there another heritage, spiri-
tual path or stream of wisdom calling out to you?

I carve my own path

the lovers: the enduring union
Life blooms where water kisses the land. In saltwater and freshwater,
in sun-warmed ponds and snow-edged lakes, shorelines provide
safety and renewal. Wildlife is nurtured. Run-off water is filtered and
cleaned. Edges are softened. The tidal pull exists in all bodies of
water. It is the enduring union of water and land, that two seemingly
opposite forces should be forever linked by the rising and falling
tides. Their back and forth dance is the foundation of life on Earth.

Like the water along the shoreline, you too have overlapping edges
in your life. Places where endings and beginnings swirl around each
other. When two opposing forces collide, it is never tidy. Water
rushes in fast, spills over the land, then runs away again, taking bits
with it. But this is where transformation and growth happen.

The Lovers card asks you to look deeper at the places of give-and-take
in your life. What is being revealed in the gentle ebb and flow of
where you are and where you want to be? Identifying what energy is
aligned with yours or in opposition calls for a deeper understanding
of your own nature. Standing at the edge requires vulnerability.
Shared experiences will reshape you too. If you are the water in this
overlap, who or what is the land in your life? Or vice versa? Is it
another person, a hobby, a goal or a destination? What outward con-
nections help open and soften your heart?

I open my heart to renewal

the chariot: the Flow
It takes a drop of water around 1,000 years to go around the globe.
The reason it is able to make the journey at all lies in the secret heart
of water: the currents. In the ocean, currents form undersea streams.
Like a watery conveyer belt, they redistribute warm water and nu-
trients around the planet. In freshwater rivers, water moves with
gravity and the environment. The little ripples that swirl gently over
time-worn rocks can quickly turn to rapids when they crash over a
rockier landscape, all in their journey back to the sea. Currents are
the invisible rivers that flow within water itself. They are the engines
that move water around the world. Drag your fingers along a stream
and you will feel it pulsing at your fingertips, like a heartbeat. In a
thousand years, the water beneath your fingers will return to this
same spot. Right now, it is being pulled into the flow of an unimag-
inable journey. And that same flow is tugging you too.

The Chariot is your call to sacred action. This is the energy that moves
you forward. Take control. Point yourself in the direction you want to
be going. There is a stream you are meant to be in. Don’t hold your-
self back from it. This is the journey you are destined for. Even if that
path rolls and dips, speeds up or slows down, or even swirls back on
itself. Move with it. Trust yourself. Like the dragonfly holding tightly
to the leaf, you do not know what the currents will be like. But if you
stay where you are, you will never move ahead. Get clear about your
goal. Then take a breath and push off. The flow is waiting for you.

I step into my soul’s journey

strength; the quiet Power
Only the flow of water running over these cavern walls could carve
such wave-like shapes out of stone. And what is revealed is more
than just beautiful forms: It is the true power of water. The steady
drip of rainwater down rocks is more powerful than the crashing surf
or the churning river. Thousands of years of water splashing into a
crack in the ground has turned it into a canyon. And it is still being
carved today, every time it rains. The smallest crevices to the deepest
gorges are formed exactly the same way: by water and time.

Like the water in this card, you have a quiet power in persistence and
resiliency. Drawing on your inner strength, you can break through
the seemingly unbreakable and reshape the world around you.
Be patient with yourself. You are strong enough to see this through.

The Strength card asks you to look at the ways you are powerful.
Don’t focus on the short term. Look at the long term. Mountains are
not smoothed in days, canyons are not created in weeks. Embrace
your confidence. Find ways to work with your environment and
circumstances. Every drop of energy you apply is moving you closer
to your goals. Where can you draw on patience and perspective to
overcome obstacles? What things are already changing, in small
ways, that can have a big outcome? What is your own quiet power?
Where does it shine through?

my inner strength carries me

the hermit: the unseen connection
Beneath the dark, undisturbed waters of the swamp is a rich web of
life. Tree roots sink through the mud. Leaves disintegrate and turn
the water into a murky brown tea. Creatures hide in the safety of the
shadows, fish and frogs dart through the roots of aquatic plants and
birds nest high in the tree canopy. From a distance it may appear
silent or even sleeping, but the swamp is alive with hidden activity.

When the world has become too noisy, venture off the beaten path
to the places no one else sees. Journey inward to the secret retreats
that are uniquely your own. There is deep healing in this inner
solitude. Here, you can reclaim the parts of yourself that have been
swept aside by the hectic grind of everyday life. And you can discover
new parts of your soul that are growing, stretching like delicate
green tendrils to the light. Turn inward into this sacred stillness and
reconnect with your soul’s purpose. It’s waiting for you there.

The Hermit card appears when you are feeling the pull to flow in a
new direction. Embrace the opportunity for some deep soul
searching. You will return with clarity for the journey ahead. The
moon, hung like a lantern in the sky, reminds you that even though
you are surrounded by shadow, you are not lost in the dark. You are,
and have always been, your own best guide. What messages will be
revealed when you turn inward and listen?

sacred stillness surrounds me

the wheel: cycle of regeneration
Red-hot lava tumbles down smoking, blackened rocks. It hits the
ocean, sending vapor exploding up around it in white clouds. The
lava cools almost instantly, adding another layer of blackened rock to
the brand new land. This process has gone on without end since the
beginning of our planet. The water and the land work in conjunction
to transform hot to cold, liquid to stone, salt water to salt-free steam.
In the years to follow, seeds will wash onto the rocks, birds will fly
over, and creatures will arrive. It is not just the land that is created
and renewed, it is the water as well. Beneath the water, the coral will
attach themselves, and sea creatures will find homes and seek food
among the new rocks. In big ways and small ways, the cycle of life

The Wheel card reminds you that cycles of change aren’t just isolated
to one single moment, place or species. It is a whole connected
turning. Fall is not the drop of a single leaf. Spring is not the opening
of a single bloom. The red-hot fires of transformation may look like
they are the only things changing. But it spreads out from there,
supporting a whole network. You are no different. Cycles of change
echo through your life, sometimes with a big splash, sometimes with
a small ripple. But once a cycle has been set in motion, look for the
changes. What is being turned over in your life? What is being
burned away? What is being made new? If you let it, just how far
could these spiraling cycles of change reach in your life?

I hold space for change

justice: the inner reflection
Water is the world's first mirror. It can present a perfect copy of the
outside world, melting a dazzling spectrum of colors across a glassy
shoreline. Or with barely a breeze over the surface, it can paint a very
different picture, shattering the same reflection into abstract streaks.
On a cloudy day, the water turns to a dark puddle of ink, the shore-
line becomes a long charcoal smudge. It’s only when you strip away
the ever-changing surface that you reveal the real terrain beneath.

The Justice card reminds you that mirrors sometimes reveal what you
cannot see. Dig deeper for the inner truth beneath the shimmering
surface. A reflection can be the distance between who you are and
who you want to be. Are you in alignment with your highest self?
Or are things not as clear-cut as they once seemed? There is no
judgement in this card. Only a vision of both the seen and the not-
yet-revealed. Look beyond what the outside world reflects back to
you. Look beyond what is being presented to you as an absolute fact
or a picture-perfect life. Others might be trying to distort your views
for their own ends. Educate yourself. Try to find the bedrock of truth
below the shifting messages and images.

Ultimately, Justice is a card about self-love. It asks you to look for the
inner reflection, not the one painted on the surface. Do the right
thing. Seek integrity. Honor authenticity. Become what you wish to
see in the world. Your soul’s light you will shine the way for others.

I live my truth

the floating one: between worlds
Frogs are the masters of hanging around. They conserve energy
for hours at a time by letting the water support them. They seem
to innately know one of the joys of being in the water is floating.
Buoyancy changes everything. In water, even the heaviest things
are made lighter. And the frog takes every advantage of this
opportunity to pause and hang suspended between two worlds.

Borrow from the wisdom of the frog. Relax into the water and let it
hold you. Take a moment, feel supported at a soul level, and exhale
that breath you’ve been holding. Whatever burden you bring to the
water, this card doesn’t tell you to put it down. Instead it asks, how
can it be better held?

The Floating One encourages you to take a break. Hang between

what you’ve already done and what you still need to do. When you
float on the surface, half of you faces the increasing darkness of the
water, half of you faces the increasing brightness of the sky. These
liminal positions can help change your view on what’s weighing you
down. Accept unconditional support. Realign with what makes you
feel safest. You will move from here and take up your burden again
soon enough. Right now, the Floating One offers you a pause.
What are you between? How can you change your perspective?
Ask yourself, where can you float?

I allow myself to pause

darkness: the Deep Transformation
Water is timeless. It never dies, only transforms to another state. All
the water on Earth is all the water there has ever been. But it doesn’t
always roll over the surface. Hidden beneath the landscape is a vast
network of subterranean springs and aquifers, rivers and lakes.
Above ground, time flickers endlessly from day to night. But slip into
the hushed darkness below ground, and time becomes irrelevant.
Changing seasons hold no sway. The temperature is always the
same. Water slowly filters into still, mirror-like pools. Mineral
formations rise and fall. And glittering crystals — little gems that
seem perfectly created to catch the light — can only be formed after
thousands of years in the solitude of these dark, undisturbed places.

The Darkness card holds the energy of transformation. Like water,

your life is lived in cycles. Chapters open and close. Personal
identities transform. One ending is always rolling into the next
beginning, whether you want it to or not. And, like water, you too will
have periods where you must go within. Don’t be afraid of the dark.
Welcome stillness. Let time drift away. Open your heart to shadow
work you’ve been putting off. Give yourself unconditional love. Let it
illuminate the beauty of this part of the journey. There are gifts in the
darkness. You are letting things go and making space for something
new. You are changing, in ways that no one but you can see. You are
flowing toward a transformation. And when you slip softly back into
the light, you will discover the next chapter has already begun.

I honor my changes

balance: the harsh Extremes
In desert environments, water can hide in unexpected places.
Cactuses can hold water for months after the last spring rain has
passed. All through the deep, dry months of summer they hold water
in their bodies and arms. By the end of summer, the cactuses are
thin, almost like skeletons of themselves. But they’ve made it. When
the explosive monsoon rains return in fall they drink in the rain
again, replenishing their water supply. They are survivors. In this
card, you do not know if the storm is approaching or leaving. Where
the storm cloud bursts over the hot, dry land, rainwater often runs off
too quickly. It may fall on the plants or miss them entirely. In such
harsh environments, there are no guarantees. Cactuses have evolved
completely to be in harmony with their extreme environment.

The Balance card carries the message that you too will go through
times of extremes. Sometimes you will be the rainstorm — active,
productive, bursting with energy. And sometimes you will be the
cactus — holding on to what you have and who you are at your core,
to get you through this time of duress. Above all, you are resilient.
You are finding the balance between letting go and holding back
what you need. The Balance card asks, what clarity does the stark
contrast bring you? What steps can you take to feel comfortable in
the midst of extremes? What will keep you nourished through this
time? And what are you certain now you can shed?

