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Submit to:Sana Sajjad
Course Tital Functional English
Course code:ENG-107
Topic::: Intensives vs Extensive Reading
Extensive Reading
Extensive Reading involves reading longer text for
pleasure and genral understanding it emphasizes
reading for overall meaning and enjoyment aiming to
build fluency and expand vocabulary through exposure
to diverse content.

Benefits of Extensive Reading

Extensive Reading has its own set of amazing benefits
When you engage in extensive reading you get to explore
a wide range of topics and genres which help expand
your knowledge and understanding of the world it also
improve your overall reading Fluency and speed making it
easier for you to comprehend text’s quickly plus
extensive reading exposes you to various writing style
and help you develop a natural Sense of grammar and
language usage..
Intensive Reading
Intensive Reading involves close and careful reading of
short texts it focused on understanding the details
vocabulary and sentence structures this method is
beneficial for developing in depth comprehension and
analyzing language nuances .

Benefits of Intensive Reading

Intensive Reading is a super helpful for improving
comprehension and vocabulary you really focused on
understanding each word and sentence which boosts
your reading skills plus its help you analyze and interpret
the deeper meaning of a text so it’s great Way to level up
your reading abilities.

In conclusion, extensive reading involves reading a large

quantity of material for pleasure and general
understanding. It helps expand vocabulary, improve
reading skills, and provides relaxation and cultural
knowledge. On the other hand, intensive reading focuses
on analyzing and understanding texts in detail, which
helps develop critical thinking and deeper
comprehension. Both approaches have their own
benefits and play important roles in enhancing reading
abilities. So, whether you're diving into a book for
enjoyment or delving into a text for in-depth analysis,
both extensive and intensive reading have their place in
the wonderful world of reading.

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