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The future may not be read with impunity. outskirts of neighbouring towns across
The threads of destiny for a person are the Union, never staying more than a
wrapped through the days of their lives, few days at any location. On arrival,
known only to the omniscient beings the extended families of the Odani
known to their followers as the Fates. set up their stalls with attractions and
The secrets of the Fates are hidden from shows to entice locals to part with a few
the eyes of mere mortals and only those dollars in the name of entertainment.
with the gift of Mythos may begin to The highlight of the Odani Traveller’s
lift that veil. For the Odani people, the arrival is the dazzling performances
power of such foresight is passed down beneath their canvas tent. Colourful,
through the female line. From Mother exotic, and always greeting visitors
to Daughter, the ability to see ‘that with a toothy smile, the demeanour
what will be’ has allowed the Travellers of the Odani is designed to beguile
to remain healthy, wealthy, and wise. the public. The Odani are welcomed
by most folk, their entertainments a
The Odani camp moves from the
welcome distraction for a generation creations of wood and paint, but their
still recovering from their terrible civil war. eyes seem too life-like, staring out almost
pleading with the audience. The effect
The Odani have no interest in the
is disturbing for those that notice it. And
mundane affairs of the world, preferring
if you notice it, Amran notices you…
to focus on maintaining their way of life
for as long as possible in this Dystopian The Calderas children are as varied as
Age of industry and imperialism. the Fates, with monstrous Caleb and
However, they are all too aware of bewitching Nyssa two extremes of the
the Shadow War being fought at the family traits that have made them so
fringes of civilisation. Their knowledge powerful in the Odani. While Nyssa is
of the Fates combined with skilful beautiful and greatly gifted like her
misdirection is one of the Odani’s mother, Caleb is a formidable mountain
strengths which, they hope, will enable of muscle with a mind like a young child.
them to survive the ruin of humanity. Stefan, the eldest and most like Max, has
been marked as the future leader of the
One of the most respected families
Odani. An intimidating opponent, Stefan
within the Odani are the Calderas. The
is aware of how to exploit his enemies’
patriarch, Max Calderas, commands
assumptions. Often, the strongman
loyalty and respect from his children
plays his expected part, only for it to
as well as the other families in their
be a distraction from his youngest sister
community. Known simply as ‘Pop’ by
Vida to resolve matters more subtly from
his closest kin, Max has the appearance
behind with a knife in the enemy’s ribs.
of a veteran strongman, now gone
to seed. His fierce appearance is A necessary evil, it is often the case that
undercut by his disarmingly charming one or two of the encountered townsfolk
demeanour, making him the ideal will go missing during the entertainments
frontman for their show. His charm or even shortly after the wagons of
quickly evaporates should his family be the Odani have left. Usually, such
threatened or the Fates demand action. disappearances go unreported and
unremarked. The Union is expanding
The blessings of the Fates are plentiful
quickly and suffering from growing pains,
on Max’s wife Talia, able to command
the vulnerable often falling between
spirits and see into the future. A teller of
the cracks. Those that vanish have often
fortunes to the public, while everyone
had a difficult life up to that point. The
leaves amazed by what they’ve
gift of the Odani means that the fate of
seen, these powers are assumed to
their victims are already known by the
be an elaborate trick. In reality, Talia
travellers from the moment they meet
commands spirits at the behest of the
them. Some of the disappeared would
Fates, with many such as the imp-like
inadvertently or directly contribute to
Taka and Pali in thrall to her as servants
some great calamity in the Odani’s
and diminutive Grimaldi clowns.
future. Others are simply fated to nourish
The ghoulish looking Amran entertains one of the spirits that are bound in
the crowds as a puppeteer of service to the Odani. Destiny is a fickle
unparalleled skill. His toys seem to take creature and for each life taken and
a life of their very own, though the each doom averted, a new ill omen
smiling audience have no inkling how seems to materialise cursing the Odani
true that really is. For Amran an aetheric to redouble their efforts in the face of this
apparition that delights in compelling oncoming storm. If there is one thing the
and controlling those who catch his Odani are learning over the generations,
notice. His puppets are miraculous it is that you cannot cheat the Fates.

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