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Mineral Nutrition

By Leona Antoun and Jinan Smaail

Advised by Mrs. Guitta Yaacoub

Imagine you're tending to a carefully nurtured plant you like, providing it with ample water and
bathing it in sunlight. Yet, despite your attentive care, the plant seems to resist your efforts, its
leaves appearing pallid and fragile. Flowering, a sign of a thriving plant, remains a distant hope.
What could be the missing piece in this green puzzle? The cause often seems related to MINERAL

All plants must obtain a few inorganic mineral elements from their environment to ensure
successful growth and development of both vegetative and reproductive tissues. Essential minerals
refer to specific inorganic elements that are indispensable for the optimal growth, development,
and physiological functioning of living organisms, including plants. These minerals play fundamental
roles in various biochemical and physiological processes necessary for life. In the context of plants,
essential minerals are absorbed from the soil and utilized for functions such as structural support,
enzymatic reactions, energy transfer, and the maintenance of osmotic balance.


The importance of essential minerals in the context of plant growth and development is
multifaceted and pivotal for the overall well-being of organisms. Here are key aspects highlighting
their significance:

1. Structural Integrity: Essential minerals, particularly macronutrients like calcium and

phosphorus, contribute to the structural integrity of plant cells, tissues, and overall plant
architecture. They play a vital role in cell wall formation and rigidity.

2. Enzymatic Reactions: Many essential minerals serve as cofactors for enzymes, facilitating
crucial biochemical reactions within plant cells. For instance, magnesium acts as a cofactor
for enzymes involved in photosynthesis, while iron is essential for various metabolic

3. Energy Transfer: Essential minerals, including phosphorus and potassium, play a crucial
role in energy transfer within plants. They are involved in processes like ATP (adenosine
triphosphate) synthesis, which is the primary energy currency of cells.

4. Osmotic Regulation: Minerals like potassium help maintain osmotic balance within plant
cells, regulating water uptake and preventing excessive water loss. This is essential for
turgor pressure and overall cell stability.

5. Chlorophyll Synthesis: Certain essential minerals, such as magnesium, are integral to the
synthesis of chlorophyll—the green pigment crucial for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll captures
light energy, enabling plants to convert it into chemical energy.

6. Nutrient Transport: Essential minerals are involved in the transport of nutrients within the
plant. For example, phosphorus plays a role in the movement of energy-rich compounds,
while potassium facilitates the uptake of water and nutrients.

7. Reproductive Success: Micronutrients like zinc and copper are critical for reproductive
processes in plants. They influence pollen formation, fertilization, and seed development,
contributing to overall reproductive success and plant propagation.
8. Disease Resistance: Essential minerals contribute to the development of a robust plant
immune system. Adequate levels of certain nutrients, such as zinc and manganese, enhance
a plant's ability to resist pathogens and diseases.

9. Balancing Function: Essential minerals work together to maintain a delicate balance. For
instance, the proper ratio of nitrogen to potassium influences the resistance of plants to
environmental stress and disease.

10. Yield and Productivity: The availability of essential minerals directly affects the yield and
productivity of crops. Balanced nutrient levels contribute to healthier plants, increased
flowering, and enhanced fruit and seed production.

11. Catalytic Role in Biochemical Reactions: Certain essential elements such as zinc,
magnesium, calcium, and copper serve as metallic catalysts in biochemical reactions. They
accelerate and facilitate these reactions, ensuring the efficient functioning of metabolic
processes crucial for plant growth and development.

12. Toxicity Dynamics: While minerals are essential, their toxicity dynamics cannot be
overlooked. Some minerals, like arsenic and copper, may exert toxic effects on the
protoplasm under specific conditions. Understanding and managing these potential
toxicities are essential for ensuring the overall health of the plant.



The criteria for determining if an element is essential for plant growth are generally based on the
following three principles:

1. Element is Directly Involved in Plant Nutrition:

 Essential elements must be directly involved in the nutrition of the plant, meaning
they contribute to the plant's growth and development or are part of essential plant
constituents. For example, nitrogen is a component of amino acids, proteins, and
nucleic acids, essential for plant growth.

