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1- What experiment did Maxbell think Camusferna would be suitable for?

Maxwell planned that he would keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. He thought
that it would be a new experience as people never keep an otter as a pet. Camusfearna
was surrounded by water; so it would be an eminently suitable spot for this
2- Why does he go to Basra? How long does he wait there and why?
Maxwell went to Basra to collect and answer his mail from Europe. He had to wait
there for five days as his mail had not arrived yet.
3- How does he get the otter? Does he like it?
One of his friends sent him the otter through the two Arabs. Yes, he liked it. This is
seen in the lines “The second night the mijbil came onto my bed in the small hours
and remained asleep in the crooks of my knees” or “I made a body belt for him”.
4- Why was the otter named ‘Maxbell’s otter”?
The otter was named ‘Maxbell’s otter’ because it was of a species previously unknown
to science. Later on it was named by zoologists as Lutrogale P erspicillata
Maxbell. Since it was discovered by Maxbell so Zoologists named it Maxbell’s otter
5- How was the otter in the beginning?
In the beginning the otter was aloof and indifferent.
6- What happened when Maxbell took Mizbill to the bathroom?
When Mxbell took the otter to the bathroom, it was wild with joy in the water. It dived
and rolled in it. It jumped up and down in the water-tub. It sloshed and splashed
7- How was Mij to be transported to England?
To transport Mij to England, the narrator booked a flight to Paris and then from Paris
to London. The airline suggested to the narrator keep the otter in an eighteen inches
square box and place it on the floor near the feet.
8- What did Mij do to the box?
Mij torn the metel lining of the box and tried to escape from it but in doing so he
injured himself.
9- Why did Maxwell put the otter back in the box? How do you think he felt when he did it?
Maxwell put the author back in the box because there was no other way to carry the
otter to London. While doing so he must have felt helpless.
10- Why does Maxwell say ‘the airhostess was the very queen of her kind’
Maxwell says ‘the airhostess was the very queen of her kind’ because she helped the
narrator very much. When the otter escape from the box, the airhostess tried her best
and found out the creature.
11- What happened when the box was opened?
As soon as the box was opened, Mijbil ran out of the box and disappeared in the
aircraft. It created a lot of mess in the aircraft. Seeing a strange creature the
Passengers were much scared and started screaming.
12- What game has mijbil invented?
Mijbil had invented a game of his own. He had discovered that if he placed the ball on
the high end of the broken suitcase, it would run down the length of the suitcase. He
would run around to the other end of the suitcase to catch it, then he would hide
himself and take it by surprise. Further he would grab it and run with it to the other
end if the suitcase to repeat the game.
13- What are compulsive habits? Explain them regarding (i) school children & (ii) Mij
Compulsive habits are usually acts or behavior a person does without any clear
(i) Sometimes, some school children on the way to or from the school place their feet
on the centre of each paving block. Secondly, they can be seen touching every
seventh railing or passing to the outside of every second lamp- post.
(ii) Mij while on his way to the home would jump onto
a primary school wall and gallop the full length of its thirty yards. This act of Mijbil
distracted the students and the teachers
14- What group of animals do otters belong to?
Otters belong to a group of animals called Mustellines. The other animals of this group
are badger, mongoose, weasel, stoat, mink etc.
15-What guesses did the Londoners made About what Mij was?
The widest possible guesses about Mij as otters are not fond in England. They guessed that the
animal might be a baby seal, a squirrel, a hippo, a brontosaurus etc.


1- What things did Mijbil do which tells you that he is an intelligent, friendly and fun loving
animal who needs love?
Initially, Mijbil was aloof and indifferent, but later he took keen interest in his
surroundings. He would spend most of his time playing in water with his toys
marbles, rubber balls etc.He invented his own game out of ping pong ball and a
suitcase. he had gradually formed a special attachment with Maxbell. It grew
desperate when Meabell packed him in a box and he wanted to come out as soon as
possible Thus Mijbil was an intelligent, friendly and fun loving animal who needed
2- What are some of the things we come to know about otter from the text? (OR)
Describe some peculiar behaviours of an otter?
Otters belong to a small group of animals called Mustellines.This group of animals
also includes the badger, mongoose, weasel, stoat, mink and so on. They are found in
large numbers on marshes. The Arabs keep them as mpers.
Otters love to spread water and splash in it. It belongs to the race previously
unknown to science. It was named by zoologists as Lutrogale Percipillara Maxbelli or
Maxbell’s otter.
3- Why is Mij’s species is known as Maxbell ‘s otter?
Mij’s species is now known as Mabell’s otter. First, its species was unknown to the
zoologists. Later Maxbell brought it to the notice of the zoologists. who named it as
Lutrogale Percipillara Maxbelli or Maxbell’s otter.


