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Purposive Communication`s Activity

Topic: Avoiding Plagiarism

NAME: Divine Grace C. Abing BEED 1D

I. Engaging: Putting Things in the Right Perspective

1. What would you feel if someone claims your ideas or work as his/her own?
- If someone claims my ideas, I would feel disappointed in the person who steals my ideas or my
own work simply because that person dares to steal my work without my permission or giving
credit to me. However, we cannot control those instances, and if so, what matters most for me is
how I respond to what's happening. I have this attitude that if I cannot control what's happening,
I challenge myself to control the way I respond, and that's power.

2. What would you do to avoid such pilfering of idea?

- In order to avoid pilfering ideas, I personally need to know how to give proper credit and cite
the sources to ensure ethical acknowledgement of the sources. When using someone else's ideas,
concepts, or creations, it's important to acknowledge and attribute them appropriately. This not
only demonstrates respect for the original creator but also helps maintain transparency in my
own work.
3. Is borrowing acceptable in the intelligent field? Why or why not?
- It's a yes for me; borrowing ideas is acceptable in the intelligent field as long as it gives proper
credit to the original sources, for the reason that this is very crucial, as this is a fundamental
aspect of ethical behavior. This respectful act ensures an appropriate way in terms of the
exchange of ideas.

II. Firming up: Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the differences and similarities of
quote, phrases, and summaries.
III. Concretizing
1. Read The Legend of the Black Rice then write a summary of it.
Summary of “The Legend of the Black Sea”
The old folks of Naujan, located on the island of Mindoro, often tell this legend.
During early Spanish times, galleons from Mexico brought merchandise to the Philippines,
including locally-made goods like copra, tobacco, and spices. One galleon carrying rice from
Luzon capsized during a typhoon in Mindoro, causing the sea to turn black and the once white
sandy beaches to become black.
During a storm, a group of people discovered piles of small hills of black sands near the
shoreline. However, they discovered they were larger, elongated, and resembled rice grains
due to their black coating. One of the elders confirmed his discovery.
The discovery of rice grains led to many women gathering and sifting the grains, while others
tried them themselves to confirm their taste and confirm their belief in their authenticity.
The legend of the black rice, originating Naujan, Mindoro, which is sweeter and yummier
than white rice, could be collected along the shore.
The village people, deeply in faith, experienced a miracle when the rice turned black, thanks
to God's help. The mystery of why the rice turned black remains.
Gintong Aral © 2023 - All rights reserved. Source:

2. Read the following paragraph then write an acceptable paraphrase.

According to Siagto-Wakat (2017), the result of the findings reveals that language anxiety can be
felt through collaboration in various ways in terms of cognitive, physiological, psychological,
physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspects. Due to this, articulating one's language anxiety
experiences verbally may be challenging, but through the use of non-verbal tools like doodling,
key informants effectively conveyed and shared their experiences. That's why doodling serves as
a tool for expressing other psychological phenomena; even its applicability may not be
universally applicable.

IV. Introspecting
After recalling the concepts of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, I realized that After
recalling the concepts of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, I realized that, as a future
educator, having an understanding of this lesson is essential for effective academic writing. It
equips me with an awareness of ethical practices, ensuring that I navigate the dos and don'ts
responsibly. Aside from this, I realized that providing proper credit through citations and
references is crucial when incorporating someone else's ideas into my work. This serves as a
one-way tool to avoid pilfering ideas. Thus, this sets a good example for my future students.

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