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Ian Dave P.


1. What are your realizations after recording the video of your report which relevant
in your daily life?
It is very important to study ethics because it will give us a guide in our lives. My
realization after recording the video of my report which relevant in my daily life is the
truth that sometimes it is very difficult for us to make every decision in our lives. We
made different decisions and it has a big impact to ourselves.
The study of ethics helps a person to look at his own life critically and to evaluate
his actions, choices, decisions. It assists a person in knowing what he/she really is and
what is best for him/her and what he/she has to do in order to attain it. study of moral
philosophy can help us to think better about morality.
By studying ethics carefully, we can develop a consonance in our beliefs,
emotions and actions. This way we do what we believe to right. Hence, we do not
develop any sort of frustration, regret, anxiety or dissatisfaction. Rather than just taking
decision based on current mood and temper, a person well versed in ethics always
carefully thinks and analyses his situation before taking any decision. This reduces
chances of making bad decisions.
2. When you become a licensed professional teacher, how will you apply what you
have learned from your report to your future task?
Teachers must model strong character traits, including perseverance, honesty,
respect, lawfulness, fairness, patience, and unity. As an educator, teachers must treat
every student with kindness and respect without showing any favoritism, prejudice or
partiality. We study ethics because it helps us develop an in-depth understanding of
right and wrong that helps us make informed decisions. Understanding ethics can help
ensure that people do the right thing when making a decision and do not always operate
from interests of the self. 
When I become a licensed professional teacher, I can apply my learnings to
become a good model to my students. Teachers are expected to be fair to all their
students and not to take advantage of their position in any way. For example, you can't
accept expensive gifts from students because it might appear to bias you. You can't
push your personal beliefs on students because they are a "captive audience". You
need to have a professional relationship with all students and not let it get too casual
and familiar.
Apparently, there is quite a bit of abuse that is happening in the school. You need
to protect your students' safety and not believe that this is someone else's job. The main
thing is not to abuse the power that your position, over your students, might give you. 
3. What is the most important concept/strategy you have learned about this
People study ethics in order to learn about morality, integrity, responsibility,
conscience, dignity, respect, and honor, as well as to learn about the difference
between right and wrong or good and evil. Ethics, as a field of moral philosophy, is
essentially a system of moral principles and rules of behavior.
The most important concept/strategy I have learned about this subject is on how
to make good decisions especially in times of dilemmas. There’s a lot of challenges and
problems that comes in our lives everyday and we need to make decisions. Through the
help of studying ethics, we can identify what is right from wrong. It is very difficult to
make decisions and every decision has a big impact to our lives.

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