1. What was Valli’s favourite pastime?

Valli had no playmate of her age so all the time she was standing in the front doorway
of her house and looking at the street outside. It was her favourite pastime.
2. What was the source of unending joy for Valli? What was her strongest desire?
Seeing the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town , filled each
time with a new set of passengers, was a source of unending joy for Valli.
3. What did Valli find out about the bus journey? How did she find out these details?
Valli found out that the bus journey to the town took 45 minutes and the one way fare
cost 30 paise. Listening to the passengers who regularly used the bus was a source of
details about the bus journey.
4. What do you think Valli was planning to do?
Valli was planning to go to the town and then return back by the same bus. The ride
took 45 minutes. In this she would be back by 2:45 pm if she took the bus at 1:00 pm.
5. Why does the conductor call Valli ‘madam’?
The conductor called Valli Madam because she behaved like a matured woman. When
the conductor offered his help in getting down the bus, she refused. Moreover, she
answered all his questions.
6. Why does Valli stand up on the seat? What does she see then?
Valli wanted to look outside the bus but her view was obstructed by a canvas blind
that covered the lower part of the window. so, in order to have a better view, she
stood up on the seat and peered over the blind. Then she saw a canal, palm trees,
grassland, mountains, green fields, and the blue sky.
7. What does Valli tell the elderly man when he calls her ‘a child’?
When an elderly man called her ‘a child’, she was irritated and roared that she was
not a child and that she had paid her full fare of 30 paise like any other adult
8. Why didn’t Valli want to make friends with the elderly woman?
Valli did not want to make friends with the elderly woman because she looked quite
repulsive(disgusting) as she had big ear holes and was wearing ugly looking ear rings.
Apart from this, she was chewing betel leaf and her mouth was filled with betel juice.
9. How did Valli save up money for her first journey? Was it easy for her?
Valli was on fire to have a jouney by the bus so she saved each and every coin that she
got just in order to arrange its fare. She avoided the temptation of buying sweets,
candies or toys. Thus she suppressed every desire just and was finally successful in
saving sixty paise to have a ride on the bus.
10.What did Valli see on her way that made her laugh?
On her way Valli saw a young cow running in front of the bus in the middle of the
road. The driver honked again and again but in vain. The more he honked, the more
frightened the animal became and started galloping fast. Valli found it very funny and
she laughed heartily.
11.Why didn’t she get off at the bus station?
Valli did not get off the bus at the bus station as she was afraid of getting lost.
Moreover, she had to go back to her village by the same bus.
12.Why didn’t Valli want to go to the stall and have a drink? What does this tell you about her?
Valli had saved sixty paise for the trip. So, she did not want to go to the stall and have
a drink because she did not have any money for it. When the conductor offered her a
cold drink free of charge, she refused. This shows that she had a strong will power
and self pride.
1. What was Valli’s deepest desire? Find the words and phrases in the story that tell you this?
Valli’s deepest desire was to go on a bus ride. The words and phrases that tell us that
are – ‘source of unending joy’, ‘stare wistfully’, kindle in her longings, dreams and
2. How did Valli plan her bus ride? What did she find out about the bus and how did she save up the fare?
Over many days and months , Valli listened carefully to the conversation between her
neighbours and people who had already used the bus. She gathered some more
information by asking questions here and there.
Thus, she came to know that the town was sixty miles from her village, the bus fare
was thirty paise one way and the journey took 45 minutes. She thought that if she
came back by the same bus, it would cost her only 60 paise.
For this purpose, she saved each and every coin she got. Moreover, she suppressed all
her longings to enjoy sweets, candies toys and the roundabout.
3. Why does ther ciductor call Valli ‘madam’?
The conductor called Valli Madam because she behaved like a matured woman. When
the conductor offered his help in getting down the bus, she refused. Moreover, she
answered all his questions.
5. Find out the lines which rells you that Valli was enjoying her ride on the bus?
Valli thoroughly enjoyed her ride in the bus. The following lines tell us about it –
i- Valli devoured everything with her eyes
ii- Everyone laughed and gradually Valli too joined in the laughter. Suddenly Valli
clapped her hands with glee.
iii- Somehow this was very funny to Valli. She laughed and laughed until there were
tears in her eyes.
iv-She saw many things on her way – a canal, palm trees, grass lands, distant
mountains. It was all so wonderful.
6. Why does Valli refuse to look out of the window on her way back?
Valli refused to look out of her window on her way back after seeing the dead body of
the cow who was running towards the bus when she was going to the town.
7. What does Valli mean when she says “ I was just agreeing with you what you said about
things happening without our knowledge.”
While making this statement, Valli was trying to hide the fact about her bus ride. She
was also feeling elated at making a successful attempt at her plan.
8.The author describe the things that Valli sees from an eight year old’s point of view. Find evidences from
the text for his statement?
The author has described the things that Valli saw from an eight year old’s point of
view. She was fascinated by a bus. Watching the bus filled with a new set of people each
time was a source of unending joy for her. She had a strong desire to enjoy the bus-ride.
When the author describes the bus, he stresses on the colour and look of the new bus
‘like silver’ because a child is attracted towards the colour.
“The seats were soft and luxurious.” the description that the author gives when Valli
looked outside is also typical of eight years old. ‘The blue Sky’ and ‘acres of acres of
green fields’ show the enthusiasm of a child. A cow running in front of the bus
fascinated the child whereas the sight of dead cow brought tears in her eyes and she
refused to look outside. This also describes the behavior of an eight year old child aptly.


