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EDG 405


MATRIC NO: 19/204EGC/030

Client is having difficulties focusing on their studies or
retaining important information.
The type of counseling used is Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
(SFBT) by Steve de Shazer.

*Counsellor in the office ready to welcome client. Client knocks and

walks in.*
Counsellor: Hello, welcome to the counseling session. How can I
assist you today?
Client: Good morning, my name is _______; I was directed to see
Counsellor: Good morning _______, please have your seat.
*Client sits down*
*Counsellor assures client of total confidentiality and
Counsellor: I assure you that this is a safe space and every single
thing we discuss here today would be totally confidential and a
secret between the both of us without a third-party interference. So,
feel free to open up and vent.
Client: Alright, thank you for seeing me.
Counsellor: Moving forward. What seems to be the reason for
seeing a counselor?
Client: I'm not doing so well. I've been really struggling with my
studies and it's been causing me a lot of stress.
Counsellor: I'm sorry to hear that. What specifically has been
causing you trouble with your studies?
Client: I just can't seem to focus or retain any of the information. I
feel like I'm falling behind and it's really overwhelming.
Counsellor: It sounds like you're feeling a lot of pressure. Have you
been able to talk to your teachers or professors about your
Client: I haven't really felt comfortable reaching out to them. I don't
want them to think I'm not capable or that I'm not trying.
Counsellor: It's important to remember that seeking help is a sign
of strength, not weakness. Your teachers are there to support you
and want to see you succeed. Have you considered reaching out to
a tutor or academic advisor for additional support?
Client: I have thought about it, but I'm worried about the cost and
the time commitment. I already feel like I don't have enough time to
keep up with my current workload.
Counsellor: It's understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed,
but it's important to prioritize your well-being and academic
success. There are often resources available for students who are
struggling, such as tutoring services or study groups. Have you
looked into any of these options?
Client: I haven't yet, but I will definitely consider it. I just feel so
lost and unsure of what to do next.
Counsellor: It's okay to feel uncertain, but it's important to take
proactive steps towards finding solutions. Have you considered
speaking with a career Counsellor to explore alternative
educational paths or potential career options that may better suit
your strengths and interests?
Client: That's something I hadn't thought about before. Maybe it
would be helpful to explore other options and see if there's a better
fit for me.
Counsellor: Absolutely. It's important to remember that there are
always alternative paths and opportunities available. It's okay to
reassess your goals and make adjustments as needed. Remember,
seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You're not alone in
this, and there are people who want to support you in finding the
right path for your educational and career success.
Client: Thank you, I really appreciate that. I will definitely look into
the resources and support available to me. I feel a little more
hopeful now that there may be other options for me. Thank you for
your guidance and support.
Counsellor: You're welcome. Remember, it's okay to ask for help
and explore different avenues. I'm here to support you through this
process. Let's work together to find a solution that works for you.
And remember, it's okay to take a break and prioritize your mental
well-being as well. You're not alone in this, and there are people
who want to support you in finding the right path for your
educational and career success.
*Counsellor and Client Bids Farewell*
*Client leaves Counsellor’s office*

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