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1. Once upon a time, there was a flying goldfish named Tony

2. He could only fly into the sky once a year
3. One day, the weather was extremely harsh
4. He decided to swim in the pool
5. However, he was captured by Anthony
6. He begged Anthony to spare his life
7. Tony said: “ Please forgive me, and I will give you happiness.”
8. Anthony did not understand what he said
9. He wanted to make a fish hotpot
10. An older woman named Emily passed by and looked at the poor fish
11. She felt pity for the poor fish, so she chose to help Tony
12. Tony was very touched
13. It was a miracle that Emily was a god in heaven
14. The god sighed: “ I can't go to heaven anymore because I've lost my horse.”
15. "I can fly; I will take you to heaven.", Tony said
16. To repay the older woman, Tony let her sit on him to fly to heaven.

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