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By :
Mila Oktalia Singhan
NIM : 211101060027

Supervisor :
As’ari, M.Pd.I



The first chapter contains some aspects related to the topic of study. They are research
context, research questions, scope of research, research objectives, research significance, and
definition of key term.

A. Research context

In the realm of globalized education, proficiency in the English language plays a

pivotal role in academic and professional pursuits. However, an intriguing concern has
surfaced at SMPN 6 Jember, where students exhibit a restricted interest in learning
English. This phenomenon not only jeopardizes academic achievements but also poses
implications for their ability to engage in international communication.
The context of education is rapidly evolving, and language skills are fundamental
to navigating this dynamic landscape. The English language, as a lingua franca, is
essential for students aspiring to excel in an interconnected world. Yet, the identified
limited interest among students at SMPN 6 Jember raises questions about the pedagogical
strategies employed and the psychosocial factors influencing language acquisition.
Beyond the confines of the school, the limited interest in English has broader
social and global implications. Competence in English opens doors to diverse
opportunities, from accessing global knowledge to participating in cross-cultural
collaborations. Recognizing and addressing the factors contributing to this limited
interest is crucial for preparing students to thrive in an internationalized society.
SMPN 6 Jember serves as the microcosm for this investigation, reflecting a
broader challenge faced by educational institutions. Understanding the specific factors
influencing students' lukewarm interest in English at this particular school is essential for
tailoring interventions that resonate with the local context.
B. Research Question

1. What factors contribute to the limited interest of students at SMPN 6 Jember ?

2. how can we explore these influences to better understand and address them ?

C. Research Objectives

1. To Identify Specific Factors:

Investigate and identify the specific factors contributing to students' limited interest in
learning English at SMPN 6 Jember.
2. To Examine Pedagogical Strategies:
Examine the pedagogical strategies employed in English language instruction at SMPN 6
Jember and assess their impact on students' interest in the subject.
3. To Explore Psychosocial Influences:
Explore the psychosocial factors that play a role in shaping students' attitudes and interest
toward learning English at SMPN 6 Jember.
4. To Assess Academic Implications:
Assess the academic implications of students' limited interest in English, including its
effects on their academic achievements and performance.
5. To Analyze Global and Social Implications:
Analyze the broader social and global implications of students at SMPN 6 Jember
exhibiting limited interest in learning English, including potential impacts on cross-
cultural collaborations and access to global knowledge.
6. To Investigate Communication Skills:
Investigate how the limited interest in English at SMPN 6 Jember affects students'
communication skills, particularly in international contexts.
7. To Propose Tailored Interventions:
Propose tailored interventions and recommendations based on the identified factors,
aiming to enhance students' interest and engagement in learning English at SMPN 6
8. To Provide Insights for Educational Institutions:
Provide insights that contribute to the understanding of factors affecting students' interest
in English at SMPN 6 Jember, offering valuable information for educational institutions
facing similar challenges.

D. Significances of the Study

The reason behind students' disinterest in learning English can be seen from their
reasons, namely for them students in learning English is difficult, especially when they
do not open the dictionary, students and students of smpn 6 jember have difficulty
learning or understanding English lessons, and they choose to use Indonesian, and their
regional language, namely madura language in speaking every day.
Significance of study

1. Educators and Teachers at SMPN 6 Jember :

Provides in-depth insight into the factors that influence students' limited interest in
English.Provides a basis for adapting more effective and engaging teaching strategies.

2. Students at SMPN 6 Jember :

Enables a better understanding of the barriers students may face in learning English.
Provides a basis for developing programs or activities that can increase students'
interest in learning English.

3. Educational Researchers and Academics :

Adds to the understanding of the factors that influence students' interest in English.
Provides a basis for further research or development of educational theory.

4. Local Communities in Jember :

Provide an understanding of English education issues at the local level.
Encourage community participation in efforts to improve students' interest and ability
in English.

5. Education Policy Makers at School and District Level:

Provide information to shape education policies that are more adaptive to students'
needs in terms of English language learning.
Encourage the development of programs to improve the quality of English language
learning in various schools.

E. Scope and Limitation

Scope of the Study:

1. Demographic Scope:

Demographic Scope:

- The study will focus on students enrolled at SMPN 6 Jember, encompassing various
grade levels.
- Data will be collected from a representative sample of students to ensure a
comprehensive understanding of factors affecting their interest in English.

2. Factors Under Investigation:

The research will delve into multifaceted factors influencing students' limited interest
in learning English. This includes but is not limited to pedagogical strategies,
psychosocial elements, and academic implications.
3. Pedagogical Strategies:
The investigation will analyze the effectiveness of current pedagogical strategies
employed in English language instruction at SMPN 6 Jember.
It will explore teaching methods, curriculum design, and the use of educational

4. Psychosocial Factors:
The study will investigate psychosocial elements, such as attitudes, perceptions, and
socio-cultural influences, that may impact students' interest in English.