2. Cannot be Substituted by Another Element:

 An essential element cannot be substituted by another element. If a particular

element is crucial for a specific function within the plant, it cannot be replaced by
a different element. Each essential element has a unique role that cannot be
fulfilled by another element.

3. Direct Involvement in Plant Metabolism:

 Essential elements play a direct role in plant metabolism. They are involved in
various biochemical processes, enzyme activities, or structural components
necessary for the plant's normal functioning. The absence of an essential element
would lead to metabolic disruptions and observable deficiency symptoms in plants.

These criteria help distinguish essential elements from those that may be present in plants but do
not directly contribute to their growth or metabolic processes. The specificity of each essential
element and its unique role in supporting plant life underlines the significance of these criteria in
classifying elements as essential for plant nutrition.

In cases where an essential element is deficient, plants often manifest specific symptoms that
serve as indicators of nutritional imbalance. These deficiency symptoms can vary depending on the
particular element lacking in the plant's environment.

Remarkably, the resilience of plants is noteworthy, as they have the capacity to recover from these
deficiency symptoms when supplied with the previously lacking essential element. This recovery
underscores the dynamic nature of plant physiology and the responsiveness of plants to alterations
in their nutritional environment. Through targeted interventions and providing the missing nutrient,
whether through fertilization or other corrective measures, plants can rebound from deficiency-
induced setbacks, resuming their normal growth and development. This ability of plants to
recuperate highlights the significance of identifying and addressing essential element deficiencies
in sustaining healthy and productive plant life.

Minerals fall into two primary categories based on the quantity required by plants: macronutrients
and micronutrients.

1. Macronutrients:

 Macronutrients are essential elements that plants need in relatively large

quantities to support their fundamental growth and development.

 Key macronutrients include:

 Nitrogen (N)

 Phosphorus (P)

 Potassium (K)

 Calcium (Ca)

 Magnesium (Mg)

2. Micronutrients (Trace Elements):

 Micronutrients are vital elements that plants require in smaller amounts but are
equally crucial for various metabolic processes.

 Key micronutrients include:

 Iron (Fe)

 Manganese (Mn)

 Zinc (Zn)

 Copper (Cu)

 Boron (B)

 Molybdenum (Mo)
This classification is based on the plant's ability to redistribute these elements within its tissues.
Here's a breakdown of mobile and immobile elements:

Mobile Elements:

 Definition: Mobile elements are those that can be easily translocated within the plant from
older to younger tissues. When a plant faces deficiencies, it can mobilize these elements
from older leaves to support the growth of younger tissues. Symptoms of deficiency in
mobile elements often appear first in older leaves.

 List of Mobile Elements:

1. Nitrogen (N)

2. Phosphorus (P)

3. Potassium (K)

4. Magnesium (Mg)

5. Zinc (Zn) - Partially mobile

6. Molybdenum (Mo) - Partially mobile

Immobile Elements:

 Definition: Immobile elements, in contrast, remain fixed in the tissues where they are
initially absorbed. They cannot easily move from older to younger plant parts, making the
redistribution of these elements less efficient in times of deficiency. Deficiency shows in
younger leaves.

 List of Immobile Elements:

1. Calcium (Ca)

2. Iron (Fe)

3. Manganese (Mn)

4. Copper (Cu)

5. Boron (B)

6. Zinc (Zn)


In the exploration of mineral elements crucial for plant vitality, their mobility and distinct roles
reveal a dynamic classification:

