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 Based from the movie, there are a lot of good values that we can realize on the life of Bethany
that we can apply also in our life as we go through different trials in our existence. The movie
tells to us that pausing for a moment in life but not giving up will clear our minds to realize the
best thing to do when we are challenged by our problems and hindrances in life. And just like
Bethany did, she is very eager to pursue her dreams and passion in surfing so she didn’t give
up amidst of losing one of her arms. Even though she’s struggling at first, she just paused for
a moment and find an inspiration from different people in her surroundings including her family
to continue to pursue her passion in surfing. And she tried many times and compete many
times even though some of the times she loses in surfing, she still didn’t stop to continue her
dreams and because of that she’s now a popular champion in the field of surfing. Her story in
life will make us realize the importance of the presence of family, friends, and other loved
ones especially when we are really down because they will motivate us to pursue what is
really meant for us and they will also inspire us to dream big and never let go of that dream
amidst of hindrances and trials in our life.

 Even though the movie was filled of beauty, it is still has negative sides because of the actions
and decisions in life of the main character in the movie which is Bethany. One of the
unpleasant behaviors that she offers to us is not recognizing the efforts of her family at first
and easily giving up for a moment because of some failure in life. Even though she portrays
braveness in her life, we can still see that sometimes she is not eager to pursue her passion
in surfing because of what happened to her arms. And in some point, Bethany pauses for a
moment in pursuing her passion in surfing.

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