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Batch 2020-24

Team Members:


Akshat Ranakoti 2018129 G

Supervisor: Mr. Umang Gargr: Mr. Sushant Chamssoli

Problem Statement:
In today's digital age, individuals seek to personalize their devices with high-quality wallpaper
that reflects their style and personality. However, finding or creating top-quality wallpaper can
be a time-consuming and challenging task. This project aims to address this problem by
developing a Flutter application that leverages AI technology to transform user-provided
images into top-quality wallpapers.

Key Components and Objectives:

1. User Image Input: Develop a user-friendly interface for users to provide images through
various means:

 Camera capture.
 Gallery selection.
 Integration with third-party platforms like Unsplash for image selection.

2. Image Enhancement: Implement AI-based algorithms to enhance the quality of user-

provided images, ensuring they meet the standards of high-quality wallpaper.

3. Image Customization: Allow users to customize the wallpaper by providing options for:

 Cropping and resizing.

 Applying filters and effects.
 Adding text or graphics.
4. Preview and Selection: Provide users with the ability to preview the enhanced and
customized image as a wallpaper and select it for use.

5. Integration with Unsplash: Integrate with the Unsplash API to offer a wide range of high-
quality images for users to choose from, expanding the options beyond their personal images.

Expected Outcomes:

 A user-friendly Flutter application with an intuitive interface for image input and
 Integration with AI algorithms to enhance image quality.
 Seamless integration with the Unsplash API for expanded image options.
 A selection of customization tools to allow users to personalize their wallpapers.
 The ability for users to preview and set the generated wallpapers as their device


 The application should be developed for both Android and iOS platforms.
 AI-based image enhancement may require significant computational resources.
 Compatibility with various screen sizes and resolutions.
 Ensuring user data privacy and security when integrating with third-party services like

1. AI Algorithm Implementation: Developing and fine-tuning AI algorithms for image
enhancement and ensuring they perform well on various types of images.

2. User Interface Design: Creating an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user interface that
caters to users with different levels of technical expertise.

3. Integration with Unsplash: Handling API integration, including authentication, data retrieval,
and error handling.
4. Performance Optimization: Ensuring the application runs smoothly on a wide range of
devices, especially considering the potential computational load of AI image enhancement.

5. Privacy and Security: Safeguarding user data and privacy when dealing with user-uploaded
images and integrating with third-party services.

6. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring the application functions seamlessly on both Android

and iOS devices.

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