I find ways to balance

the devil: the drought
A long, hard drought washes the land in shades of brown. The last
trickle of a once-full river is slipping away. Soon it will be gone too.
Then only the ghost of water will be left to haunt the landscape.
All land on Earth is shaped by the movement of water. And when it
dries up, the empty paths carved into the parched ground tell the
story of where water once flowed. Wishing for water will not bring it
back. Neither will searching for it. When a season of drought arrives,
no part of the environment is left untouched. It reveals everything.

The Devil card confronts you with a harsh reality. You are searching
for something you can no longer find. Its presence is still there,
imprinted on everything. But what you were hoping for, like the
water in this card, has been slipping away for a long time. This card
delivers a tough message: Stop looking for water in the desert. Stop
fixating on what was or what might have been. Stop fooling yourself
with false hopes. When the water is gone, every detail of the land-
scape is revealed. It can be shocking, but it also offers you a unique
perspective. Acknowledge how much things have changed, then
change your own behavior. Break free from unrealistic expectations.
Limit self-sabotaging behavior. What is a personal desert in your life
right now? Is it a difficult person, a toxic situation, or a destructive
habit you know you need to break? Droughts are cyclical. Grow
through this dry season, until what you are truly seeking — positive
relationships, healthy habits — begin to flow into your life again.

I release expectations

the tower: the looming storm
In front of you is an unfathomably large wall of clouds. It fills the
night sky. It is overwhelming. There are no edges to see how big
or small it is. The glare from the lightning blots out everything on
the ground. There is no rain falling on the land to see if it is just
beginning to let loose a downpour or if it’s just ending. There is
only the storm.

The Tower card reminds you that change — sudden change — is also
part of a cycle. The nature of thunderstorms is erratic. Some storms
hit you hard and seemingly out of the blue. Others fizzle before they
get to you. Still others never reach you, only hover on the horizon in
a threatening line. Every creature on Earth weathers storms, faces the
threat of the unknown, and endures.

In the face of uncertainty, the Tower card asks for introspection. What
are you truly fearing? The storm in front of you, or the imagined
possibility of how bad it might be? Are you preparing to endure the
rain shower, or are you clamping your hands over your ears at the
thunder and wishing it was over? Rely on your resilience to get you
through. Practice self-care, reach out to those who support you.
Acknowledge your fears, and know with certainty that this too will
pass. Focus on the other unspoken questions written in the looming
storm: What will be different when the storm passes? What will be
revealed? What will be washed away? What will be made clean?

I can weather the storm

The stars: the illuminated Path
The storm has broken. An expanse of space and land is opening
before you. Stars fleck the velvet night sky. As if reflecting it,
glittering bioluminescence shimmers at the shoreline. Both light up
the night. Both guide the way through the darkness. Countless sea
creatures send their glow out into the lightless depths of the water.
And the myriad stars, though the source of their ancient fire may
never be known to humans, still pierce our sky with their light. They
call out, across space and time, sometimes even leaving a brilliant
mark trailing across the darkness.

The Stars card brings you a message of guidance from afar. You are
finding your way through the dark. The things that once obscured
your view have cleared. Now you can take in the fullness and magic
around you. Move forward. Feel the sand sink under your feet, the
sunset breeze on your skin. Let the colors of night wash over you.
Follow the rippling edge of the water or set your sights higher. Pick a
far-off star. Let that be your guiding light. The Stars asks, what is your
most heartfelt desire? What course will you chart to get there?

The Stars card affirms that your path is being illuminated. Set your
course. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. Where are your
feet leading you? What far-off goal is calling to you from across the
night sky? The whole of the universe is shining its light, just for you.

the path shimmers before me

the moon: the gentle guide
The full moon drenches the world in shades of blue and black,
turning a familiar landscape into something eerie and mysterious.
The moon is the guiding force that leads the world’s oceans, bringing
the tides back and forth with such steady precision that the whole
Earth is renewed twice a day. Just like the tides, the moon calls to
you too. It beckons with its soft glow, pulling you away from your
well-lit home. It entices you out into the darkness to marvel at the
glowing blue light on your skin. Heed this siren's song. Step into the
mystery. Don’t be afraid to let darkness surround you. It’s only there
that you can walk and dance and bask in this otherworldly light.

The Moon card represents the soft glow of your intuition. It is a light
in the darkness. It is the gentle guide that moves your soul. Tune out
the lies and distractions of the world and go inward on a journey of
discovery. The moon in the night sky reflects the sun’s light down to
Earth. This card is a sign that you need to reflect too. Meditate, jour-
nal, make art. Listen for the whisper of your innermost voice. Step
outside your comfort zone, and venture into liminal spaces. Bask in
the light of your inner wildness. Write down your dreams, even if
they are confusing or unsettling. Hold space for these moments of
soul-illumination, and accept both the mystery and clarity they bring.
Just like the moon, your intuition is always present, even when you
are not aware of it. When you feel a soul-deep tug, move with it. You
are learning to trust yourself. Let your intuition be your guide.

I hold space for the mystery

the sun: the radiant companion
Open your fingers and let the blue-green water rush past. The sun
already knows how to play. It gilds the curve of the wave and streaks
through the center, dazzling you with its golden light. The energy
from the sun’s rays warm oceans and push currents around the
world. It warms the air and keeps the entire water cycle turning. It
provides nutrients to every living creature on Earth, directly and
indirectly, including you. Every time the sunlight dances across your
skin, you are intricately connected to these complex circles of life.
You do not have to prove yourself to be worthy. You just have to be.
The sun is waiting for you. Hold out your hand and accept its warmth.

The Sun card offers you a cup brimming with positive energy. Drink
it in. Let it fill you up until you glow too. Nothing is required of you
to be happy and receive this goodness into your life. Just savor the
moment. Where the Moon card invites you into a world of mystery,
the Sun card wraps you in a warm blanket of hope and positivity.
Accept these gifts with gratitude. You don’t need to overthink it.
Enjoy what is right in front of you. Take inspired action. Let your inner
child out to play. Jump into the water and ride the waves. Live in the
now. Imagine what miracles of time and space had to happen just to
bring you to this place. You are worthy of it. Let the experience wash
over you. You are a water droplet in this spiraling wave of life. You are
revolving around the sun in this radiant dance. The Sun card is send-
ing all its positive energy to you. Tip your face up and receive.

I accept happiness
judgement: the deep unknown
The water is vast and deep. There is a lulling comfort in the rocking of
the waves. But perhaps you’ve floated for too long, drifted too far and
your feet can no longer touch the ground. You are alone with the
elements, alone on this journey. And the sun is dipping lower and
lower among the waves. You know you will have to take action soon.

The Judgement card arrives when you are at a crossroads. You are
swimming among some deep unknowns in your life. You know you
can’t go on like this. Yet you still aren’t sure how to turn things
around. This card asks you to be honest with yourself about who you
are and what you want. Before you can move on, you need to face all
the choices that brought you to this point.

The Judgement card may seem weighty, making you feel like you’ve
reached a sink-or-swim moment. But really it’s your sign to take
action. You’re being called into alignment with your higher self. Own
your journey, both the good and the bad. Practice unconditional
love, forgiveness and gratitude to help shift your perspective. Accept
who you are. Embrace your unique qualities, and claim your place in
the world. It is time to do what you’re meant to be doing. Draw
strength from your time among the deep waves, honor your
experience, then set out for solid land with a new plan, a new goal,
a new outlook. What are the deep unknowns surrounding you at this
moment? How can you begin to swim toward new ground?

I move forward with love

The world: You are complete
The spectrum of life on our planet has all the colors of the rainbow.
From the green plant life to the condensation of fresh water in the
dewdrops. From the yellow sands to the cool blue saltwater ocean
stretching to the horizon. From the purple clouds of the water cycle
to the brilliant golden-orange sun watching over it all. These are the
necessary ingredients for life on Earth.

Every aspect of this card is found within you. You are in every aspect
of this card. You are the beginning and the end. You drink fresh water
and cry saltwater tears. You are the water cycle held in one body. You
hold infinite capacities within you.... For spreading unconditional
love like the morning dew. For being resilient as the sandy beach, as
renewing as the surf. For being as flexible as the clouds, turning salt-
water to fresh. For finding space for joy, like the life-giving sun. For
holding the vastness, mystery and magic, like the limitless ocean.

The World card carries a message of wholeness and fulfillment

among its sunrise colors. Take a moment. Celebrate how you got
here. Look ahead to what’s next. Let the first light of a new day
illuminate you. You have unlimited potential.

You hold entire oceans within you. You are the whole universe in a
single drop. The World card affirms it: You are complete.

I am connected to all things

The world: a Hidden message
The World card is often seen as the culmination of the Fool’s journey.
But since the Fool in this deck is a water drop, it does not ‘end.’ When
the droplet of dew in the World card falls off the blade of seagrass, the
water cycle will begin all over again. In the background of the Fool
card is the seagrass it just fell from. Flip it upside down and the sun-
rise colors of the World card are reflected in the drop. The falling water
in the Fool card and the dewdrop in the World card are the same. The
sun’s centermost ray points to the hidden message. It shines down
the center of the World card, through the dewdrop and the word
“You.” This word is the only human expression in the entire deck. And
it is the final gift of the World card: You are a single drop in a wide,
wide world. You are also the whole world, carried in a single drop. You
are complete, in more ways than you’ll ever know.

you are the universe in a single drop

the Minor Arcana
Where the Major Arcana follows lofty archetypes, the
Minor Arcana represent the activities that make up daily
life. Divided into four suits, the Minor Arcana involve the
energy that is moving through your life at this moment
and that can be influenced by the actions you take now:

Waves/Wands - goal-oriented, creativity and action

Ponds/Pentacles - security-related, comfort and stability
Snow/Swords - matters of the head, clarity and principles
Clouds/Cups - matters of the heart, feelings and spirit
Saltwater makes up the Waves suit. It encompasses the
largest and most active water force on our planet: our
oceans. The Waves cards represent action, movement
and innovation. They bring messages of initiative, drive
and the energy of beginnings. The Waves suit replaces
the Wands suit in traditional tarot. Where the Wands
suit is connected to fire, the Waves cards are united by
the spark of action. The colors in this suit reflect the
colors of the ocean, with emerald greens, coral oranges,
deep sea blues and storm greys.
Ace of Waves - A Ripple of Energy
A single wave rolls onto the sun-
warmed sand. It breaks over your
toes and washes the tops of your
feet before sliding back into the
ocean. With enough energy
behind it, even the smallest ripple
can swell into a big enough wave
that it travels across oceans and
crashes onto unknown shores. It
can grow into a powerful world-
altering force. But it all starts with
the single ripple, lapping at your toes. Its potential is limitless.

