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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to the honorable Mr Amalul Umam as head of

the study program English education and Miss Movi Riana as the lecturer of this course, and of
course without the permission of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala may not necessarily have this
opportunity to doing my presentation with the title "Challenge Faced by Pre service Teachers, in
Teaching English to Young Learners in Multicultural Setting" so without further ado let's get

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Background of study,

Focusing on the challenges that pre-service teachers encounter when teaching English to young
learners. The role of pre-service teachers is crucial, especially when it comes to studying the
linguistic and growth of our young learners.

Pre-service teachers are individuals in the process of becoming educators. As outlined by Fajet
(2005), they're students who haven't yet ventured into professional teaching. Essentially, they
lack the experience necessary, particularly in teaching English to young learners. These
individuals are typically enrolled in teacher education programs at colleges or universities,
aiming to secure the licenses or certifications they'll need for their future teaching careers.

Camlibel-Acar's (2016) in his research offers valuable insights. He delves into pre-service
teachers' strengths and weaknesses when it comes to teaching English to young learners.
Furthermore, he investigates how the courses they take and the young learner classes they
participate in shape their perceptions and experiences. Teaching English to young learners is not
without its challenges. A challenge is any hurdle that obstructs the effective teaching of English
to these young students. An issue highlighted by Copland (2014) is the difficulty of introducing
learner-centered teaching.

Adding complexity to this is the diversity within the classroom. The presence of various
backgrounds, languages, and cultures among both teachers and students significantly influences
the dynamics of the learning environment. While diversity enriches the educational experience, it
also presents hurdles that need to be navigated. This dynamic mix offers both opportunities and
challenges. The unique perspectives contribute to a richer learning experience, but effective
management is crucial for creating an inclusive and effective setting.

Now, let's turn our attention to the pre-service teaching practice program, a cornerstone of this
study. This program, conducted by the university, gives pre-service teachers a chance to teach
English to young learners abroad, specifically in Southern Thailand. The program aligns with the
university's service mission, providing practical experience and a platform to faced real-world
teaching challenges. Through this research, hopefully can identify the challenges faced by
Indonesian intern teachers teaching English to young students in multicultural environments in

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Based on the background, the researcher intended to find out the following question:

What are the main challenges that pre-service teachers face when teaching English to young learners,
and how do these challenges differ from those faced by experienced teachers?

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Considering the research question above, the aims that are expected to achieve from this

research can be defined as follows:

To find out the main challenges for pre service teachers in teaching English to young learners in a
multicultural setting.

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Chapter II

This chapter sets the stage for our exploration by introducing the theoretical framework that will
guide this study.

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Teaching English to young learners is a specialized endeavor that demands tailored approaches.
As highlighted by Kersten and Rohde (2013), educators need to adopt methods that suit the
unique needs of young students. This is particularly crucial in places like Indonesia, where the
emphasis is on equipping pre-service teachers with skills for teaching English to young learners.
In Indonesia, universities recognize the value of targeted training for future educators. These
programs aim to equip pre-service teachers with strategies to effectively engage young learners.
By incorporating child-friendly and interactive teaching methods, aspiring teachers learn to
create engaging English learning environments.

Multicultural theory promotes cultural diversity and inclusivity in education, as advocated by

scholars like Gay (2018). This theory offers insights into the challenges of teaching English to
young learners from various cultural backgrounds. It underscores the need for culturally
responsive teaching, recognition of students' cultural identities, and incorporation of
multicultural content into the curriculum. Incorporating multicultural content into the curriculum
enriches language learning and promotes empathy. As Gay (2018) suggests, diverse literature,
stories, and materials broaden horizons and foster intercultural understanding. This approach
nurtures an appreciation for cultural differences and enhances the educational experience.

