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A few years ago, Suoi Hai lake was always the place I chose to unwind after stressful days

of study. This is a very well-known place in Ba Vi district, which is about 6km from my house.
However, recently, this place has been seriously contaminated.

In the past, the lake water was very clear but now it has turned a dark color. A lot of
untreated waste floating on the surface is mainly due to the declining consciousness of
tourists about environmental protection. They don’t know that just this action can destroy a
famous tourist destination.

In particular, the campsite on the lakeside is the most polluted place. It can be easily seen
that there are many types of litter scattered on the ground that tourists leave after using such
as plastic straws, food packaging, pieces of cloth, bottles, cans and other disposable items.

I feel extremely disappointed when I see trash floating on the lake surface as well as on the
lakeshore. It’s a far cry from the place I used to love before.

It is very necessary for the local authority to make strict regulations on the ban of littering so
that this behavior does not continue anymore. In addition, the lake also needs cleaning
regularly to be able to restore its inherent beauty.

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