1- When her son dies, Kisa Gautami goes from house to house? What does she ask for? Does she get it? Why
Answer- After the death of her son, Kisa Gautami was overcome with grief. She
carried the dead body of her child in her arms and went door to door asking for
medicine to revive her child but nobody could provide her any medicine for there is
no such medicine which can bring a dead person back to life.
2- Kisa Gautami Again goes from house to house after she speaks to Buddha. What does she ask for, the
second time around? Does she get it? Why not?
Answer - When Kisa Gautam asked Buddha to give her a medicine to revive her child,
Budddha asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds from a house where death
had never knocked the door. Then, Kisa Gautami went from door to door seeking
mustard seeds but in vain. She found out that everyone was dealing with the loss of a
beloved ones and that death is common to all.
3- What does Kisa Gautami Understand the second time that she failed to understand the first time? Was this
what Buddha wanted her to understand?
Answer - When Kisa Gautami went door to door seeking mustard seeds, she found
out that everyone was dealing with the loss of a beloved ones. Then, being
disappointed, she sat down by the road side feeling helpless. She realized that death
was common to all. And she was selfish in her grief. This is what Buddha wants her to
4- Why do you think Kisa Gautami understand this only the second time? In what way did the Buddha
change her understanding?
Answer- Earlier, Kisa Gautami saw only her grief. When she went from door to door
the second time , she understood that everybody was dealing with the same loss of
their beloved ones. She understood that death is common to all human beings. In this
way, Buddha changed her understanding.
5- How do you usually understand the idea of ‘selfishness’? Do you agree with Kisa Gautami that she was
being selfish in her grief?
Answer - A selfish person is one who only about thinks about oneself. To some
extent, Gautami was being selfish because it is human nature. We usually do not
accept the death of our loved ones. Yes, Gautami was selfish in her grief as she wanted
her dead child to be alive.
Long Answer
Life is full of trials and tribulations. Kisa Gautami also passes through a period of grief in her life. How
does she behave in those circumstances?
After the death of her only child Kisa behaves idiotically. She carries her child in her
lap and goes door to door in search of medicine to bring her child back to his life but
in vain. Then someone suggested her to go to Gautam Buddha. When she met Gautam
Buddha, he asked her to collect mustard seed from a house where no one had ever
She then went from one house to another seeking mustard seed but was unable to
find a single house in the town where no one had ever died. In this way she realized
that death is a part of life and anyone who is born is bound to die one day. Buddha
explained to her that mourning brings only pain and sufferings to the body. One who
is calm and composed, obtains peace of mind and will be free from sorrow and be
blessed. This gave Kisa Gautami strength to overcome her grief.