The Ace of Waves is a card of beginnings. It is the ripple that will one
day reshape coastlines. It is the spark that ignites the fire. The seed
that becomes the plant. A wave itself is the movement of energy
through water. So when this card arrives, it asks where are you focus-
ing your energy? If you’ve been looking for a sign to start something
new, this is it. Say yes. Start small. Learn what sets your soul on fire.
Let the warmth and positivity of this card roll into your life. You are at
the beginning a journey that will move you into alignment with your
highest self. Open your heart to all the possibilities. What ripples are
breaking on your shores? How could they change you if you let them
grow into a powerful force in your life?

I hold oceans of potential

Two of Waves - Surging power
The once-glassy ocean churns and
froths. White-capped waves pound
the coast, and their roar can be
heard long before you get to the
beach. Waves begin their life far
offshore, where the wind whips
the sea so relentlessly it transfers
its energy to the water. That
energy propels large rolling swells
across the ocean and sends waves
crashing into the shore. This is the
surging power of waves. No longer the tiny ripple from the Ace, wave
energy, when amplified, moves the entire wild, windswept ocean.

The Two of Waves encourages you to gather your energy. On the jour-
ney toward your goals, the preparation stage can feel like you aren’t
getting any closer. As if you are stuck in a circular pattern of ups and
downs. This card is a reminder that you are still moving forward. You
are spanning the distance between idea and action. Keep pushing
ahead. With each new plan you make, each item you check off your
list, you are moving closer to your goal. Remember, where your mind
goes, your energy flows. Stay focused on where you want to be and
the surge of power gathering at your back will push you there.

my energy pushes me ahead

Three of waves - Dive Deeper
Beneath the rolling waves is
another world. Closest to shore, it
even looks like the surface, with its
sea grasses and sky-blue waters.
But go deeper into the fathomless
depths, and the mystery and
magic of the world’s oceans are
quickly revealed. The sea contains
ninety-nine percent of the living
space on Earth...yet less than ten
percent has been explored. And at
least half of all life on Earth is lived out underwater. Dive deeper.
There is a whole new world waiting just beyond the waves.

The Three of Waves is a siren’s song calling you to go deeper. Leave

the crashing surf behind and dive into the mysteries and complex-
ities that are swirling out there, waiting to be discovered. And you
are more than ready to take your goals, desires or experiences to the
next level. So set off. Broaden your horizons. Chart a new course. This
is your chance to see things from a new perspective. This card is your
sign to take action. Pull in energy to support you. Use the resources
around you. Draw on your past efforts to guide you. You are ready to
dive in and let the magic of these new experiences envelope you.

I dive into new experiences

four of waves: sanctuary
Coral reefs are an explosion of life
under the water. Considered the
rainforests of the sea, coral reefs
are one of the most diverse
ecosystems in the world. Countless
sea creatures gather here to feed,
lay eggs and raise young. And the
coral themselves are living
creatures. Their ancient, intricate
crayon-colored habitats support
nearly a quarter of all ocean life.

When the Four of Waves arrives, it’s time to celebrate! You have
worked hard and created a foundation that others can safely build
on. You have finally reached a milestone you’ve worked long and
hard to reach. You are reuniting with the ones you love. This card
celebrates you and what you’ve accomplished. Embrace the joy
around you. Honor the journey that brought you here. Celebrate
with those who have supported you. Swim with your school of fish.
Let the colors and beauty around you fill you up. You are in harmony
with where you want to be in life. Whether it’s a home or a job, in a
relationship or at the soul-level, you have found your sanctuary.
Enjoy this moment. You deserve it.

I step into my bliss

five of waves: flow around adversity
A shark swims through a school of
fish. You cannot tell if the shark is
hunting for his next meal or just
passing through. However to the
fish, it doesn’t matter. They see it
all the same way: a shark in their
midst is a potential threat.
Suddenly, in a beautiful harmony
of movement, the fish flash their
tales, flip their bodies and move as
one to let the shark pass them by.
They know that to survive, they must flow around this adversity.

The Five of Waves focuses on a point of conflict in your life and asks
how you can move past it. From the perspective of the fish, it might
seem dire. But when seen from above, with a change of perspective,
the fish flow with water, moving together to keep the shark passing
by. They don’t fight it, and they don’t fight each other. Instead they
coordinate their movements and work with their unique advantages
to keep the shark at a safe distance. It works. Is there a shark swim-
ming through your life? What coordinated steps can you take to push
past this or keep it moving past you?

I flow around trouble

six of waves - belong
The clownfish and the anemone
are entirely different species of
ocean creatures. But the deep or-
ange clownfish so perfectly blends
with the rosy colored anemone
that it often makes them his home.
And though both creatures benefit
from this relationship, out of all
the places in the vast ocean that
the little fish could swim to, the
gently swaying arms of the ane-
mone are where clownfish feels the most safe. To him, this is home.

The Six of Waves card reminds you that there are places you belong.
Places where you are loved and safe, where your goals are met. Wrap
yourself in this sense of belonging. You are exactly where you are
meant to be right now. Honor your journey. And celebrate the sup-
port system that helped you get to where you are. This card is also a
signal to keep going. The self-fulfillment you feel now will sustain
greater and bigger goals. Build on this foundation. Let these feelings
of safety and wholeness expand outward from your core. You are
where you belong. Who are the people you feel most ‘at home’ with?
What places and situations help bring you back to a place of center?

I am where I’m meant to be

seven of Waves - Endure
The ridges, pockmarks, gouges
and missing chips on this spiral
shell all tell a story. It is a journey
of perseverance. Shells must with-
stand tremendous forces, both
from the crashing waves and from
being tumbled over the seafloor.
The shell’s only job is to protect
what is inside. It is not built to be
beautiful, even though its tightly
coiled spiral is a harmony of
design and proportion. Without its shell, the delicate soft-bodied
creature inside simply would not survive.

The Seven of Waves comes to you with a message of endurance. It is

not a weakness to want to shield yourself from people or situations
that are negative. Choosing to wear emotional armor is a strength.
Radical self-protection comes from a place of deep-rooted self-love.
And that hard exterior is just as much a part of you as your tenderest,
most protected places. When confronted with negativity, breathe in
boundaries. Breathe out compassionate self-protection. Let it spiral
from your center until it surrounds you like this shell. Know that you
are strong enough to face whatever your life has to throw at you.

my love is a protective shell

Eight of Waves - Synchronicity
In a flash of silver, a school of fish
darts through the water. It is an
elegant dance of unity and preci-
sion. Staying together keeps them
safe from predators and helps
them swim faster. It all comes
down to teamwork. They read sig-
nals from each others’ bodies and
changes in the flow of the water.
Every swish of a tail, every flick of a
head is mirrored by another, until
it’s a shimmering cascade of movement. This is a dance of synchron-
icities. It is communication turned into instant, dazzling action.

When the Eight of Waves arrives you know you are moving in har-
mony with your goals. Your hard work has paid off. Opportunities are
knocking. This is your moment. Don’t let it slip by! The universe is
showering messages around you. Listen to these signals then take
inspired action. Imagine your intuition as a school of fish, swimming
around you, encouraging you to move in directions that are safe and
for your best interest. Get into the flow of this intuitive network and
lean into it. Let it guide you. Look for the synchronicities. Trust your
gut feeling. And be ready to act fast when you get the right signal!

I move with inspired action

Nine of Waves - Persevere
At any moment, on any shoreline
in the world, tiny transformations
are happening. Day and night,
waves crash ceaselessly against
the land. Sometimes it’s just a
gentle ripple over the beach,
washing away grains of sand at a
time. Sometimes it’s a blast of
water sending rocks tumbling into
the ocean. The real power of waves
is not in their force but in their
repetition. Waves persevere. Though erosion does cause moments of
large change, most go unnoticed. It is just the loss of a few grains of
sand, here and there, over and over. But it is more than enough.
Even the softest waves are still strong enough to crumble continents.

The Nine of Waves card reminds you that you do not have to exert
power to be powerful. There is strength in your resilience. When
challenges are great, keep moving forward toward your goal, even
in the smallest steps. Don’t focus on the size of what you have to
conquer. Only look at what you are chipping away. Keep going.
Don’t give up. You have the power of an ocean at your back.

I move forward, always

ten of Waves - let go
The sun sets. The tide goes out.
The tidal cycle is a natural and
necessary part of each day. The
driftwood that once floated on
water, made light and buoyant,
moving easily with the surf, is now
left behind on the beach. It seems
heavier than it’s ever been before,
waterlogged and sinking into the
sand. But the tides will come back
again. And when they do, they will
again shift those things that seem, at this moment, immoveable.

The Ten of Waves carries a gentle message to let go of what has

become too heavy to carry. Take a moment for yourself here. Breathe.
Rest is a necessary part of the cycle of action and forward momen-
tum. Only during low tide are the widest stretches of beach revealed.
Look around. Reevaluate your priorities. You’ve been given the gift of
a clear view of your surroundings. Are there other things waiting for
your attention in the distance? Take stock of what’s important to you,
and make future plans. You do not have to carry it all. Are there bur-
dens that are just too heavy to lift right now? Do you really need to
keep carrying them? Or can they be left behind on the beach?

I release what is not mine

page of Waves: delight in adventure
Dolphins are the embodiment of
joy in the water. As some of the
world’s most intelligent animals,
dolphins stay together and play
together. They live in pods where
they create lifelong friendships.
Together, they surf the waves,
swim through self-made bubble
rings and take high spinning leaps
out of the water. Like all water
mammals, dolphins dwell in two
worlds, living in water and breathing air. But they make the most of
this duality by jumping and splashing between the two.

The Page of Waves asks you to live into your joy. Like the smallest
wave, this card is the source from which so many other possibilities
can grow. Plans will come later. Right now, let yourself get swept up
in the magic of new beginnings. Borrow from the contagious energy
of the dolphins. Imagine swimming, the feeling of water over your
skin and the sunlight glittering in your eyes. It makes you want jump
and splash too. Don’t hold yourself back. What makes your heart leap
and spin? What ideas are bubbling up within you? How can you find
a way to delight in the adventure of it all?

I follow my heart’s desire

knight of Waves: seek new horizons
Orcas are one of the farthest travel-
ing creatures in the sea. Just like
this mother and baby, orca pods
are always on the move. Orcas
swim about forty miles a day, for
food or just for fun. And in one
year, they can travel thousands of
miles along their migratory routes.
When the siren’s song of a new
horizon calls out to them, they
don’t hold back. They go!

When the Knight of Waves sails in, get ready to hang on. It is here to
take you on a journey, to move you and inspire you. This card is your
message to go with it! Whether it's a person, travel or a new opportu-
nity, change is waiting for you. The spark of a new idea has turned
into a clear vision. Now is the time to take inspired action. Let your-
self get carried along with the Knight of Waves energy. New things
are beckoning from the horizon, and you must heed the call and go.

Where can you be open to change? What adventure have you been
putting off? What wild desire is calling out to your soul?

