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SECTION A (15 × 1 = 15 marks)

Questions 1 to 15 carry 1 mark each. Show your working clearly in the space
below each question and write your answers in the spaces provided.

1. Simplify these expressions by collecting like terms

8ej + 7yh – 3je – 4hy


2. In the given inequation, x < 4.5; write down the smallest/largest that x could


7 5
3. Work out (256 000 000 ÷ 10 ) − (0.000049 × 10 )


4. Round this number to the given degree of accuracy:

126.99231 (4 d.p.)


5. Hoa drives 12 4
𝑘𝑚 from her home to the doctor’s clinic. She then drives 5
𝑘𝑚 from the clinic to her place of work. What is the total distance that she

6. Work out the nth term rule for each of these sequences;
9, 18, 27, 36, 45,...


7. The first term of a sequence is − 7. 5 and the term-to-term rule is to add

“0.3”. Find the third term of the sequence.


8. Find 95% of $240.


9. Find the value of t.


10. Two numbers have a LCM of 45. The two numbers add up to 14. Find the
two numbers.

11. What percentage of $200 is $112?


12. Tim thinks of a number. His number rounded to 2 decimal places is 5.46
What is the smallest possible number Tim could have thought of ?


13. Erik makes a sequence of patterns using tiles. He records how many tiles
are used for each pattern number. Find a rule connecting the pattern number
and the number of tiles.

Pattern number 1 2 3 4
Number of tiles 1 8 15 22


14. Fill in the box.

(𝑥 + 3) (☐ – ☐ ) = 𝑥 – 𝑥 – 12


15. What is the type of data to collect, “The total number of players who
participated in a competition” ?

SECTION B (5 × 3 = 15 marks)
Questions 16 to 20 carry 3 marks each. Show your working clearly in the
space below each question and write your answers in the spaces provided.

1. (a) Mustafa thinks of a number. The number is between 100 and 200. The
square root of the number is a multiple of 3. What is Mustafa’s number?

(b) p and q are whole numbers such that p+q = -2 and pq = -8. Also p>q.
Work out the value of p and q.

2. (a) Write a formula for the number of days in any number of weeks. Find the
number of days in 12 weeks.

b) At the cinema, Bijoux spends $1.50 on a ticket, $1.75 on food and $0.85
on a drink. How much does she spend in total?
3. The diagram shows a square joined to a rectangle. Work out the combined

4. Ahmed bought a pack of 20 drinks to sell at the school shop. The pack costs
$5. He sold the pack with an increase of 40%. How much did he sell each
drink for?

5. A trapezium is made up of triangles.

Triangles ABE and BCE are right-angled triangles. Triangles CDE and BCE
are isosceles triangles (CE = DE and BC = BE). AE = 3 cm and EB = 4 cm.
Work out the length of AD.

SECTION C (4 × 5 = 20 marks)
Questions 21 to 24 carry 5 marks each. Show your working clearly in the
space below each question and write your answers in the spaces provided.
21. a) The product of two integers is − 20. Find the largest possible value of sum
of the numbers.

b) In the triangle ABC, the angle at A is (4k-7m)°. The angel at B is two

times the size of the angle at A. Write an expression in its simplest form
for the size of the angle at B.
22. The shaded area in this shape is 13/30 𝑚2. Work out the missing length.
2 1
23. Kai eats 5
of the pizza. Sam eats 2
of the rest of the pizza.
a) Find the percentage of the pizza that Kai and Sam have eaten.
b) Hari eats 4
of the pizza after Kai and Sam have eaten, how many percent of
the pizza is left?

24. a) One angle of a parallelogram is 62 degrees. Find the other three angles.
b) A circular surface has an area of 20 𝑚 . It is divided into 8 sectors. Find
the area of the gray part.

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