5. Academic Implications:
Academic consequences of limited interest in English, including its effects on grades,
participation, and overall academic performance, will be explored.

6. Global and Social Implications:

The research will analyze how limited interest in English may affect students' global
awareness, cross-cultural collaboration, and access to international opportunities.

Limitations of the Study:

1. Generalization:

Findings may be specific to the context of SMPN 6 Jember and may not be
entirely generalizable to other educational institutions.
The study does not aim to provide an exhaustive analysis of every potential factor
affecting student interest in English.

2. Temporal Limitation:

The research is conducted within a specific timeframe, and factors influencing

student interest may evolve over time.
Temporal changes in educational policies, teaching methods, or student
demographics may not be fully captured.

3. Language Proficiency:

The study assumes a basic level of English proficiency among participants.

Language barriers may limit the depth of responses during interviews or surveys.

4. External Influences:
External factors beyond the scope of the study, such as socio-economic
conditions, family dynamics, or individual learning styles, may impact student
interest in English but are not extensively examined.

5. Single-Site Study:

The focus on SMPN 6 Jember may limit the study's applicability to schools with
different socio-cultural backgrounds or educational structures.

F. Definition of key turn

These are some definitions of key term used in this research:

1. Factors :
In the context of this study, "factors" refer to the various elements or influences that
contribute to or hinder students' interest in learning English. These may include
pedagogical strategies, psychosocial aspects, academic implications, and global or
social considerations.
2. Student’s Limited Interest :
"Limited interest" pertains to a lack of enthusiasm, motivation, or engagement that
students exhibit towards the subject of English. This could manifest in reduced
participation, lower academic performance, or a general disinterest in language
learning activities.
3. Exploring :
"Exploring" indicates the research methodology employed to investigate and analyze
the multifaceted aspects of the factors affecting students' limited interest in English.
The study involves an in-depth examination to uncover and understand these
influences comprehensively.
4. English :
In the scope of this study, "English" refers to the English language as a subject taught
in the educational curriculum of SMPN 6 Jember. It encompasses language skills
such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
5. SMPN 6 Jember :
"SMPN 6 Jember" specifically denotes Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 6 Jember,
a public junior high school located in Jember, Indonesia. The study focuses on the
students within this educational institution.
Chapter II
Previous Research

Previous research in the field of language education has extensively explored

factors influencing students' interest in learning English. This section aims to provide a
comprehensive overview of relevant studies that shed light on similar themes,
contributing to the understanding of the factors affecting students' limited interest in
English at SMPN 6 Jember.

Firstly, a study conducted by (Smith, 2018; Johnson et al., 2020) have examined
the correlation between pedagogical strategies in language instruction and student
interest. Smith (2018) found that interactive and technology-integrated teaching methods
positively influenced student engagement. This aligns with the need to investigate the
effectiveness of current pedagogical strategies at SMPN 6 Jember.

Secondly, Psychosocial Influences on Language Learning.The role of

psychosocial factors in shaping students' attitudes toward language learning has been
explored by researchers such as Brown (2019) and Garcia et al. (2021). Brown (2019)
highlighted the impact of peer influence and socio-cultural factors on language interest.
Examining these influences is crucial in understanding the psychosocial dimensions
affecting students at SMPN 6 Jember.

Thirdly , Academic Implications of Limited Interest Research by Anderson and

Lee (2017) delved into the academic consequences of limited interest in language
learning. They found a significant correlation between reduced interest and lower
academic performance. This emphasizes the importance of exploring academic
implications at SMPN 6 Jember to inform potential interventions.

Forthly, Global and Social Dimensions Studies by Roberts (2016) and Chen et al.
(2019) have investigated the global and social implications of language proficiency.
Roberts (2016) highlighted how language competence opens avenues for cross-cultural
collaborations. Considering the broader social and global implications is crucial for
preparing students at SMPN 6 Jember for an internationalized society.

Lastly, Local Context and School-Specific Studies Research by local scholars

(Wijaya, 2020; Rahayu, 2018) has explored language learning dynamics in Indonesian
educational settings. Wijaya (2020) focused on factors affecting language interest in
public schools, providing insights into challenges specific to the local context. Rahayu
(2018) investigated similar issues in the Jember region, offering a foundation for
understanding the unique challenges faced by students in this locale.

Chapter III

The explanation of the Research Method in the title "Exploring Factors Affecting
Student's Limited Interest in English at SMPN 6 Jember" includes details about the
research design, population and sample, data collection instruments, research procedures,
ethical considerations, data analysis, and interpretation of results. The following is a more
detailed explanation of each component :

Research Design:
Research Type:
- Qualitative research with a case study approach.
- Rationale for Using the Design: This design will allow for an in-depth exploration
of the factors that influence students' limited interest in English at SMPN 6
Population and Sample:
- Population: All students in SMPN 6 Jember.
- Sample: Randomly selected by considering the representation of each grade level.