 Among these elements, Nitrogen (N) is characterized as mobile, traversing the plant to
contribute to the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones,
coenzymes, ATP, and chlorophyll. Playing a fundamental role in cellular metabolism,
nitrogen serves as a fundamental building block for all amino acids and proteins, forming
the basis for the creation of enzymes. Its significance extends to genetic processes, where
it is an essential component of nucleotides and nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, crucial
for the transcription, translation, and replication of genetic information. Nitrogen is
assimilated from the soil environment, existing in the form of either ammonium (Ne) or
nitrate (N4) ions. Notably, nitrate undergoes chemical reduction within the plant,
transforming into ammonium before being incorporated into organic molecules. For certain
plant species, atmospheric nitrogen (N2) serves as an alternative nitrogen source, acquired
through the process of nitrogen fixation. Beyond these roles, nitrogen contributes to the
formation of various nitrogenous compounds, including secondary metabolites derived from
amino acids. These compounds, characterized by low relative molecular mass, play roles in
osmoregulation (e.g., betaine), stress responses (e.g., plant hormones), and metal
chelation (e.g., Phyto siderophores). Furthermore, nitrogen assumes a crucial role as a
major structural component of chlorophyll, emphasizing its multifaceted importance in the
intricate processes of plant physiology.

 Phosphorus assumes a pivotal role as a structural component in an array of

macromolecules, encompassing nucleic acids, phospholipids, specific amino acids, and
various coenzymes. Its involvement extends to the energetic domain, where it plays a
significant role in energy transfer through the pyrophosphate bond found in ATP. Moreover,
in processes like photosynthesis and respiration, the attachment of phosphate groups to
diverse sugars serves as a crucial source of metabolic energy. In the realm of plant
absorption, phosphorus is primarily assimilated as the primary or secondary orthophosphate
anions, namely H₂PO₄²⁻ and HPO₄²⁻². This multifaceted role of phosphorus underscores its
indispensability in the intricate biochemical processes that underlie the structure and
energy dynamics of plant cells.

 Potassium (K), another mobile element, orchestrates the opening and closing of
stomata. Abundant in the cell sap within plant vacuoles, it aids in maintaining cell
turgidity. Potassium, in its cationic form K⁺, is readily soluble in soil solutions, making it
easily absorbable by plants. Within the cytoplasm, it emerges as the most abundant cation.
Unlike being metabolized, K⁺, along with its accompanying anions, plays a substantial role
in shaping the osmotic potential of cells. This pivotal element influences various aspects of
plant physiology, participating in water relations processes and impacting cell extension
and growth by regulating turgor. Additionally, it exerts control over leaf gas exchange
through the modulation of stomatal opening and closing. In the context of nutrient
transportation, potassium facilitates long-distance nutrient flow through pressure-driven
phloem translocation. Beyond these roles, the potassium ion aids in establishing the
electrochemical gradient across membranes, thereby contributing to the membrane
transport of a multitude of chemical substances. The versatile involvement of potassium
underscores its significance in orchestrating vital physiological processes within plant cells.

 Magnesium, existing in its highly soluble divalent cationic form, Mg²⁺, plays integral roles
in plant physiology through its adeptness in interacting with various ligands via ionic
bonding. The significance of magnesium is underscored by its involvement in numerous
enzymes and enzyme reactions. Crucial enzymatic processes, such as those facilitated by
phosphatases, adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases), and carboxylases (e.g., ribulose-
bisphosphate carboxylase), either require or are greatly facilitated by magnesium. Notably,
the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) mandates an absolute necessity for
magnesium, highlighting its pivotal role in energy currency production. Furthermore,
magnesium plays a fundamental function in protein synthesis by serving as a bridging
element for the aggregation of ribosome subunits. In green tissues, its most prominent role
lies in being the central atom in the porphyrin structure of the chlorophyll molecule,
thereby contributing significantly to the photosynthetic processes of plants. The diverse
functions of magnesium underscore its versatility and indispensability in supporting
essential biochemical and physiological processes within plant cells.

 Calcium's major functions hinge on its capacity to form coordinate bonds and establish
stable yet reversible intra- and intermolecular linkages, particularly in the cell wall and at
the membrane surface. While readily absorbed from soils as the abundant cation Ca²⁺, its
free ion concentration within the cytoplasm is deliberately maintained at low levels. This
control is achieved through processes such as sequestration in vacuoles, complexing with
calcium-binding proteins (e.g., calmodulin), or chemical precipitation in the form of
calcium oxalate crystals.
Beyond its structural roles, calcium assumes a pivotal role in stimulus–response coupling
through signal transduction pathways. Upon release from intracellular pools, calcium
activates various protein kinases, phosphatases, or phospholipases. The target molecules of
these activated proteins, in turn, regulate numerous cellular functions. This intricate
involvement of calcium highlights its significance as a versatile signaling molecule in
orchestrating cellular responses and maintaining structural integrity within plant cells.