I am open to all possibilities

queen of Waves: radiate harmony
There are perhaps no other ocean
creatures so well suited to their
watery environment as jellyfish.
Older than the dinosaurs, jellyfish
are ninety-eight percent water.
From their bell top to their ruffled
tentacles, their bodies are perfectly
shaped to glide through water.
This glowing blue jellyfish even
creates her own light, using biolu-
minescence to cast a soft glow
around her in the inky depths. She, like all of her ancestors down
through the millenia, is almost completely at one with the water.

The Queen of Waves encourages you to live the life you love. You are
being called to align with your most passionate, most creative self.
You know who you are. You do things your own way, and you always
have. This card affirms it: There is no one like you. Let that joyous
self-knowing radiate from the inside out. And though you may have
had to swim through some dark waters to come to this place of deep
harmony, the gifts you bring — your passionate spirit and unwavering
self confidence — shine their own light. Like the Queen of Waves,
you generously share that light with those around you.

I am who I want to be

king of Waves - brave any depth
Whales are the wonder of the seas.
They are the largest creatures in
the ocean, and some are the
largest creatures to have ever lived
on Earth. They dive the deepest of
any sea creature, going almost two
miles deep, and yet, like this
humpback whale, still surface and
breathe air. They have the farthest
migratory routes, with some feed-
ing near the icy poles and giving
birth in the warm tropics, and traveling more than sixteen thousand
miles between. And their communications travel the farthest on
Earth, with their chirps, clicks, whistles and haunting songs carrying
thousands of miles away. From the surface to the sea floor, every part
of the ocean is within the whale’s domain

The King of Waves appears when you are taking the long view. The
visions you have for your life are not small. It takes energy and ded-
ication to see it through, but you can do it. Take your time. No matter
what you have to overcome, like the whale, you will brave any depth
to reach your goal. The hard work you are doing is leaving a legacy.
And you have the strength, maturity and wisdom to see it through.

I open to my greatest potential

Groundwater makes up the Ponds suit. It encompasses
all types of fresh water, and the plants and creatures who
depend on it. Ponds cards represent resources, stability
and practicality. They bring messages of responsibility,
safety and abundance. The Ponds suit replaces the
Pentacles suit in traditional tarot. Where the Pentacles
suit is connected to Earth, the Ponds cards are united by
the energy of groundedness. The colors in this suit reflect
the colors of land, with forest greens, earthen reds and
browns, and the silvery blue of streams and waterfalls.
Ace of ponds - one source
High in the mountains, spring
water bubbles up from its
secluded source. The gentle waters
allow soft moss to grow on the
rocks. The current is not yet strong
enough to carry off the leaves.
Eventually, the rivulet of fresh
water merge with more streams to
travel across the rolling landscape,
thousands of miles, until it reaches
the sun-drenched ocean. But here,
in this shaded woodland spot, the journey is just beginning.

The Ace of Ponds is a card of vast potential. It brings you to the source
of your material resources. Go deeper, reflect on what you have,
visualize what you can make from it. You will only grow from this
point. This endeavor may change you, taking you to places you
never imagined. But it will be worth it. This where the journey of a
thousand steps begins.

What is the beginning of the thing you desire, even in its smallest,
most unassuming state? What goals are you stretching toward? What
message from this place can help prepare you for the path ahead?

I am beginning my journey

two of ponds - many paths
A silver mountain stream curls
around trees and rolls over the
forest floor. But reaching a rocky
cliff, it splits and tumbles over the
edge in several waterfalls. During
the course of the stream’s ‘life,’
this will happen again and again.
Beyond the waterfall, the
individual streams might merge
back together. Or they may split off
and go another direction entirely.
Although all water travels downhill and will eventually reach the
ocean, each journey over land can take a very different route.

The Two of Ponds shows you the many ways you are moving ahead.
No single journey is the same. Each route has its own benefits and
drawbacks. This card asks you to be flexible. One role isn’t always
enough to reach your goals. You are deeply capable. Don’t be afraid
to hold many things in flow at the same time. Find ways to work with
your tasks, not against them. And if you find you are carrying too
many responsibilities, prioritize and adapt. It will all get done in the
end. Where can you find balance among your responsibilities?
Where can you focus your energy to make the tasks at hand easier?

I follow my own path

three of ponds - blending energies
An emerald-green lake shimmers
in the morning light. But it is more
than meets the eye. Just below the
glassy surface are layers of inter-
connected ecosystems. When fast-
moving streams spill into the lake,
water slows down dramatically.
The swirls and eddies become a
gentle caress. Here, aquatic plants
thrive. The nutrients they generate
turn the water to a lush green and
become the building blocks that support countless life forms. Even
though it shines like a solitary gem in the landscape, the lake is ac-
tually the product of many systems pooling together, creating a rich,
intricately complex habitat, just beneath the peaceful surface.

The Three of Ponds is a card of collaboration. Let your energy swirl

with others. This synergy will result in a much bigger, much richer
outcome than you could have every achieved alone. Each new rela-
tionship and experience adds another facet to who you are. This card
reminds you that anything is possible when you pool your resources.
Don’t just dream about it, do it. Where you are being called to co-
create. How are you pouring yourself in? How is it changing you?

I open myself to connections

four of ponds - the smoothest route
Water will always find the easiest
path to flow. Every time. When it
comes to an obstacle, it gently
rolls around it. It moves and swirls,
sometimes even falling back on it-
self, but it never stops. Though the
path is winding, water flows over
the bumps and around the curves.
It does not hold itself back. Instead
it smooths out the environment
around it, just by letting itself go.

The Four of Ponds asks you to find your flow. Like water, energy wants
to move down the path of least resistance. When facing obstacles,
look for ways around the people or situations that snag your energy.
Hold too tightly and you might end up blocking yourself. This card
signals it is time to let go. Take a cue from nature: An autumn leaf
doesn’t resist dropping from the tree. A summer flower does not
force itself to bloom in winter. Let things unfold in their own divine
timing. If you are manifesting a goal, shortcuts aren’t always better.
Instead, focus your energy on living into your truth. When your goals
align with your highest self, you will flow easily toward your purpose,
and what you desire will find the smoothest route into your hands.

I surrender to the flow

five of ponds - scarcity
The memory of water leaves its
fingerprints on the land, even
though it might have been years
since rain has fallen. This was once
a fertile place, where trees flour-
ished and water was plentiful. But
something has changed. Some
hardship has dried up the cool
nourishing waters. There are no
answers left behind in the hot
sands. But it does not matter:
Understanding why the water dried up will not bring it back again.

The Five of Ponds asks you to look at your options when faced with
scarcity or hardship. Do you watch the sky and hope for rain? Or do
you wait for a ribbon of water to wind its way back to you? You might
be waiting a long time. Scarcity presents you with stark choices: You
can cling to the way it was and possibly grow as hardened as a tree
in the desert. Or you can face the present reality that what once sup-
ported you is gone. Like the creatures who once visited this dried-up
lake, it might be time to move on and find nourishment elsewhere.
What places in your life are struggling from lack of time, attention or
resources? What changes could bring you closer to what you need?

I am adaptable

six of ponds - sharing abundance
All plants on Earth have adapted
to collect water. Some are more
visible than others. Leaves have
channels to better funnel precious
water down to the plant’s roots.
Root systems spread out beneath
the plant to maximize the water it
catches from leaves. Like the hosta,
the leaves themselves slow the fall
of rain, shattering a raindrop and
sending it to the ground in a softer
spray of water. Smaller drops mean a more gentle and even spread
of water to the roots below it, and the roots of other plants around it.

The Six of Ponds focuses on the positive benefit of shared resources.

When you give of your time, your energy or your intentions, those
around you can grow and flourish. However this isn’t just a card of
good deeds. The Six of Ponds asks you to see yourself as part of a
larger circle. How do your actions benefit others? What are you put-
ting into the universe, and in what ways does it come back to you?
How is it feeding your current goals? How is it helping grow your
future ones?

I share abundance

seven of ponds - embrace change
Water has no use for boundaries.
It never holds itself back. Like the
winding river, water will always
flow around and even loop back
on itself when it encounters an
obstacle. No matter what journey it
took to get to that point. It flows. It
twists and turns with whatever sur-
prises the landscape throws at it.
The river never stops moving and
changing with its environment.

The Seven of Ponds card reminds you that you will encounter both
successes and challenges. The path will alternate between smooth
and bumpy. When you encounter obstacles, don’t hold yourself back.
Allow yourself to flow. Embrace the change needed to move you
through this moment. Even if it seems like you’re going backwards
for a while. Like the river, you will get there. In your own way and in
your own time.

What ways can you see change happening for you in the future? Are
there new pathways, new opportunities or new routes that you have
been putting off exploring?

I move with changes

eight of ponds - carved by time
Some of the most breathtaking
places on Earth have been carved
out by water and time. In about
eight seconds you can look over
a canyon that took eighty million
years to create. Water’s ability to
shape the land, bit by bit, is more
powerful than the first burst of
force that pushed up the
mountains out of the oceans. The
smooth walls of canyons open up
to be read like pages in a book. The history of the land is written
among the layers of rocks. For humans, it is nearly impossible to
comprehend the longevity of water. But each day, each drop of water
is grinding away and revealing another tiny new piece of the canyon.

The Eight of Ponds reminds you that when you set about to do a task
that is meaningful, don’t focus on the end result. Instead give your-
self to the work that is required to get the job done. Commit. Show
up. Every day. Watch your goal slowly take shape under your hands.
Time is a resource, just like the water washing down a canyon wall. It
makes gentle changes, bit by bit. What is asking you to show up on
a regular basis? Can you see the results of your patient work?

I persist

nine of ponds - safe harbors
The setting sun gilds the slow-
moving waters of a protected cove.
Estuaries, the warm shallow waters
that border many freshwater areas,
provide habitats for millions of
plants and animals. It is rich with
the interconnected webs of life.
Creatures from land, water and air
return to these safe areas through
every cycle of their lives. In these
golden waters, life flourishes.

The Nine of Ponds delivers a message of safety and prosperity. Con-

sider the people, places and practices in your life that make you feel
the most nurtured. Embrace your future with confidence. The plans
you make now will ripple outward, connecting you to others in ways
you cannot yet know. Make goals, set future plans. And let yourself
imagine how far your legacy could reach. Enjoy this golden moment.
You deserve it.

Where are the safe harbors in your life? Who are the people that
make you feel most nurtured? How can you enrich those areas and
expand those relationships? How are you building a legacy?

my nature is to flow

ten of ponds - oasis
A cascade of water through the
high desert canyon creates a lush,
almost jungle-like setting year-
round. It’s not just the pool of
water, but the steady consistent
water source feeding the oasis that
provides life-giving support. Trees
grow, grasses take hold, birds and
animals make this unique riparian
environment their home. Where
water flows, all things grow.

The Ten of Ponds arrives to say you’ve made it. You’ve had to endure
a lot of hardship to get to this place. But it was worth it. You can rest
and rejuvenate here. There will be more travels to come — an oasis is
usually a resting stop and not a final destination. But you will be
more than ready to handle the rest of the journey after this.

