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Day to day surgical practice: I am always regular and punctual in my ward rounds (including the

evening rounds). All patients and their attendants are addressed with due empathy and their concerns are
looked into to the best of my abilities. Keep daily clinical notes in patient record sheets. Residents are
taught regularly about the importance of communicating with patients and their relatives to alleviate their
grievances if any. Even during the present epidemic I did not compromise on my day to day duties.
Punctual in my OPD attendance and never leave till the last patient is examined thereby tried to instil a
sense of discipline amongst the residents. Interdepartmental referrals are never neglected.
Regularly perform operations (open and laparoscopic) to the best of my abilities to increase the work
output of the hospital at large. Tried my best to minimize the referrals to higher center so that undue
harassment to the economically deprived lot is avoided. Since joining this institute I have performed many
complicated oncologic surgeries in our unit.
I tried to the best of my abilities to keep abreast with the latest advancements in the surgical field and to
implement them on the hospitalized patients.
Tried to be polite and gentle to the nursing and paramedical staffs who play important role in health care

Administrative duties: I tried my level best to discharge my additional administrative responsibilities of

the departmental head to the best of my abilities. During this period both the Emergency and Main OT’s
and the wards were renovated without interruption of day to day patient care delivery. Attended almost all
administrative meetings called by the authorities and tried to maintain liaison with The Principal and other
departmental heads for smooth execution of the collective decisions. All directives were implemented
without undue delay.
As a part of inclusive leadership, I tried to be more accessible and approachable to the residents, junior
colleagues and paramedical staff so that mutual trust and confidence develops.

Academic duties: Regularly take bedside clinical classes for undergraduate students. UG students are
also taught in the OPD during their postings, especially the short cases. They are taught not only the
clinical aspects but also about the mannerism and communication skills which are essential qualities of a
good doctor. UG students are taught about asepsis / antisepsis and the development of basic surgical
skills during their postings in operation theatre. All scheduled lecture classes for the undergraduate
students in this academic calendar were taken by me. I tried to make the academic classes interesting,
useful and informative with the aid of audiovisual gadgets provided by the college authorities.

Always tried to take feedback from the students and tried to modify myself according to their needs.
The major part of my academic duties involves the teaching and training of the postgraduate students
(junior residents). They are taught daily during the ward rounds. The practical aspects of patient care are
repeatedly highlighted. Tips from the point of view of examination shared and any queries from their end
addressed. In the operation theatre, hands-on training are provided individually to the residents both while
they assist me in major surgeries and while I assist them when they perform the surgery. I tried my best to
regularize and restructure the post-graduate classes (case presentations, seminars, journal clubs clinical
meetings & group discussions) in a structured and time framed manner and involved the other faculties in
the same. Positive feedback from the JR’s was an added impetus.
Regularized the evaluation process by monthly examinations. This was made the modus operandi for
evaluation of the best post-graduate student at the end of the year.
I took an active part in setting question papers and evaluation of the answer scripts for the various
university examinations (UG/PG).
I try to be an active participant of the different academic programme for the UG/PG students organized by
the different medical colleges / surgical associations and medical education units to keep myself updated.
I had been a regular faculty of the modular courses for the PG students organized by the state chapter of
ASI since inception.
Undergraduate and postgraduate examiner, moderator, question setter, and thesis adjudicator of different
universities including the national board of examinations.I had been the question setter (MCQs) for NEET
Regular contributor to different national (Indian J of Surgery/ Journal of Cancer Research and
Therapeutics) and International journals (Journal of Medical Sciences/Formosan J of Surgery/Jurnalul De
Chirurgie ) and reviewer of International J of Surgery/Indian J of Case Reports)
I feel privileged for having got the opportunity of serving the Government at one of the old, high output
institutes of Bengal which serves mostly the poor rural mass. There are more than enough clinical
materials here to satisfy the appetite of any surgeon who is willing to work and sharpen his surgical skills.
As a teacher, I got opportunity to interact with some intelligent students. The availability of all the modern
teaching tools in the institute and gadgets in operation theatre made my experience as a teacher and
surgeon all the better.

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