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My friends and I were known as the ghost busters of our town.

Defeating the beasts which people don’t

dare to get close to. Everyone’s first call to rescue has always been us around here, no one else to ever

Our town was distinguished for the paranormal activities which frequented every month or two, and we
were the ones notorious for annihilating these specters. We were a party of three. Tara, the Analyst.
Derm, the Technologist. And me, the one with the rifle

(We are introduced to the main characters, Ava, derm and protagonist; the protagonist has no name nor
pronouns to emphasis realism-: making the reader feel like they’re apart of the narrative as well)

We had recently been assigned to inspect the old carnival, which was abandoned a few years before due
to rides malfunctioning on a daily and a plummeting reputation. The Rumors going around about this
place were brutal. From people leaving the carnival with strange bruises or some not leaving at all. Upon
our arrival, we were greeted by the ghastly sounds of the blowing wind and the carnival’s gates creaking
wide open with the most piercing screech. The inside of the carnival was no different. Scattered rubble,
torn tents of covered with grime and the once green grass perished.

At first, nothing seemed too peculiar. Though the longer we stayed there, we felt as if the carnival kept
getting older and older by the second. But thinking that this was just our minds playing an unusual trick
on us, we explored further. Our initial observation showed no signs of any supernatural diversion. We
could only get frightened by the cockroaches and other insects roaming around the premises.

After wandering far and near, we all agreed to set camp. As the moon’s luster was making its entrance.
Derm, trailed off to get the supplies we needed to spend the night, whilst tara stayed close by the
carnival’s rugged tents. I carried on walking through the site, to see if we missed anything of relevance. I
had reached upon a similar area of land, except something seemed different. There was suddenly an
allied path, of which I hadn’t stumbled upon before. Seemingly mild, I chose to continue without gear. I
was perplexed, how could I have missed something so noticeable? I said to myself.

I came upon a tree. A tree who had not lost life regardless of being in the most isolated of places.
Perhaps, this place was not of what we expected. The tree bore fruit. Red apples, the finest of its kind.
Almost attractive, I felt a sort of yearn. A tendency to taste the fruits presented towards me. Something
of which I would have never felt. I started to develop a newfound hunger, I was ravenous.

It soon overtook my instincts of survival, and I began to consume. In the midst of all this, a scream was
let out. Did the apple retaliate somehow? I found myself in the most confusing situation. In the distance,
the same scream, paired with yelling for help, was heard throughout the bounds. I soon came to realize
that the one who was supposedly running for her life, was tara. Instantly, I dropped the apple and
hurriedly rushed to her rescue. I could see her sprinting out of the carnival, heading for the gates in
haste. Even though nothing was chasing her from behind. I followed, perceiving that the worst had
happened. Scurrying without thought, just to find out why she was escaping with such haste. Derm was
out with her, almost as distraught as she is. They both stood emotionless, some might say scared to
death. I turned to see what they were so alarmed of. No one, not a thing. I soon came to realize that
what they were so frightened of, was me. What was held in derm’s arms was my extractor, the one I
used to eradicate the vilest of presences. He was pointing the device to not what was afar, but to me. He
switched it on, ready to eliminate his dear friend of existence. I tried to say something, still I was ceased.
What was happening? I looked down, at what I thought would be myself, yet I was met with a mask of
identity. Which did not belong to me. I began to realize a few seconds after my abolishment that it was
not me who I have returned with.

I myself, had become the monster

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