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Hello, dear friends, respected teachers, and esteemed judges. Today, we gather to discuss a
very important and relevant topic for us as students - bullying. Bullying is a disruptive and often
hurtful behavior that we need to pay attention to and talk about together.

Bullying is a repeated and harmful behavior directed towards someone, either physically or
psychologically. It can take various forms, such as name-calling, threats, or physical actions.

Importance of the Issue:

Emotional Well-being: Bullying can harm our emotional well-being and make us feel unsafe in
Impact on Learning: Bullying can disrupt our learning process and make it hard to concentrate.
Friendships and Relationships: Bullying can damage our relationships with friends, making us
feel lonely and isolated.

1. Prevention and Education:

We need to implement prevention and education programs in schools so that we all understand
the harmful effects of bullying and know how to prevent it.

2. Supporting Victims:
Victims of bullying need support from friends and teachers. We should be ready to help them
and provide emotional support.

3. Student Code of Conduct:

We can create a student code of conduct at school that encourages us to respect each other
and avoid hurtful behavior.

4. Open Communication:
We should feel safe to talk about bullying issues with teachers, parents, or a trusted adult.


1. Just Kids Being Kids:

Some argue that bullying is just kids being kids. However, we must realize that hurtful and
harmful actions should not be considered normal.

2. Privacy Concerns:
There are concerns about privacy when dealing with cyberbullying. While privacy is important,
our safety is even more critical.

In conclusion, let's commit together to address bullying in school. We need to implement
prevention, support our friends who experience bullying, and create a safe and positive school
environment. It's our responsibility to ensure that every student can learn without fear and feel
accepted at school. Thank you.

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