What does an oasis look like for you at this moment? What needs
nourishment or rejuvenation? What accomplishments can you
celebrate right now? What can you take from this place to make
preparations for the journey ahead?

I can rest in this moment

page of ponds - boundless curiosity
Curiosity reigns when it comes to
river otters. Incredibly smart,
inquisitive, familial creatures,
otters can be seen cavorting in
freshwater areas worldwide. In the
water they are sleek swimmers.
On land, they wrestle, slide down
stream banks, even play in the
snow. Wherever they are, they live
fully into their environment. The
world is their playground.

The Page of Ponds dashes into your life to remind you to open up to
your surroundings. Become a student of life. There is always some-
thing to learn, even when a situation doesn’t turn out the way you
hoped. This card encourages you to try again, look at things from a
different perspective, approach the moment with an inquisitive
mind. Give yourself permission to play. Try a new food, learn a new
skill. Dig in and experience everything the world has to offer.

Where are you seeking new challenges? What situations are asking
to be learned from? How can you turn things on their head? Where
can you bring a little joy to your daily routine?

I am always learning

knight of ponds - against the flow
In a flash of quicksilver, a fish leaps
out of the river. Again and again, it
launches itself over the frothing
water to go upstream. Following
instinct, the fish embarks on the
seemingly impossible task of swim-
ming against the current to get to
the safest part of the river to lay its
eggs. But the end is worth the ef-
fort. Another generation of fish are
born, and the cycle begins again.

The Knight of Ponds brings you a message of dedication. Whether

it’s slogging through the daily grind or plotting for some far-off goal,
this card reminds you to rely on the routine. Be persistent, even if
that borders on stubbornness. Manage the plan, work out the details
and show up ready to go, even at the toughest moments. You will
stick with it until the job is done. Do not be afraid to go against the
flow to achieve your heart’s desires. The end is worth the effort.

How are you working to achieve your goals? What does daily inten-
tion look like in your life? How do you reward yourself when your
hard work pays off? Who else benefits from your dedication?

I work towards what I love

queen of ponds - resourceful
Frogs are found in almost every
environment. From moss-covered
forests to grassy marshes. From
tropical jungles to coastal sand
dunes. Even in the harshest
conditions they find ways to thrive.
They live in ditches and temporary
puddles, and even lay their eggs
in the dew collected in leaves
until seasonal rains return. More
than just a jewel-toned flash from
beneath the shadow of a leaf, frogs are a master of their resources.

The Queen of Ponds arrives to say, “You’ve got this.” No matter how
hard it looks, no matter how much money, time or energy it might
take. This card delivers the deep affirmation that you are a master
when it comes to making something out of nothing. You will get it
done. You are deeply capable and see the big picture. You are com-
fortable moving between what can be and what will be to make a
better life for yourself and those who depend on you. How do you
maximize your resources? How do you pass on this abundance and
stability to those around you?

I share my success

king of ponds - interconnected
Illuminated by the fiery sunset,
an intricate pattern of tributaries
runs like liquid gold across the
landscape. Up close, each stream
seems like a separate body of
water. But from the sky, the truth is
revealed: All fresh water is deeply
interconnected. Whether it moves
above the ground or below the
surface, whether it runs in rivers or
is frozen in glaciers, whether it is
called a lake or a pond or a is always one water. And for
the creatures who depend on it, this network of fresh water is Earth’s
most precious resource, hidden in plain sight.

The King of Ponds wraps you in messages of fulfillment. You are a

capable provider, able to sustain yourself and those around you.
Now your planning, hard work and dedication are paying off. You
finally see the big picture. Breath in this moment. Your choices shine
like a roadmap in front of you, leading you to your long-held goal.
Move towards it with confidence. You’ve earned this. What are you
moving towards? What steps can you take to get there?

I am capable of anything

Ice and snow make up the Snow suit. It encompasses all
frozen states of water and the creatures who survive and
thrive in plummeting temperatures. Snow cards repre-
sent challenges, clarity and resilience. They bring mes-
sages of hard choices, clear thinking and truths revealed.
The Snow suit replaces the Swords suit in traditional
tarot. Where the Swords suit is connected to air, the Snow
cards are united by stark clarity around decision making.
Freezing temperatures force humans and creatures alike
to cut to the heart of the matter and take action.
ace of snow - crystallizing moment
Grey clouds roll across the sky.
The air has a cold bite to it. Then,
seemingly out of nowhere, a
single snowflake drifts lazily to the
ground. A marvel of crisp edges
and six-sided symmetry, it has
fallen a long way to land at your
feet. But once this delicate little
messenger appears, you know
there is more to come. The world
around you is about to change.

The Ace of Snow invites you to look at your surroundings with clarity.
Things are changing. How do you want to play a part? Maybe it
comes as a sudden realization. Maybe you’ve had a realignment in
your thinking. Or maybe you are ready to level up to a whole new
way of experiencing things. Whatever it is, this card sweeps in when
a transition is coming, one that is likely to stick around for a while.

What signals change in your life? What is suddenly coming into

sharper focus? What new insights are emerging with this cold clar-
ity? What can you reframe to see your world in a totally new light?

I open my arms to change

two of snow - the path
Overnight, a deep snow silently
blankets the land. It clings to the
branches, weighing them down,
and covers the ground in soft
drifts and swells. In just a few
hours, a familiar landscape has
been transformed into something
otherworldly and unfamiliar.
What was once a clear path is
now hidden, its edges and turns
disappearing into the dark woods.

The Two of Snow presents a situation you have put off facing. And
in doing so, you have come to a standstill. You know you must act.
Delaying will not solve the problem at hand, only make it more
difficult. This card reminds you that though it may feel like the way
ahead is obscured, as if lost beneath the snow, it is past time for you
to move forward. The longer you wait, the deeper the snow gets.
Trust yourself, be decisive and act now.

Have you put off a decision that is still weighing on you? What
information do you need to help you move ahead? Where will you
be when you finally move past this situation?

I move through challenges

three of snow - locked in ice
A sudden ice storm coats every-
thing in a layer of frozen glass.
Trapped inside, the green leaves
still keep their color. But it is al-
ready too late for them. The freeze
has locked them in ice. The plant is
strong, its deeply buried roots and
long limbs will help it withstand
the cold snap. It will certainly sur-
vive the winter. But these earliest,
most tender leaves will not.

The Three of Snow asks you to recognize when things in your life are
no longer capable of supporting growth. You do not have to fully
grasp why something negative has happened to you. Nor should you
turn away from your feelings. They are a part of the healing process.
Instead this card asks you to see the hope in this frozen moment.
Just as the plant doesn’t mourn a few dead leaves, the Three of Snow
challenges you to be brave enough to leave the past behind. Cut
through the negativity. Let it fall away like shattering ice. You will
bloom again in another season.

What’s no longer serving you? Where can you see signs of new growth?

I gently let go

four of snow - accept stillness
A deep snowfall brings stillness to
the land. The only movement
comes from the stream. Everything
else must give in to this force of
nature and stop and wait. But even
in the grip of snow there is beauty
to be found. The wind whispers
through the trees. The creek bub-
bles softy beneath the drifts. And,
for a few moments, the setting sun
paints the wintry world in colors of
spring flowers. Its beauty is only revealed to those who stop to see it.

The Four of Snow brings a message of pause in a world of noise. It is

up to you to accept it, to tune out from the obligations and the places
you think you need to be. Perhaps, like a sudden snowfall, the choice
to stop was not yours. But now you must yield to forces out of your
control. However it does not mean you have to fight against it.
Instead, seek out the deep and healing beauty in the stillness.

What is calling to you to slow down? Where can you give in to

pause? How can you find beauty or peace where you least expect it?

I breathe in stillness

five of snow - break away
Even when frozen, water is still
changing. The blue ice in this
iceberg is some of the oldest on
the planet. Originally from gla-
ciers, blue ice can date back a
million years or more. But even
the oldest ice must still follow the
water cycle. What is frozen will one
day melt. When a huge chunk of
glacier breaks off and plunges into
the ocean, an iceberg is born. This
dramatic beginning is necessary to start another cycle of change.

The Five of Snow delivers a swift, clear message. Sometimes there is

no other option but to break from the path you’ve been on. Whether
it’s a situation or a person who is blocking you, you already know the
outcome. It is racing towards you like a long crack in the ice. This
situation is only getting worse. If you stay, it might end up hurting
you most of all. This is a lesson even the ice knows: Sometimes the
only way to make a real and lasting change is to break away. Where
can you let go in your life? What is requiring you to make the first
cut? How can you move on and still hold your head high?

I break away to begin again

six of snow - when to fly
The snow is piling up. Amid drop-
ping temperatures, a little bird
hops from one foot to another. The
time for migratory animals to leave
has long passed. Yet the little bird
still hasn’t decided whether to stay
or to fly. Cold and lack of food may
yet force it to go, possibly in more
dangerous conditions than these.
Still, it hesitates. In the meantime,
more snow is piling up.

The Six of Snow appears when you know you have to make a choice,
but haven’t quite taken that step yet. However, you are ready. It is
time to make a change. It might even be past time to go. This card is
a gentle nudge to take control of what you can. Make choices about
what is best for you, before you run out of time and the choice is
made for you. You can do this. Decide when to fly, then take the leap.
You’ll be glad you did. Warmer, sunnier skies are ahead.

What emotional or mental baggage is piling up around you like

snow? What place or situation do you know is in your best interests
to leave behind? How will life change once you take that leap?

I take the first step

seven of snow - deceiving
Seasons change. Green leaves turn
to brown, then fall. Only the soft
grey trunks and branches remain.
Yet when cloaked in winter white,
the quiet woods can be trans-
formed into a foreboding maze.
With just a single coating of snow,
the trees become a flat plane of
vertical lines. All sense of depth or
direction is lost. When obscured by
snow, looks can be deceiving.

The Seven of Snow card should come as a red flag in a world of black
and white choices. Someone is hiding something from you. Or per-
haps you are tempted to do the hiding. Either way, becoming caught
up in manipulations can be a losing proposition. Hold back your
energy, don’t give in. Be strategic, and make good choices. Though
these woods may seem familiar, you could quickly become lost in
them. Listen to your intuition when it tells you to go another way.

Where are you caught in a tangled situation? How can you

discern the fine line between blame and accountability? What
actions can help you trace your steps back and find a way out?

I seek out clarity

eight of snow - stuck
You are caught in the middle of an
icy lake. The ice has frozen, thawed
and refrozen around you. Despite
your best efforts to break it, you
still are no closer to shore. And
now the sun is going down. The ice
isn’t going to let you go anytime
soon. You are stuck. It doesn’t
matter how you got there. If you
want to break free, you are going
to have to try something different.