 While atmospheric sulfur dioxide (SO2) can be absorbed and utilized by the aerial parts of
plants, the majority of sulfur uptake occurs through plant roots in the form of the divalent
sulfate anion, SO₄²⁻. Subsequently, sulfate reduction becomes essential for incorporating
sulfur into organic compounds. Sulfur plays a crucial role as a constituent of amino acids,
namely cysteine and methionine, thereby becoming an integral component of proteins.
Additionally, it contributes to the formation of several sulfur-containing coenzymes and
secondary plant products derived from these amino acids.
The reversible oxidation and reduction of sulfur groups (e.g., thioethers, R-C-S-C-R, or
thiols, R-S-H; with R representing various chemical groups) confer protein stability through
the creation of -S–S- bridges. These sulfur groups also play pivotal roles in enzymes that
regulate reduction–oxidation (redox) or acid–base reactions. Noteworthy sulfur compounds
include the tripeptide glutathione, essential for detoxifying oxygen radicals; phytochelatins
and metallothioneins, crucial for heavy metal detoxification; and the proteins thioredoxin
and ferrodoxin, central in redox chemistry. The multifaceted involvement of sulfur
highlights its significance in various physiological processes, contributing to protein
stability, detoxification mechanisms, and redox regulation within plant cells.

 Iron, as a transition metal, possesses the distinctive capability to readily transition

between its oxidation states, primarily from Fe³⁺ to Fe²⁺. Its effectiveness in forming
octahedral complexes with diverse ligands is a notable feature. When integrated into
proteins, these characteristics enable controlled and reversible redox reactions. Iron
assumes key roles in heme proteins, featuring iron–porphyrin complexes, such as
cytochromes, peroxidases, and catalases. Additionally, it is integral to iron–sulfur proteins,
including ferrodoxin, aconitase, and superoxide dismutase, as well as other iron-containing
enzymes like lipoxygenase. Iron plays a crucial role in various steps of chlorophyll
biosynthesis, contributing significantly to plant photosynthetic processes.
In soil, iron predominantly exists as the ferric ion, Fe³⁺. However, different species exhibit
distinct absorption mechanisms for either the trivalent or divalent forms of iron. This
adaptability underscores the diverse functions of iron in supporting essential biochemical
processes within plant cells.
This diverse classification underscores the intricate interplay of these elements in supporting
fundamental biochemical pathways and structural components crucial for the growth and
development of plants.


1. Chlorosis:

 Definition: Chlorosis is the yellowing of plant tissues, typically the leaves, due to
insufficient chlorophyll production. It indicates a deficiency in essential elements
like nitrogen, iron, magnesium, or manganese, which are crucial for chlorophyll

2. Necrosis:

 Definition: Necrosis refers to the death of plant tissues, resulting in the

development of brown or black patches. It can occur in various plant parts,
including leaves and stems, and is often associated with deficiencies in nutrients
such as potassium, calcium, or magnesium.

3. Stunted Growth:

 Definition: Stunted growth involves the failure of a plant to achieve its expected
size or height. Nutrient deficiencies, particularly in essential elements like
nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium, can lead to inadequate cell division and
elongation, resulting in stunted growth.

4. Leaf Curling:

 Definition: Leaf curling involves the distortion or rolling of plant leaves. This
symptom can be indicative of deficiencies in elements like potassium or
magnesium, affecting the plant's ability to maintain proper cell turgidity.

5. Poor Flowering and Fruit Development:

 Definition: Inadequate flowering or fruit development suggests a deficiency in

essential nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, or boron. These nutrients play vital
roles in reproductive processes, including flower and fruit formation.

6. Dieback:

 Definition: Dieback is the progressive death of the tips or edges of plant shoots or
branches. It can result from various factors, including nutrient deficiencies,
particularly in elements like calcium or boron.

