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ARIF Abdullah Secondary School School year: 2021/2022

Level: 2nd Year L.P.H Time: 1 Hour

Correction of the First Term Exam

Parts Answers Partial Full

Mark Mark
1. Circling the right answer: 0.5*3 1.5
a→ a
b→a 1*1
c→a 1
2.Identifying the paragraph: It is mentioned in §3

a. Street fashion is groups of people who like the same clothes.

b. Yes, they can. Example: if you wear traditional costume, it helps you to 1*3
remember the history and the culture of the country you belong to.
c. The author advices people to be themselves and don’t be a fashion victim.
4.Reference words:

Who (§1)= groups of young people

They (§2)=Goths 1,5
It (§3) = traditional costume

1. Finding Synonyms
a. Created = invented b. to dress = wear 0,5*2 1
2. Dividing words into roots & affixes
0.25*8 2
Prefix Root Affix
Un count able
// design er
un Ethic al
Text Exploration

3. Combining the pair of sentences with the connectors given 1*3 3

a.2) Chicken meal is white ; whereas, Cow meal is red.
a.2) This is the cook whose chocolate cakes are so tasty.
a.2) Apple is round in shape like Lemon.

4. Gap filling 0.5 *4 2


Magazines – clothes – wearing – fashioned.

Part two: Written expression 1*5 5
a. Relevance ( answer according to the text)
b. Coherence ( grammatical correctness)
c. Cohesion
d. Creativity (originality – new words – ideas)
e. Format of the paragraph

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