1- Why did Prince Shiddhartha leave the palace and become a beggar? OR
What was the effect of the suffering of the world on Buddha?
Once while hunting, Prince Shiddhartha saw a sick man, an aged man and then a
funeral procession and finally a monk begging for alms. All these sights filled him
with sorrow. Then he left the palace in search of enlightenment.
2- What do you know about the early life of Buddha?
Gauttam Buddha was born in a royal family. His childhood name was Shiddhartha. At
the age of twelve, he was sent for getting education of Hindu sacred scriptures and
four years later, he got married to a princess at the age of twenty. After ten years of
marriage a son was born to him and he feared lest this new tie should bind him to the
vanities of the world beyond the hope of release. Then, one night, he left his royal
palace leaving everything behind him-his royal home, his riches and wealth and his
3- What did Buddha do after he had attained enlightenment?
When Buddha attained enlightenment, he started preaching and telling people about
life and its meaning. He shared his knowledge with people through preachings.
4- Where did Buddha preach his first sermon?
Gauttam Buddha preached his first sermon at the city of Banaras which he regarded
as the holiest dipping place on the river Ganges. The sermon reflects his wisdom
about the kinds of sufferings.
5- Why was Kisa Gauttami sad? What did she do in her hour of grief?
Kisa Gauttami was sad over the death of her only son. In her hour of grief, she went
door to door to find medicine for her son that could bring him to life. But Nobody
could provide her any medicine.
6- According to Kisa Gautami, what was the greatest grief of life?
Acd to Kisa Gautami, the greatest grief in life is the death of one’s loved ones and
one’s enability to stop them from dying. Therefore, instead of lamenting on it, the
wise should accept the truth of death; Weeping will only increase the pain and
disturbs one’s mental peace.
7- How did Kisa Gautami realize that life and death is a process?
After going door to door to find mustard seeds when Kisa Gautami failed to find
them, she sat down at the wayside watching the lights of the city as they flickered up
and were extinguished at last.
Then, she realized that human life also, similar to the city life, flickers up for some
time and finally extinguished for good.
8- What did Buddha say about death and suffering?
After enlightenment, Buddha started preaching the reality of life. He preached that
death and sufferings are the part and parcel of life. None can avoid this truth. One has
to meet One’s destined end one day. Whosoever comes to the world has to depart
from the world. In the hour of grief, one must remain calm and composed. People who
are wise should never complain or lament over their loss. They should accept the
truth and be blessed with it. So the wisdom lies in the fact that people should not get
distressed with pain, suffering, and death.


1- What does chubukov suspect that Lomov has come for? Is he sincere when he says ‘And I have always
lived you, my angel as if you were my my own son’? Find reasons for your answer from the play.
At first, Chubukov suspected that Lomov had come to borrow money as he was in
evening dress. No, he was not sincere when he told Lomov that he had always loved
him and that he was like his own son because he had decided not to give any money
to him. But when Lomov told him that he had come to ask for his daughter’s hand in
marriage, his attitude towards changed all of sudden and he was overjoyed.
2- Chubukov says of Natalya: “…as if she won’t consent! She is in love : egad, she is like lovesick cat…..”.
Would you agree? Find reasons for your answer?
Yes, Natalya is in love. This is why, when she gets to know that Lomov came there to
propose her, she is overjoyed and starts weeping out of joy. Then she asks her father
to bring Lomov at once.
Long Answer
Question : Neighbours must have a cordial relationship which Natalya and Lomov do not have. Describe
the first fight between them.
Lomov goes to Natalya’s house in order to propose her but when he reaches there and
meets her, he gets of the point. He tells her how he inherited his land. He also tells
Natalya that his Oxen Meadows touch her Birchwood. On hearing this, Natalya gets
angry and says that those meadows are theirs. They start arguing over this issue for a
long time. He then clarifies that he is talking about the meadows that are between
Birchwood and the Burnt marsh.
Natalya again insists that they are theirs but Lomov rejects her claim. He tells that his
aunt’s grandmother gave those meadows to her father’s grandfather. The peasants
used this land for forty years and started regarding as their own.
Natalya’s father comes and he favours Natalya and starts quarrelling with Lomov.
They get into heated arguments. Lomov leaves their house.


1. Which qualities are common in all three characters in the play?
All the three characters in the play are argumentative., full of pride and
possessiveness. They are always ready to argue on petty things. They even fight
over the breed of dogs.
2. How and why does Lomov come to Chubucov’s house? Ho0w is he received?
Lomov comes to Chubucov’s in the evening dress and gloves on. He comes there to
propose his daughter Natalya. He is received with all the respect by Chubucov who
also felt happy and offered champagne to him.
3. How does Chubucov react when he comes to know that Lomov has come there to
propose his daughter?
When Chubucov comes to know that Lomov has come there to propose his
daughter,he is overjoyed. He embraces and kisses Lomov. Then he calls for God’s
blessing for Lomov and Natalya. They celebrated the moment with champagne.
4. What happens to Lomov when he is in excited state?
When Lomov is in excited state, his heart beat increases, lips tremble and there is
twitch in his right eye brow. When he goes to sleep, something pulls him from his
left side and her jumps like a lunatic.
5. Why did Lomov want to get married?
Lomov wanted to get married because he was already 35 years old. Moreover, he
was suffering due to weak heart and sleep sickness and wanted the company of
someone to look after him. Moreover he knew Natalya’s family for a long time and
liked her a lot.
6. Why does Natalya ask her father to fetch Lomov in at once ? Why does she accuse
her father?
After Lomov had gone, when Natalya comes to know that Lomov came there to
propose her, she is overjoyed and asks her father to fetch Lomov in at once. She
accuses her father of driving Lomov out of their home.
7. How does Natalya behave /react when she comes to know that Lomov had come to
propose her?
When Natalya comes to know that Lomov had come to propose her, she was
overjoyed and cries out of pleasure. Then she asks her father to fetch Lomov back
in home at once.

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