7. Interveinal Chlorosis:

 Definition: Interveinal chlorosis is the yellowing of leaf tissue between the veins
while the veins remain green. It often indicates deficiencies in nutrients such as
iron, magnesium, or zinc, essential for chlorophyll synthesis.

8. Leaf Spotting:
 Definition: Leaf spotting involves the development of distinct spots or lesions on
plant leaves. Nutrient deficiencies, as well as diseases, can contribute to leaf

9. Abnormal Leaf Coloration:

 Definition: Abnormal leaf coloration includes any unusual coloration other than the
normal green. It can be a result of various nutrient deficiencies, affecting pigments
and overall plant health.

10. Twisting or Distorted Growth:

 Definition: Twisting or distorted growth refers to the abnormal curvature or shape

of plant organs. It can be associated with deficiencies in elements like copper or
boron, which play roles in cell elongation and development.

Recognizing these deficiency symptoms is crucial for diagnosing nutrient imbalances and
implementing appropriate corrective measures to promote healthy plant growth.

Observations + visual symptoms:

 The tomato seedlings that were put in the complete solution had normal growth, a lot of
new leaves, a good green color.
 The tomato seedlings that were put in the nitrogen deficient solution were small in size
compared to the control and had small leaves. Also a little yellowing could be spotted on
the leaves.

 The tomato seedlings that were put in the phosphorus deficient solution didn’t grow as
much and had weak (bended) stems.
 The tomato seedlings that were put in the potassium deficient solution were wilting a little
and showed some yellowing and browning of leaf margins, tip burn, curling of leaves with
hook, and some small necrotic spots.

 The tomato seedlings that were put in the calcium deficient solution showed little growth
and some necrotic spots.
 The tomato seedlings that were put in the magnesium deficient solution showed interveinal
chlorosis (yellowing between leaf veins).

 The tomato seedlings that were put in the sulfur deficient solution showed a bit of chlorosis
in younger leaves.
 The tomato seedlings that were put in the Fe deficient solution showed yellowing between
leaf veins and chlorosis in younger leaves.

Measure of the weight of the plants:

solutions weight of the plants in g weight in percent of control

complete 10.40 100.00%


deficient in N 4.65 44.71%

deficient in P 7.90 75.96%

deficient in K 7.88 75.77%

deficient in Ca 6.49 62.40%

deficient in Mg 3.60 34.62%

deficient in S 10.30 99.04%

deficient in Fe 7.70 74.04%

Table showing the weight in g and the weight in percent of control of the plants in each treatment

weight in percent of controle





n N P K Ca g S Fe
t io in in in M in
lu in in in
so nt nt nt nt t nt nt
ie ie ie ie n ie ie
t e ic fic fic ic ie fic
le ef de de ef
ic e fic
p d d d ef d d e

Histogram showing the weight in percent of control of the plants in each treatment.

Measure of the length of the roots of the plants:

solutions length of the roots in cm length in percent of control

complete solution 20.00 100.00%

deficient in N 12.00 60.00%

deficient in P 11.00 55.00%

deficient in K 15.00 75.00%

deficient in Ca 12.00 60.00%

deficient in Mg 10.00 50.00%

deficient in S 16.00 80.00%

deficient in Fe 13.00 65.00%

Table showing the length of the roots in cm and the length in percent of control of the plants in
each treatment.

length in percent of controle





complete deficient deficient deficient deficient deficient deficient deficient
solution in N in P in K in Ca in Mg in S in Fe


Histogram showing the length in percent of control of the plants in each treatment.

Blevins DG and Lukaszewski KM (1998) Boron in plant structure and function. Annual Review of
Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 49: 481–500.

Brown PH, Welch RM and Cary EE (1987) Nickel: a micronutrient essential for higher plants. Plant
Physiology 85: 801–803.

Bush DS (1995) Calcium regulation in plant cells and its role in signaling. Annual Review of Plant
Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 46: 95–122.

Epstein E (1972) Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles and Perspectives. New York: Wiley.

Plant physiology lab manual.

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