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NIM :-

1. What do you understand about the simple present tense ?

The simple present tense is a verb form used to talk about habits, unchanging
situations, facts, and planned events in the near future. The simple present tense
of most verbs is the infinitive form “sing”. However, the third person singular “he,”
“she,” and “it” takes an “s” at the end of the verb “write” becomes “writes”.

2. How you use simple present in your everyday life?

Use basic verbs,fixed verbs adjust to the subject and use frequency captions

3. How to Form Simple Present Tense (+, -, ?) ?

Positive (+) : S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
Negative (-) : S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C
Interrogative (?) : Do/does + S + V1 + O/C +?

4. Can you give 3 different examples of the use of simple present in positive, negative
and interrogative sentences?
(+) Mary needs a dictionary.
(-) Mary doesn’t need a dictionary.
(?) Does Mary need a dictionary?

(+)You speak Arabic.

(-) You don’t speak Arabic.
(?) Do you speak Arabic?

(+) He likes pizza.

(-) He doesn’t like pizza.
(?) Does he like pizza?

5. Write 100 words about your daily activities using a simple present tense
rite 100 words about your daily activities using a simple present tense

1. She works at a bank.

2. He plays soccer on weekends.
3. It rains a lot in the spring
4. She sings in the shower.
5. He speaks Spanish fluently.
6. It snows in the winter.
7. She reads a lot of books.
8. He writes poetry.
9. It gets hot in the summer.
10. She teaches math at a high school.
11. He surfs every chance he gets.
12. It gets cold in the winter.
13. She takes dance classes.
14. He travels for work.
15. It gets dark early in the winter.
16. She volunteers at a shelter.
17. He has a job as a programmer.
18. It gets windy in the spring.
19. She takes a yoga class every week.
20. He has a green thumb and loves gardening.
21. It gets foggy in the fall.
22. She has a black belt in karate.
23. He practices martial arts every day.
24. It gets chilly in the fall.
25. She has a degree in engineering.
26. He has a collection of vintage cars.
27. It gets hot and humid in the summer.
28. She plays the flute in a band.
29. He has a job as a doctor.
30. It gets cold and rainy in the fall.
31. She has a job as a lawyer.
32. He has a job as a journalis
33. She practices yoga every morning.
34. He has a job as a designer.
35. It gets cold and snowy in the winter.
36. She has a job as a scientist.
37. He has a job as a teacher.
38. It gets warm and sunny in the summer.
39. She has a job as an accountant.
40. He has a job as a carpenter.
41. It gets cold and icy in the winter.
42. I eat breakfast every day.
43. We visit my grandparents every month.
44. You go to school every day.
45. They have a cat and a dog.
46. I walk to work every day.
47. We watch TV every night.
48. You study for exams.
49. They live in the city.
50. I cook dinner every evening.
51. We go on vacation every year.
52. You play video games on weekends.
53. They have a garden in their backyard.
54. I drink coffee every morning.
55. We have a lot of friends.
56. You go to the gym regularly.
57. They have a baby on the way.
58. I work at a startup.
59. We celebrate holidays with our family.
60. You go to college.
61. They have a small business.
62. I play the piano every day.
63. We have a pet dog.
64. You wear a uniform to school.
65. They have a large family.
66. I ride my bike to work.
67. We go out to eat every Friday.
68. You have a part-time job.
69. They have a lake house in the summer.
70. I take the bus to school.
71. We have a pool in our backyard.
72. You wear glasses.
73. They have two kids.
74. I wake up early on weekdays.
75. We go hiking every weekend.
76. You wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
77. They have a farm with animals.
78. I go to bed at 10 PM every night.
79. We have a lot of plants in our house.
80. You have a lot of hobbies.
81. They have a cottage by the ocean.
82. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
83. We have a lot of family dinners.
84. You have a lot of friends.
85. They have a big family reunion every year.
86. I do my homework every day after school.
87. We have a lot of board game nights.
88. You have a passion for art.
89. They have a vacation home in the mountains.
90. I drink a lot of water every day.
91. We have a lot of barbeques in the summer.
92. You have a lot of pets.
93. They have a cabin in the woods.
94. I exercise every morning.
95. We have a lot of game nights.
96. You have a lot of talent in sports.
97. They have a beach house.
98. I eat a lot of healthy meals.
99. I do not like eat
100. They go to a gallery every saturday

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