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Intercultural communication, essential in our globalized world (Hoffman, 2022), explores how
cultural differences impact interactions. This field examines challenges and opportunities arising
from diverse cultural interactions, crucial in education, and society. Intercultural communication
skills are vital for effective instruction. Adapting methods, integrating diverse perspectives, and
using culturally appropriate materials bridges communication gaps. This approach promotes
engagement and academic success among students and teachers from diverse backgrounds.

In Thailand, where this research is conducted, English is considered a foreign language. English's
significance as a global communication tool drives the need for proficient language education.
Pre-service teachers learn to impart foundational skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and
writing in English. Qayoom (2019) identifies seven goals for foreign language students:

1. Explore culture through literature.

2. Develop intellectual capacity via language learning.

3. Enhance language understanding.

4. Teach comprehensive reading.

5. Foster linguistic and cultural expression.

6. Improve cross-cultural empathy.

7. Enable effective communication.

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This research is enriched by the insights of previous studies. Let's explore some of the studies
that have a direct bearing on our investigation, specifically focusing on the challenges faced by
teachers in teaching English to young learners in multicultural settings.

Camlibel-Acar (2016)

One such study conducted by Camlibel-Acar (2016) aligns closely with this research goals.
Camlibel-Acar aimed to gauge the impact of young learner classroom observations on pre-
service EFL teachers in their third year. The study explored the strengths and weaknesses
perceived by these teachers in teaching English to young learners. It also delved into how the
courses they took and their experiences in young learner classes influenced their teaching
approach. The findings and recommendations from this study have implications not only for
teacher education programs but also for further research endeavors.

Other researchers, such as Yulia (2019), have delved into the challenges of teaching in
multicultural settings. Yulia's research focused on six Indonesian pre-service teachers who
completed teaching practicum in Thailand during the academic year 2017/2018. This study
revealed significant challenges faced by these teachers, including language barriers, classroom
management issues, lack of confidence, limited teaching experience, individual learner
differences, and cultural disparities.

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Moving on to Chapter III: Methodology. This chapter outlines the research design and methods
that guide our study

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In this study, we're employing a case study design. Case study is a qualitative approach that
involves an in-depth exploration of a specific individual, group, or unit to gain comprehensive
insights with broader implications (Jacobsen as cited in Gustafsson, 2017). This focus is on pre-
service teacher interns in their seventh semester, currently undertaking field experience practice
within an English language education program at a university in Bogor.

This research site is a university in Bogor with an English language education program. Data
collection centers on interns in their seventh semester, currently engaged in field experience
practice as pre-service teachers. Participants include these pre-service teacher interns from the
university in Bogor, along with researchers in certain school teaching contexts in Thailand.

Data collection unfolds in two stages. First, conduct classroom observations during the interns'
field experience practice. These observations provide insights into teaching methods, student
interactions, and classroom dynamics. Second, conduct interviews with the pre-service teacher
interns. These structured interviews delve deeper into their experiences, and challenges during
the field experience

As observers in the classroom, will carefully document interactions between interns and students,
teaching strategies employed, and student responses to learning. Ethical considerations ensure
non-interference and preservation of classroom dynamics.

The Interviews were conducted with the participating interns. Designed questions delve into their
experiences and challenges when teaching English to young students in a multicultural Thai
environment. Conducted in a language comfortable to the participants, these interviews facilitate
detailed explanations of their experiences and perspectives

This data analysis process follows a systematic approach, making sense of the collected
information to derive meaningful conclusions.

Data Analysis Steps

a. Data Reduction: will review and summarize field notes, interview transcripts, and relevant
data to identify key information. This focuses on data directly related to research questions,
excluding irrelevant or redundant data.
b. Data Display: Analyzed data is organized and presented clearly. Visual representations may
be used to enhance understanding. This allows for insights from patterns and trends.

c. Drawing Conclusions: Throughout analysis, we work towards well-supported conclusions.

Techniques like member checking, triangulation, and an audit trail ensure accuracy. Member
checking validates interpretations, triangulation strengthens findings with diverse data sources,
and an audit trail documents the research process transparently.

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