The Eight of Snow comes to you when you feel trapped. It validates
your situation and the stress it brings. But it also asks you to look
more closely at your problem. Are you really as trapped as you think?
Or are you so focused on the broken ice in front of you that you can’t
see another way around? This card is not without hope. Your destina-
tion is in sight. The Eight of Snow encourages you to take control of
the things you can. Let go of the things you can’t. Backtrack if you
must. You might not be moving forward at the moment, but you are
beginning to move on. Ask yourself, what shift or reframe would it
take for you to break free? Are you truly stuck? Or are you the ice,
freezing and refreezing, trapping yourself with your own worries?

I will find a way

nine of snow - overwhelmed
The glacier rises up like a wall in
front of you. Miles long and
thousands of feet deep, it is
undeniably massive. It has to be.
Glaciers store most of the world’s
freshwater, up to seventy percent
of it. Looking up, the sheer mass of
compressed snow and ice is over-
whelming. But stepping back, the
true scale becomes clear. It is not a
wall, but a vast, slow-moving river
of ice. Only when you change your perspective can you truly begin to
appreciate the beauty of this powerful and ancient force of nature.

The Nine of Snow reminds you that the fear gripping you is not
necessarily reality. Are you imagining a scenario as worse than it is?
Stop the cycle of unfair comparisons. Refrain from negative self-talk.
Walk back from the situation that is bearing down on you, and keep
moving until you see the bigger picture. Find any way you can to
reframe your view. Even one positive action in the face of fear can
help you break the grip of what’s overwhelming you. How can you
rebuild your self-confidence? How do you tune out your fears?

I breathe out my fears

ten of snow - perspective
It is the coldest night of the year.
From every edge, icicles hang
down like razor-sharp daggers.
Nothing moves in the frozen
silence. The bitter cold is danger-
ous. Plants and creatures cannot
survive in it. If you are exposed to
the freezing temperatures for too
long, you will die too. All around
you, the world seems frozen in a
night that will never end….

The Ten of Snow suggests you are moving through the deepest part
of a personal winter. This card brings you face-to-face with hardship,
grief, even loss. Whatever you are going through, it fills up your
vision. It is a dark night of the soul. Right now, find ways to be gentle
with yourself. Wrap yourself in warmth and compassion. Look for gifts
in the darkness. Seek out signs of change. Icicles are constantly trans-
forming, simultaneously melting and refreezing. The journey through
heartache is sometimes like this. Stopping and restarting. Like icicles,
you can hold more than one state at a time too. You can acknowledge
the darkness and still find ways to flow towards the light. Shift your
perspective. The dark night is preparing you for a new day.

even when frozen, I still flow

page of snow - emerge
While the land still sleeps under
the snowy blanket of winter,
crocuses are already pushing up
through the cold ground. Even
though they have to push through
ice and snow, they already know
that change is coming. They can
feel it. They are perfectly designed
to sense the amount of daylight,
then begin sending up shoots.
They know the time is right.

The Page of Snow asks if you feel it too. Is the time right to break
through, even though the outward signs may still be dormant?
Once you know, once you’ve been given that inner green light, begin
the process of transformation. More changes will follow in its wake.
Listen to the clear, simple message that is reaching out to you, falling
like a ray of sunlight on a patch of wintery ground: It’s time to
emerge. Heed the call.

What can you begin now, even though the outwards signs aren’t yet
there? How will you expand once you transition to this new phase?
Where can you spread your arms and blossom into your life?

I grow towards the light

knight of snow - adapt
Bitterly cold temperatures and
whipping winds would drive most
creatures to change locations and
move away. Not the arctic fox. He
transforms himself to feel right at
home in this extreme environ-
ment. His fur changes from brown
to white, and his coat thickens to
become the warmest of any ani-
mal in the arctic. Shaking the snow
off his newly white coat, the arctic
fox happily continues on with life in the cold.

The Knight of Snow card challenges you to hold fast to your

decisions. Stick with it. Be willing to change yourself to reach your
goals. Don’t give up because of a few snowstorms. Like the arctic fox
already knows, they will blow past. Let all the others seek shelter and
hide from the cold. In the blinding sunlight that comes after, the
whole expanse of the snowy tundra will be yours. If you can be clear
in what you want, then don’t be afraid to adapt to make it happen.
The Knight of Snow is by your side. Where could you apply the arctic
fox’s stick-to-it attitude in your life?

I reach my goals

queen of snow - clarity
The ground is hard and frozen.
The deep veil of night has sent
the temperatures plummeting.
To see the aurora borealis, you
will have to leave the warm glow
of civilization behind and trek out
into the dark, freezing night....
But when you lift your eyes to
the sky and see it painted in a
luminous glow, you’ll know the
cold, solitary journey was worth it.

The Queen of Snow writes her message in the stars: You are a
truth seeker. You are brave enough to reach for what you want. Not
satisfied to take the word of others, you have to see it for yourself.
And that determination, independence and resilience has carried
you far. But you also know another truth: When you dare to go
where others won’t, you see what others can’t. However your innate
compassion paves the way for others to follow, and you are happy to
lead the way. Even if that means going it alone for a while. Tune out
other voices. Open up to your perceptive nature. Embrace clarity.
Breathe in the cold night air, and see the possibilities as they dance
across the sky. Where is clarity calling to you?

I open myself to clarity

king of snow - vision
Sitting atop a mountain of ancient
ice, the polar bear can see every
aspect of what has come before
him. He travels miles, going be-
tween land, frozen ice and open
water. He is perfectly adapted to
each environment. When he
crosses the ice, it does not freeze
his paws; when he swims, water
does not chill him. Land, snow and
sea, it is all part of his domain.

The King of Snow affirms you have the gift of vision. In any situation,
you always take the longest view. A vast terrain of wisdom and
experience stretches away from your feet. The horizon shimmers in
your eyes. A clear thinker, you’ve weighed the options and done the
work. When you set out on a new course, you have confidence in
your decisions. Whatever goal you set, you know with gleaming
certainty you’ll reach it. You are at the height of your power. Stand
firm in your beliefs. Others will listen. You know where you’ve been,
you know where you’re going. And wherever you set your sights
next, a path will open for you like sunlight glittering across the
ocean. Nothing can stop you. Where in your life do you rise above?

I see my path unfolding

Rain, clouds, mist and rainbows make up the Clouds suit.
It encompasses all types of water that come from the
sky, including raindrops, gaseous clouds and high ice
crystals. Clouds cards represent emotions, relationships
and matters of the soul. They bring messages about your
heart, intuition and feelings. The Clouds suit replaces
the Cups suit in traditional tarot. Where the Cups suit is
connected to water, the Clouds cards are united by the
flow of emotions. It is fitting because the job of clouds is
to hold water. So they act as cups to the water element.
ace of clouds - overflowing
An early rain shower melts the
dawn light into a pool of colors.
Each droplet overlaps the next,
spreading out in ever-widening
rings, until the glowing water is
spilling off the edges of the card.
No boundaries hold it in, and
there is no way to tell if it is a deep
lake or a shallow puddle. It is
simply rain doing what rain does
best: filling up and overflowing.

The Ace of Clouds card invites you to wade deep into your emotions.
Don’t hold them back. And don’t hold yourself back from them.
Become a vessel for your feelings. Your emotional side sometimes
feels like this image: too beautiful, too big to hold, too full of
reflections. Let them wash over you without judgement. Give and
receive. Love yourself, and let that compassion spill over into other
parts of your life. The Ace of Clouds signifies the beginning of some-
thing beautiful for you, if you can open your heart and accept it.

If this card is an invitation to feel deeper, how will you say yes?
Where can you begin to live a more open-hearted life?

I am boundless emotion

two of clouds - shared space
The moon and sun share space for
a moment in the sunset-washed
sky. From Earth, they seem impos-
sibly far away. But there is a deep
connection here. The moon’s pull
guides the ocean’s tides. The sun’s
energy drives the water cycle. This
invisible bond reaches far above
our planet and into the depths of
space. What may seem to be
unconnected is merely an illusion.

The Two of Clouds asks you to throw open a window to potential.

There are possibilities all around you. Some you know about, others
you are just grasping the edges of. These connections are deeper
than they might appear on the surface. Trust those bonds. Let the
gravitational pull of a new partnership wash over you. Open up to
new energy that ignites your soul. Look with your whole heart at the
places where you share space in your life. The benefits of these
bonds will spill over in powerful, life-changing ways.

How are you flowing between connections in your life? Where can
you see the edges dissolve? What is being built from these bonds?

I am deeply connected

three of clouds - saturate
Rising up out of the dark water,
three lotuses open to feel the rain,
wind and sun on their petals.
Although deeply rooted, these
water plants are not happy to stay
underwater. They stretch toward
the light, break the surface, then
unfurl themselves to experience
the elements. Even in a downpour,
their blossoms are undiminished.
Rain or shine, they feel it all.

The Three of Clouds reminds you to be present in this moment.

Let the rain wash over your face. Dance in the glistening sunlight
afterward. Spread your arms wide and soak it all in. Let compassion
and empathy spill over. Share your experience with like-minded
souls. Like the rings from raindrops, you don’t know how far your
influence will spread. Let this life, and all it has to offer, saturate you.

Where are you being called to see things in a new light? Where are
you breaking through to a new way of thinking, about yourself or
the world around you? Who can you share this abundance with?

I open to abundance

four of clouds - waiting for rain
The storm has been building for a
while. You can see it on the hori-
zon, smell the lightning in the air,
feel the wet wind on your skin…
but still the rain doesn’t reach you.
You’ve made plans around its
arrival. Your needs may be
pressing, like crops desperate for
rain. Or a little more personal, like
deciding to postpone an outdoor
gathering due to bad weather.
Either way, the outcome is the same: You are caught in this moment,
watching the sky and waiting for a rain storm that may never come.

The Four of Clouds reminds you not to get mired in what you are
waiting on. Those expectations may lead to apathy, disappointment
or even a twinge of resentment. Instead, focus on where you can take
action. Even if that’s just a shift in your perception. The rains will
come. Until then, embrace flexibility. Refocus on the positive, break
away from disappointment and make the best of this moment.

Where can you refocus on what you really need? How can you flow
through this moment until your expectations and reality align?

I do what I can

five of clouds - blanketed
You still walk through the once-fa-
miliar forest. But the clear view has
faded. The path blurs at the edges.
What you thought you knew now
disappears into an endless grey.
As gentle as the fog is, when it
slips in and wraps its soft arms
around the landscape, it is as if the
world has fallen away. You wipe
the damp mist from your cheeks
and continue on your journey.

The Five of Clouds slips in like a sigh. It brings a pause to whatever

you are living through in this moment, in the form of sadness,
disappointment or regret. Someone or something has left your life,
and you are still trying to move on. The wide view is obscured by
things out of your control. Grief sometimes feels like a maze with no
end. Other times it feels like a blanket, a weight both heavy and
enveloping. Wrap your arms around the most tender places while
the grey shadows pass over. The sun will return.

How can you love yourself through this time of letting go? Who
embodies a spark of hope in your life?

