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Exploring the Influence of Modern Art

In the Ted talk video, "How ancient art influences modern art" by Felipe Galindo, the speaker
explores the evolution of "Modern Art," a movement that started a century and a half ago.
Notably, artists like Picasso and Matisse played essential roles as pioneers within this artistic
journey. What distinguished this movement was its inspiration drawn from traditional and
ancient designs, transcending the boundaries of Western civilization. The talk describes how
the artist Paul Gauguin found his creative stimulus in the landscapes and cultures of Tahiti,
emphasizing the movement's diverse sources of Inspiration. However, the speaker highlights
the profound influence of African cultures in Modern Art. Furthermore, a significant turning
point in this narrative is Picasso's visit to the Trocadero Ethnographic Museums in Paris,
where he found a collection of African art that had a transformative effect on his artistic
vision. This inspiration led to the creation of his masterpiece, "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon," a
defining work that gave birth to the cubist style. Galindo states that the impact of African art
extended its reach to other prominent artists, including Constantin Brancusi, Amedeo
Modigliani, and German expressionists, all of whom incorporated elements of African
sculpture into their work. Finally, the Ted talk concludes with a reflection, prompting the
audience to consider whether these artists can be viewed as explorers or conquerors in their
pursuit of inspiration from ancient cultures. It underscored the profound impact of this artistic
movement on the course of art history, ultimately marking one of the most revolutionary
chapters in the evolution of art.

The evolution of Modern Art is a testament to its ability to take advantage of diverse sources
of inspiration. This inclusivity not only defined the movement but also fueled its innovation.
African art emerged as a transformative force within Modern Art,. highlighting the
movement's global influence though the impact of its culture and artifacts.

Firstly, It is necessary to highlight the diverse sources of inspiration for Modern Art. This wide
range of artístic stimulation incorporates traditional and ancient designs. What is more, that
motivation or artístic vision derives from landscapes, and cultures of non-Western
civilizations such as African culture and the Toltec-Maya culture. This main point highlights
the movement's inclusivity and openness to a wide range of influences in the history of art.

Secondly, African cultures, particularly their artifacts and artworks, played a profoundly
influential role in shaping Modern Art. Picasso's revelation at the Trocadero Ethnographic
Museums serves as evidence of this showing how these influences led to the creation of the
groundbreaking cubist style. In addition, his first masterpiece caused such a huge innovation
in the world of art that many other artists followed Picasso's artistic exploration and they
incorporated aesthetics of African sculptures in their work such as Constantin Brancusi and
some German expressionists.

To sum up, Felipe Galindo effectively argues for the historical significance of Modern Art, the
influential role of key artists, the diverse sources of inspiration, and the transformative power
of African art. This collective exploration of new artistic territories resulted in a revolutionary
movement within the art world. To conclude, the arguments presented by the narrator and
this essay invite us to consider the ethical and cultural dimensions of artistic exploration.

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