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Minutes of Meeting

Date: Monday, 14th November 2022 (10.00-11.30 Jakarta Time)

Location: ITRA
Re: Discussion with Bpk. Danang (ITRA)
Participants: Bpk. Danang (ITRA), Bpk. Triono (ITRA), Bpk. Musfihin, Bpk. Fahmi and Intan
Prepared by: Intan (based on Intan notes)

No Description

a. Gantry issue: gantry that has been installed has deflection and will soon be
b. Bpk. Triono stated that the results of the meeting with ITRA on Tuesday, 8
1 November 2022 regarding the Meeting for Discussion of Transition Mechanism and
Gantry Construction can be used as a basis for dismantling the gantry construction.
c. Bpk. Danang asked RITS must prepare Supervision and Contractors who have
experience on Toll Road. The selection method can be carried out like the method
used during selecting PJP.
Amendment CA:
a. BA related to the MLFF Implementation Schedule will be finalized and signed on
Tuesday, November 15, 2022. BA can be used as a basis for Amendment CA.
b. Bpk. Danang asked to add the definition of “Shoulder of the Road” in CA.
RPP 15:
3 a. Bpk. Danang suggested that the RPP only explain generally related to the payment
system (not explaining specifically related to MLFF)
a. The Minister of Finance rejects the distribution of funds to other units (Ex:
4 Korlantas), because it is considered to be the authority of the Minister of Finance.
b. There needs to be a BA with the Police.
c. Bpk. Danang asked RITS to attach proof of registration of the Cantas logo to ITRA.

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