I am flowing compassion

six oF clouds - wonder
The skies are always full of wonder,
inviting your imagination to find
familiar shapes in the clouds.
But some clouds are truly unique.
When sunlight scatters through ice
crystals encased in some high thin
clouds, the clouds themselves
become rainbows. With the right
combination of light and ice, cloud
iridescence transforms even the
wispiest of white clouds into
candy-colored confections worthy of any childhood daydream.

The Six of Clouds reminds you to look at the world with wide eyes
and a full heart. Let your inner child out to play. Stare at the stars,
imagine castles in the sky, watch the sun dance with ice crystals in
clouds, turning the whole thing into rainbows. Sharpen your sense
of wonder. Allow yourself to be amazed. Open up to the magic that is
all around you, and it will reveal itself to you.

As a child of the universe, where do you feel most at home in nature?

Where can you find ways to walk with your younger self every day?

I open my soul to wonder

seven of clouds - distant focus
Even though it is still warm where
you are standing, high up in the
atmosphere it is bitterly cold.
Sunlight shimmers through the
ice crystals suspended there and
reflects out through the thousands
of tiny prisms to form an ice halo
around the sun. No one else
seems to notice, but you find it
hard to tear your gaze away from
this winter phenomenon.

The Seven of Clouds card tempts you with visions of a far off reality.
High up in the sky it is cold enough to create dreamy ice rainbows
around the sun. But what is life like where you are standing?
Probably much warmer. Focusing too hard on options that are out of
reach is like looking to an ice halo to decide how to dress that day.
It might be time to come back down to Earth. Pull your gaze back
from the far-off choices, and look around you. Can you discern which
are goals worth your time and which are beautiful distractions?

Where can you recenter your attention? What is distracting you?

What visions are you letting yourself be distracted by?

I refocus my gaze

eight of clouds - change direction
Rising out of the early morning
mist, three geese lift their wings
and take flight. Moving in
formation, they leave the safety of
the lake behind to begin their
seasonal migration. There is no
road map, no discussion, no long-
held plans. Just the soul-deep
tug that it is time to move. They
listen to their environment, to the
angle of the light, to the crispness
of the air. And then one day, they just know. It’s time. Without a
sound, they lift up through the mist and fly off into the morning sky.

The Eight of Cards reminds you that change is part of the journey.
Perhaps you have seen the signs. Perhaps there is a voice inside
guiding you to move on, to let go. Don’t turn away. You don't have to
have it all figured out. Like the geese, you do not have to have a fixed
destination. You only have to accept when it’s time to go. Let the pull
of ‘something better’ become a clarion call that lifts you up. There is a
world of possibility just beyond where you are at this moment.

What is calling out to you? Where can you let go and heed that call?

I flow toward my highest self

nine of clouds - after the storm
The storm that stretched from hori-
zon to horizon has passed, leaving
behind clearing skies, golden light
and nourishing puddles of water.
Desert plants don’t waste any time
drawing in the precious rainwater
and storing it away for future
blooms and fruit. All creatures are
drawn out of hiding to come drink
their fill. After a season of long dry
days, the desert is resplendent in a
jeweled palette of colors brought by the return of the rains.

The Nine of Clouds brings the gift of fulfilled desires. Like a deeply
soaking rain in the desert, you are being invited to bask in the
abundance of your life right now. Is there an unrealized dream
waiting to be brought to fruition? Indulge and luxuriate in the things
that nourish your soul. After the storm, golden light comes streaking
over the horizon. What is being illuminated in your life? This card is a
clear sign the universe is asking you to step into your happiness.

What long-cherished goal is within your grasp? What is your heart’s

desire? How can you open yourself to receive it?

I am replenished

ten of clouds - the connection
A brilliant rainbow breaks through
the clouds. It is as if the sky has
smiled in color. A cross-cultural
symbol of positivity, the rainbow
in nature is a radiant reflection of
the harmony between light and
water. Rainbows appear wherever
these two elements combine. Big
or small, freshwater or saltwater,
moonlight or sunlight, rainbows
are for everyone, everywhere.

The Ten of Clouds delivers a message of heart-opening joy. Just

like the water droplets in the sky, you too are a prism. Let love and
gratitude flow through you, until it wraps around you and those you
care for in a brilliant spectrum of light. This card arrives to affirm that
you are right where you are meant to be. You have found your soul’s
place the world...whether that’s in life, in a career, in love or in your
own skin. This rainbow connection shines through you. You are in
harmony with where you are. You are whole. You are home.

Where do you feel most connected to those you love? Where do you
feel most aligned with your highest self?

I let my happiness shine

page of clouds - rise above
Riding a column of warm air, a
seagull conserves his energy and
lets the wind carry him. The same
thermal of warm air that lifts his
wings will eventually create the
enormous summertime storm
clouds that are so vital to the water
cycle. But this seagull isn’t think-
ing about that. Instead he
stretches out his wings and lets
the sunlight warm him as he soars.
He’s found the sweet spot where he will spiral higher and higher.

When the Page of Clouds arrives, you know it’s time to soar higher,
and go deeper. Spiral into your consciousness and spirituality. Let
this energy elevate you into a new level of thinking. Move in flow
with your feelings. Let your creativity and dreamy aspirations fly free.
This card comes to you as a messenger of inspiration. What is asking
to be brought forth right now? Trust your intuition. Listen to what is
calling to your soul, then rise up to meet it.

Where are you being lifted into a new perspective? Where are you
being pulled to explore? How is your intuitive flow guiding you?

I align with my bliss

knight of clouds - bursting
You watch it grow on a summer
afternoon: a cloud, swelling up like
a sail against the blue sky until it is
so full of rain it can’t help but burst.
Most summer rain is delivered by
cumulonimbus clouds like these.
While it looks cotton-ball soft on
the outside, inside it is a tower of
action, swelling air currents and
falling water vapor. When these
perfectly puffy clouds begin rising
up through the summer sky, it is hard to watch anything else.

The Knight of Clouds sweeps in with the energy of a summer storm.

You are invited to get caught up in the beauty and drama too. Get
in touch with your feelings. Explore your biggest passions. Embrace
the beauty and drama of life. Write, create art, play music. Let your
romantic side run free. This is a card of heart-led decisions and soul-
level fulfillment. Whatever you’ve been dreaming of, when this card
blows in, get ready to take action.

Where can you express yourself in a big way? Where can you give in
to creative urges? What part of you is bursting to be brought forth?

I honor my passions

queen of clouds - compassion
Like a parting kiss from the cool
night air, morning dew leaves its
touch on each petal, each blade of
grass. These tiny drops are a power-
ful force that benefits both plants
and animals, providing replenish-
ment wherever they settle. In times
of drought, the quiet arrival of
morning dew can be the difference
between life and death. This renew-
ing hydration is freely given to all.

The Queen of Clouds unfolds with a message of compassion. Intuition

guides you on a soul level, and this connection spills over. You freely
share your nurturing gifts with others: Empathy. Alignment. Flow.
When you are at your most heart-centered, these qualities spread
from you as effortlessly as the morning dew, lifting the energy of
everyone around you. When feeling blocked, return to the liminal
spaces where your intuition flows best. Imagine yourself in a
meadow, night is fading to day, and the dew is sparkling around you
like starlight. Pause, breathe deeply. Let this moment of gentle
renewal wash over you. Welcome in compassionate acceptance. Noth-
ing is required of you to benefit. Simply open your arms and receive.

compassion flows through me

king of clouds - spiraling renewal
Spiraling cyclones — also known as
hurricanes and typhoons — are the
world’s largest mechanism for
renewal. One storm can stir up the
ocean floor a continent away, turn
saltwater into fresh, then deliver a
deluge of rainwater miles inland.
These seasonal titans replenish
aquifers, end droughts, flush out
rivers, push nutrients into the sea
and balance global temperatures.
Over land or sea, cyclones recharge every level of the environment.

The King of Clouds brings you into alignment with your emotional
mastery. You can be a powerful force and still treat others with under-
standing and kindness. You are taking in the widest view. You know
what you do affects many. Just as the cyclone is a spinning top of bal-
ance — between ocean and land, saltwater and fresh, wind and rain,
destruction and renewal — you too are able to balance your head and
your heart to achieve your goals. You are self-aware, non-judgmental
and committed to the task at hand. Through that dedication, your
compassionate support can rain down on those who need it most.

my head and heart are aligned

work with the deck
Making a tarot deck based entirely in the element of
water presents some unique benefits and challenges.
Some things had to change from the traditional tarot
systems. Not just suit names but a few of the cards as
well. Design choices helped keep the focus solely on
water. There are also different ways to work with a water
deck. From what questions to ask to how to visualize
yourself in the image. Every choice, every question
and every prompt is to help you to better uncover the
messages the water element has for you.
Changing some of the card names
A few cards have been changed to better suit the water element:

Floating One (The Hanged Man) — a card of pause and acceptance,
and of being in the truest state we can experience only
in water: floating.

•die.Darkness (Death) — a card of transformation, because water does not

It only transforms itself into another form to be renewed.

Balance (Temperance) — a card of how living things adapt to the
cycles of water in harsh environments

Stars (The Star) — a card of pathways and guidance. Keeping with
elements, instead of a single metaphorical star, this card
represents the whole sky full of stars and its connections to Earth.

Focusing on water, without human presence

By intention, this deck has no other humans in the images, and no ev-
idence of human activity or human-made environments. It is so you
can see the water element as it was today or yesterday, a thousand
years ago or a thousand years from now. It is the clear, undiluted ex-
pression of water on our planet, without any interference, reshaping
or limiting from human activity. All the images were chosen (and many
of them specifically created) to fulfill the connection between the card's
meaning and an image of water on Earth. The deck is not an artistic
rendering, instead made of photos and photo-realistic digital art, so
that you can imagine becoming a part of this real place on our planet.

about the flow tarot
Highlighting animals only in the court cards
The creatures in this deck were chosen because they best represent the
human side of the tarot. Their message is in how they use water or how
they adapt to the changing environment. There are lessons for humans
in how these animals learn to live at one with the various forms of the
water element. However too many creatures would shift the focus away
from the element of water. So the land- and water-based creatures are
featured only in the court cards, with the exception of the frog in the
Floating One card.

Limiting the emphasis on shadow and light

Water can sometimes have a negative impact on humans. However,
water does not have a negative or positive side. There is no good or
bad. Even when tragedies happen, water is not intentionally harmful
to humans. Each suit contains within it aspects of water that would be
harmful to humans. You could freeze in the snow, drown in an ocean,
be struck by lightning from a cloud, or die of thirst in a desert. And yet
we also need water every day to survive. The shadow is there, along
with the light. The two are inseparable. The challenge for humans is to
learn how to better move through life’s obstacles and work in harmony
with our environment. To flow. The cards focus on that message instead.
They don’t name the shadow and light, instead they ask how you can
move through these changes.

about the Flow tarot
Keeping gender in the cards when water doesn’t have a gender
Water is not gendered. It occupies all things equally, fully and uncon-
ditionally. It does not lose its essence when it moves from a raindrop
to a rushing river. It is still water, no matter what form it takes. But keep-
ing gender in the card names is an easy way to understand the kind of
energy at work in the cards, either individually or in balance with one
another. The female-gendered cards have more passive, encompassing
or gently flowing energy. The male-gendered cards have more active,
directed or surging energy. Gender in the Flow Tarot becomes simply
an expression of energy.

