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Physics Investigatory Project

Name: Aarti H. Gohil

Class: 12 Science
Roll number: 1201
School: V and C Patel English School
I would like to thank my physics teacher Mrs. Jayana for
her constant guidance, motivation and sympathetic
attitude towards the success of this project.
I also want to thank the principal and the institution for
providing necessary help.
I would also like to extend mu gratitude towards
everyone who has helped me in completing this priject
Aim: To make an electroscope
Electroscope, is an instrument used for detecting the
presence of an electric charge or of ionizing radiation,
usually consisting of a pair of thin gold leaves suspended
from an electrical conductor that leads to the outside of
an insulating container.
• An electric charge brought near the conductor or in
contact with it causes the leaves to stand apart at an
angle because, according to Coulomb’s law, the like
electric charge either induced in or transferred to each
leaf causes them to repel each other.
• Radiation from radioactive materials introduced into a
charged electroscope ionizes the gas within, permitting
the charge on the leaves to leak off gradually. The rate
at which the leaves of a charged electroscope converge
to their parallel uncharged position is proportional to
the intensity of radiation present.
• The principle of an electroscope is based on the atomic
structure of elements, the internal structure of metal
elements, charge induction and the idea that like
charges repel and opposite charges attract.

• All elements are composed of electrons,protons and

neutrons- with the electrons surrounding the nucleus. In
metals these outer electrons are loosely held by the
nuclei and are relatively free to move within the
• An electroscope has a metal detector knob on top
which is connected to a pair of metal leaves hanging
from the bottom of the connecting rod.
• When no charge is present the metal leaves hang
loosely downward. However, if an object wth a charge is
brought near the electroscope one of the two things
can happen.
• If the charge is positive electrons in the metal of the
electroscope are attracted to the charge, and move
upwards out of the leaves. This causes a temporary
positive charge and because like charges repel,the
leaves separate.
• When the charge is removed, the electrons return to
their original positions and leaves relax.
• So an electroscope reacts to the presence of a charge
through the movements of electrons eiher into or away
from the leaves.
• In either case the leaves separate but the electroscope
cannot tell if the charge or a negative charge- it is only
responding to the presence of an electrical charge.
Materials Required:
• Glass jar with a lid
• Awl
• 2” of plastic straw
• 10” of 14 gauge copper wire
• Hot glue
• Pliers
• Balloon
• Two 2” square pieces of aluminium foil
• Start by punching a hole in the jar lid large enough for the
straw and the copper wire to fit through.
• Insert the straw into the hole and centre it, leave a couple of
inches of space from the bottom of the jar. Use the hot glue
to secure the straw in place.
• Next, insert the copper wire into the straw, with about 2”
protruding from the straw inside the jar.
• Use the pliers to bend 1” of the copper wire into a hook
to hold the aluminium foil later.
• Use the pliers to bend the remaining copper on top of
the lid into a coil to provide more surface area.
• Next,cut a small slit in the aluminium foil and slide them
onto the copper hook.
• Attach the lid to the jar.
• Now,rub the balloon on your head.
• Place the balloon next to the copper coils. Observe what
happens to the matel inside the jar.
• Move the material away and touch your hand to the
coiled wire. Observe what happens.
• Repeat steps 8 to 10 with any other materials you would
like to test.
• It is observed that when a charged body is brought near
the cap of a positively charged electroscope,the
divergence increases and the type of charge is positive.

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