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Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725 https://www.facebook.



abuse (n)
e.g: They focus on those who suffer from abuse.
advice (n)
➔ advise (v)
➔ advisory (a) an advisory committee/ body/ service
➔ advisable (a): sensible and a good idea in order to achieve something
➔ inadvisable (a)
e.g: It is inadvisable for you to travel to those countries with unstable politics?
e.g: Early booking is advisable.
apply (v) +
+ work hard
e.g: We apply ourselves to finding a solution to this urgent issue.
-> apply for a job/ a passpord/ a visa/ licence
-> apply to a university
e.g: The law applied only to foreign nationals.
The new technology was applied to farming.
Gently apply a sufficient amount of sunscreen on the face.
➔ application (n)
➔ applicant (n)
advantage (n) >< disadvantage (n)
advantaged (a) >< disadvantaged (a)
advantageous (a) >< disadvantageous (a)
attach (v)
➔ attach sth to sth
e.g: I am attaching this device to the screen.
-> attach importance, significance, value, weight to something
e.g: I attach great importance to this research.
➔ attachment (to)
e.g: people who volunteer in their community have a personal attachment to the area.
based (a)
e.g: a London -based company, a UK – based charity
benefit (v)
➔ benefit (n)
➔ beneficial (a)
by chance = by accident = by mistake = accidentally = unintentionally >< on purpose = by default = deliberately =
boost (v): to make something increase, or become better or more successful
e.g: boost spending/ somebody’s confidence/morale
call for = to need something
e.g: The situation calls for prompt action.
colored people
e.g: At the time, colored people and white people were not treated equally.
concern (v) to worry somebody
➔ concern (n) = worry. There is growing concern about violence in the media.
➔ concerning (a) causing worry
Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725

e.g: This pattern of behaviour is extremely concerning.

➔ concerned (a) worried and feeling concern about something/somebody
e.g: The president is deeply concerned about this issue.
e.g: Volunteers become more concerned and aware of the problems facing the world.
direct (v)
e.g: you can help direct the traffic in your local area.
do’nate (v): to give money, food, clothes, etc. to somebody/something, especially a charity
➔ donation (n)
ensure (v) to make sure that something happens or is definite
experience (n)
e.g: Voluteering helps me gain life experiences.
experienced (a) >< inexperienced (a)
facilitate (v) to make an action or a process possible or easier.
e.g: The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.
➔ facility (n)
e.g: It is esstential to build facilities like kindergartens, schools and parks.
fight for
e.g: He fought for the rights of colored people in general and the indians in particular.
Flooded area
generous (a)
➔ generosity (n)
e.g: Thanks for treating us with generosity and thoughtfulness.
➔ hopeless at sth
e.g: Most of them are hopeless at Mraths.
ignore (v) = disregard
➔ ignorant (a)
e.g: At that time, I was ignorant of events going on elsewhere.
interact (v)
➔ interactive (a)
➔ interaction (n)
lead to = result in = bring about
mention sth
e.g: mention the job that you are applying for and where u saw the advert.
narrow-minded >< open-minded
non-profit organization (NGO)
refugee (n) and runaway
refuge (n)
rely (v)
➔ reliable (a)
➔ reliability (n)
➔ rely on sth/ sb
rule (v)
➔ ruler (n)
e.g: At that time, the British ruled India.
running water
origin (n)
Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725

➔ originate (v)
➔ original (a)
originally (adv) =
e.g: The project originally aimed at helping the poor.
opportunity (n)
e.g: We are currently working on projects that offer more opportunities to people in remote areas.
priority (n)
➔ take/ have priority over sth
e.g: The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research.
➔ prioritize (v)
e.g: You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.
pride (n)
➔ proud (a)
➔ take pride in sth
e.g: We take great pride in offering the best service in town.
➔ pride oneself on sth
e.g: She had always prided herself on her appearance.
quality (n)
e.g: What qualities are needed for the job?
obvious (a) = clear = evident
suit (v)
e.g: Customers will be offered solutions that best suit their needs.
➔ suitable (a)
time management skills
e.g: Time management skills and communication skills are two of the most imporants skills that we need to master.
value (n)
value (v)
e.g: I really value him as a friend.
➔ valuable (a)
➔ invaluable (a)
➔ valueless (a) = worthless
various (a) = diverse
violent (a)
➔ violence (n)
e.g: He was against all forms of violence.
volunteer (v)
e.g: I volunteer every Tuesday afternoon.
volunteer (n)
voluntary (a)
➔ voluntarily (adv)
The past simple and the past continuous.
While and When
Be in charge (of sth) = be responsible for sth
e.g: Who is in charge? - I am.
have/ get/ gain access to sth
in case of
Compiled by Ms. My Anh (Ivy) - 0962 073 725

e.g: In case of fire, call 114.

in need
e.g: we should join hands to help people in need.
at the end vs in the end
e.g: At the end of the movie, she cried like a baby.
In the end, we managed to finish second in the race.
in addition = besides
as requested
I have filled in the online application form and sent it in as requested.
It sounds interesting
be/ get involved
be thankful for sth
e.g: When I see suffering or hardship, I feel thankful for what I have.
provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth
e.g: ‘Save the children” provides children with an education.
Find sth + adj
e.g: We found the project useful.
be interested in = be keen on = be fond of
no matter how/ what/ where/ when,…
e.g: No matter where they live, we make sure that they have the chance to live and learn.
at first >< at last
hardly ever
e.g: I hardly ever wear jeans to school.
be aware of = be conscious of
a broad range of, a wide variety of
be dedicated to sth
e.g: They are dedicated enough to work for free in the hope that it may lead to a paid job.
There’s no need to do sth
I am writing to apply for the post of a vonlunteer teacher.
so that = in order that
Gandhi wanted the British to leave India so that the country could become independent.
contribute to
raise fund/ raise money
protect sb from sth
e.g: The organization does great work in protecting children from violence.


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