Leaving the Major Arcana unnumbered

Words are messages. Numbers are measurements. Writing numbers
across the images makes our human minds instantly want to quantify,
measure, order and ultimately limit. Water is not hierarchical. There is
no top or bottom, no up or down. It will occupy as much space as it
needs, changing its form to fill a vessel, and spreading out again when
it pours out. Leaving the numbers off can help you, in some small part,
see where the gentle edges of the message might be rolling into one
another. It reminds you to let that message spread into the spaces you
are opening up. And for this same reason, in the Minor Arcana cards
the numbers are written out as words. It is a subtle reminder to let the
essence of the water element flow through the suits. Don’t focus on
putting it in an order, instead listen for the message.

connect with the flow tarot
Ask yourself questions about the card
Where are you in this image?
Are you looking straight down, seeing the gentle edge of the surf
roll right up to your feet?
Are you looking ahead, seeing the beach stretch out before you?
Or are you flying high over it all, and seeing where the vast network
of rivers and streams finally meet the sea?
Do you feel invited to interact with the water? Or would it be danger-
ous to get too close?
Do you want to dip your hand into a gentle waterfall, or would you
rather seek shelter from a looming storm?
Is it day or night? Bright or dark? Cloudy or light?
How are the other elements in the card shaped by water?
What is the next state for water to flow into?
When will the river freeze? When will the snow melt?

Check in with all your senses when reading the cards

Are there things you can touch, sensations you can feel on your skin,
if not the water itself?
Are there sounds of gentle rain or birds in a forest?
Can you see a wider view than you did before?
Would the bite of cold shock you, or comfort you?
Does it smell like a soft earthy forest, or like lightning in the air?
Could you dip a cup into this water and be nourished?

connect with the flow tarot
Turn inward. What is the card asking of you in the moment
Is the card asking you to soften, to let things go and fall like rain?
Is the card asking you to make a journey off the beaten path, some-
where deep within, where you can reset and see your goals?
Is the card asking you to recognize when things are frozen in place,
and you have no way to change it but to let it melt?
Is the card asking you to be still, float and let the world gently sway
around you while you hold space for yourself in this moment?

Ask questions that shine light into the dark places

When reading these cards, listen for the message that might speak
to the shadow side of an issue you are confronting. Use the keywords
on the card to gain insight into a new perspective.
Are you being nourished in this situation?
Can you find a shelter from the storm?
How can you break the ice and continue to grow?
How can you flow around this obstacle?

Use water words for deeper introspection

How do you flow? How do you see your actions rippling out?
Where does your energy swirl? Where does your energy evaporate?
Who makes you feel frozen? Flooded with emotion? Boil with anger?
What makes you feel light as a cloud or thunderously mad?
What makes you feel refreshed, cleansed or renewed?

water rituals
Whether you bathe in sacred waters, leave out water in
the moonlight or just enjoy an afternoon cup of tea,
water rituals are woven through our lives. Incorporating
them into your tarot practice can bring a better under-
standing of the element and the messages it has to
reveal to you. Expand your time with the Flow Tarot to
include a meditation. Diffuse essential oils. Drink a spe-
cially steeped tea. Make an altar with your favorite watery
objects. Finding new ways to connect with our most pre-
cious resource can help cleanse, heal and renew you.

Charge water on special days — Set out a jar of water to catch the
of the full moon. Set out eclipse water. Set out solstice water.
Gather storm water. Collect snow water. Use your charged water to
drink, to create art, to pour in a diffuser or even to water your plants.

Diffuse an essential oil — pick a single oil or use a blend. Use your
moon water in the diffuser. Choose the same scent each
time you work with water. Because your sense of smell has the stron-
gest tie to your memories, soon you will only have to smell it to put
yourself in this watery sacred space.

Choose a water journal and pen — pick a journal that represents
Wrap it with blue ribbons and tie shells or driftwood onto the
ends. Pick a water-hued pen and use it to write journal entries.

Paint with watercolors – Moving your arm and brush in big, re-
motions, use watercolors to paint loose shapes swirls or waves
across your page. Paint using a palette of water-hued colors or in gra-
dients from light to dark. Let the color move freely with the water,
and enjoy letting the water element guide you.

•AnyListen to water — Play sounds of the ocean, rain or watery streams.

water sound. Studies have shown that just the sound of water
can make humans relax so deeply it is like being in a meditative
state. Your body is flooded with stress-relieving chemicals, making
you healthier, calmer and more creative. Let these sounds wrap
around you in your sacred water space.


•fewMake a water altar — Find a small space where you can display a
items. Set out a blue or watery-looking piece of fabric or scarf.
Display special tarot cards, objects from your favorite water spots,
candles, moon water, journal pens and paints. Anything with a spe-
cial connection to water for you. Listen to your intuition! Leave these
items where you can see them, so you stay in the energy of the water
element while you are working with it.

Create a full moon ritual — Take a full moon bath or shower. Add
oils and herbs. Submerge yourself in water. Let it cleanse
you, and feel the flow of energy that is washing over our planet.

Begin your tarot spread with a water ritual — Dip your fingers in
sprinkle your fingertips with water, touch a few drops of water
to your face - physically connect with water before you begin your
tarot spread. Take a moment, feel the coolness, the liquid between
your fingers. Marvel that these drops on your fingers were once at
the bottom of the ocean, once locked in glaciers at the top of the
pole. One day, it will be again. But right now, it is perched on your
fingertips. Admire it, look into it. This miracle of creation is outside
and inside of you, every day. Wash your hands with it. Tap your
forehead at your third eye or at any chakra points on the body. Feel
the water on your skin and reflect on how you are connecting your
energy to the world around you. Then pat your hands dry and begin
to ask your questions of the cards.


Drink water every day — Make a glass of iced water with lemon
or slices of fruit. Make a cup of hot tea with honey, steeped with
a blend that makes you feel connected to water, like a refreshing
mint, a warming cinnamon, or specially prepared matcha green tea.
Keep a special glass or tea mug for this daily sacred connection.

Honor the elixir of life — Hold a glass of water in your hand, close
eyes and feel deep appreciation for the water in your hand, for
all the time and places it went through to be right there in your
hands. Let it connect you to all the waters on the planet: gentle rain
waters, deep cold ocean waters, frozen icebergs and roaring water-
falls. Take a sip. Imagine yourself being filled with cool white light
with each sip you take. If you are drinking warm tea, imagine a warm
light radiating out from your center. Feel each sip going through
your body, nourishing you. It is not a metaphor: Each sip is renewing
you and making you whole. For the moment, instead of gulping
water to quench your thirst, focus on how this humble liquid is in
fact our planet’s elixir of life.

Charge water with your intentions — Studies have shown that
kindly to plants helps them grow. The same goes for
humans. Charge the water you are about to drink with your positive
intentions. The water holds these intentions in the form of energy.
Visualize your positive thoughts transferring into your glass of water.
And when you drink it, imagine those messages being carried to
each cell of your body. That positive energy will lift you up as well.


Identify the water in your life — What is the nearest source to you?
is your favorite watery location? Which one have you been
meaning to go visit? What is your dream water destination?

•you.Notice the weather — Take note of the water cycle in action around
There are summer storms, autumn fogs and winter snows.
Spring dews turn to winter frosts. Notice what calls to you. Walk in
the fog. Dance in the rain. Catch snowflakes. Each weather event is an
opportunity to connect with the water element, right where you are.

Connect with the water where you live — Visit a familiar water des-
like a woodland stream. Get seated at the edge of the water,
then look around. Imagine the creatures that live there. Imagine the
way it looks in the daytime. The nighttime. As the seasons change.
Imagine how this place might look if you rolled back the years. Imag-
ine how humans in the past might have worshipped and performed
water rituals in that very spot. How far they might have traveled and
how happy they might have been to commune with the spirit of the
place. Then travel back further, and imagine when there were no hu-
mans to disturb the land. Close your eyes and let your mind expand,
taking in the water and nature, as it would have looked just as it was
without human life encroaching on it. Now open your eyes. The
water you are sitting beside is still the same water that has run down
through history. It is only the world around it that has changed.
Reach out and touch the water. Honor it, thank it. Let your fingers
swirl in the coolness. Take a moment to be amazed at how even a
small stream is a vital part of our planet’s never-ending cycle of life.


Breath with the tides — Use this three-breath practice to make a
to water or to center yourself before a tarot spread.
Get comfortable. Hold a shell, slip on a mala necklace or turn on
water sounds. Bring yourself to a calm, quiet place in your mind....

Picture yourself sitting at the ocean’s edge.

Imagine a wave gently rolling up onto the beach. Breathe in.

Picture the water sliding back out to the sea. Breathe out. Relax into
a long, slow exhale. Let your shoulders fall.

The tide comes back in. You breathe in again. Notice how your rib
cage rises with the incoming tide to hold more air.

The tide eases out, and you exhale with it. This time your shoulders
fall, your neck and arms soften, and your ribcage drifts downward.

The wave rolls back toward you. You breathe in, feeling expansive.
Imagine the water washing through your center, cleansing you.

The wave slides back out to the ocean, and your breath goes out with
it, rolling away from you like the receding tide. It carries away any
burdens you’ve been holding. Your body is relaxed and renewed.

(Continue breathing as long as you like. If it helps, count to three on

the inhale and five on the exhale to connect with the tidal rhythm. )

My most heartfelt gratitude goes to my Pull Pen Paint community.
This deck came into being for an elemental retreat (water, of course!),
and their creativity, enthusiasm and absolutely magical friendship
flows through every bit of this deck.

To my dear friend Kiala Givehand, I absolutely couldn’t have made

this deck without your unwavering love and support. Your soul’s light
is a gift in this world, and I know I can speak for everyone who knows
you: We are all so lucky to share in it. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

To my dear friend Kristen Radden, whose encouragement to make it

my own helped me every step of the way. Anyone who knows you al-
ready knows it, but I’ll say it again: You really are magic. You and Kiala
are the ultimate deck masterminds!

Thank you so much to my parents and my in-laws for their love and
support. Mom, thank you for always believing in every thing I’ve ever
done! Even, and especially, when I’ve never done it before!

Thank you to my sweet Rose, for being my last-minute-spell-checker,

my late-night-opinion-giver, and my sweetest inspiration for every-
thing I ever have done and ever will do.

And my deepest gratitude to Neil. You are my Lovers card, my Sun and
Moon, and all the rest…. I couldn’t have done any of it without you.

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