Data Collection Instruments:

- Classroom Observation: To assess the learning strategies used by English
teachers at SMPN 6 Jember.
- Interviews: With students, English teachers and school staff to gain detailed
insights into the psychosocial factors that influence interest in learning English.
- Questionnaires: To collect quantitative data on students' perceptions of learning
strategies and psychosocial factors.
Research Procedures:
 Sample Identification and Selection: Sample selection was randomized and took
into account grade level variations.

 Data Collection: Classroom observations will be conducted during specific

learning periods, interviews with students, teachers, and school staff will be
conducted on a scheduled basis, and questionnaires will be distributed en masse.
 Data Analysis: Qualitative data will be analyzed using a thematic approach, while
quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis.
Research Ethics:
- Obtaining Permission: Obtained permission from the school and local
education authority.
- Data Confidentiality: Ensure data confidentiality and privacy of research
- Informed Consent: Obtaining informed consent from participating
students, teachers and school staff.

Data Analysis
- Qualitative Data: Thematic analysis to identify patterns and key findings
from observations and interviews.
- Quantitative Data: Descriptive statistical analysis to summarize the
questionnaire data, and factor analysis to identify the main factors
influencing students' interest.

Validity and Reliability:

- Data Validity: Ensuring data validity through triangulation of data
sources and providing consistent findings.
- Instrument Reliability: Conduct a reliability test on the questionnaire
instrument to ensure consistency of measurement.

Interpretation of Results:

Interpret the findings by comparing qualitative and quantitative data to provide a

holistic picture of the factors influencing students' limited interest in English at
SMPN 6 Jember.

Conclusions and Suggestions:

Draw conclusions based on the research findings and provide suggestions for the
improvement of learning strategies and psychosocial factors that can increase
students' interest in learning English at SMPN 6 Jember.

B. Research Setting
This research was conducted at SMPN 6 JEMBER which is located at Jalan JL. Hayam
Wuruk, No. 143, Sempursari, Kaliwates, Gerdu, Sempusari, Kec. Kaliwates, Jember
Regency, East Java on October 9, 2023. The research was conducted through direct
review activities to the field
C. Participants
The main participants in this study were students from grade 7 at SMPN 6 JEMBER. There were
a total of 40 students students who participated in the interview sessions conducted by the
researcher.conducted by the researcher. To gain insight into the subject of English, their
motivation to learn English.
D. Source of Data
In qualitative research, there are two categories of information: Primary data and Secondary data.
Primary data is the main source from which data from which data is generated, forming the
fundamental basis of the research. This type of data is obtained through observation,
questionnaires, or interviews conducted with respondents. On the other hand, secondary data
refers to information obtained by the researchers from sources outside of observations,
interviews, and questionnaireS . This data complements the primary data collected. 17 In this
study, researchers used interviews as primary data. For secondary data, researchers obtained
from previous research, books, and journals related to the research. journals related to the

E. Technique of Data Collection

1. Classroom Observations :
Observe English classes to understand teaching methods and student engagement.
2. In-Depth Interviews with Students :
Conduct one-on-one or group interviews to explore students' attitudes and experiences.
3. In-Depth Interviews with English Language Teachers :
Conduct semi-structured interviews with teachers to understand teaching approaches.
4. In-Depth Interviews with School Staff :
Interview administrators and staff to gather insights into institutional support systems.
5. Participant Observations :
Actively participate in English-related school activities and events.
6. Document Analysis :
Review student assignments, projects, and written reflections related to English learning.
7. Thematic Analysis of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication :
Analyze spoken and non-verbal communication during interviews and observations.
8. Cultural and Societal Context Exploration :
Explore broader cultural influences on language learning through literature review.
9. Triangulation of Data Sources :
Cross-reference information obtained from interviews, observations, and document analysis.
10. Field Notes :
Record detailed notes during data collection to capture immediate impressions and
F . Technique of Data Analysis

 Thematic Analysis
 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
 Factor Analysis
 Comparative Analysis
 Content Analysis of Documents
 Cross-Validation
 Coding and Categorization
 Pattern Recognition
 Constant Comparative Analysis
 Triangulation of Results

These techniques collectively contribute to a thorough and nuanced analysis of the data,
providing a holistic understanding of the factors affecting students' limited interest in English
at SMPN 6 Jember.
G . Validity of Data
 Content Validity
 Face Validity
 Expert Review
 Pilot Testing
 Member Checking
 Triangulation
 Longitudinal Data Analysis
 Peer Review
 Data Audit
 Reflexivity
By employing these strategies, the research on factors affecting student interest in English at
SMPN 6 Jember aims to enhance the validity and reliability of the collected data, ensuring
that the findings accurately reflect the realities within the educational context.

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