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Halo My Name is Jordan Rich Ciayadi

I am going to explain about transportation

There are 3 modes of transport that we know, they water, land
and air
There are 2 reasons why transportation system needs to
develop overtime: (i) people need to travel to other places
faster (ii) to save more time
Next, I am going to present to you about my futuristic
transportation design.
 First, the name of this transport is plane boat electricity. I
called it “plane because the model is like a plane”. I named it boat
because it’s used on water mode. Then I electricity because It
used solar panel to turn on the machine
 It can be used as water transport
 It will use solar panel as the fuel that will not harm
 The technology that you can find in this transport is solar
panel electricity
 The benefit you can get from this transport is saving
much energy and avoid pollution
Let’s build a better world for living
Thank you for listening
God Bless you

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