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[Total number of questions - 24] [Total number of printed pages - 3]

[4318 – 1]

3rd Semester Examination, November – 2023


Paper – 1






Time – Three Hours Thirty Minutes Total Marks – 100

Note : (i) Figures in bold type to the right indicate full marks
(ii) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary

Group – 1
Q. Answer the followings, any ten : [20 Marks]
1. Explain the concept of method overloading.
2. Describe the difference between abstract classes and interfaces.
3. Discuss how Python manages memory internally.
4. Explain the use of list comprehensions in Python.
5. Describe the role of constructors and destructors in C++ classes.
6. Explain the concept of polymorphism in C++ with an example.
7. List and explain three semantic elements introduced in HTML5.
8. Describe the impact of the HTML meta tag on SEO and page rendering.
9. Define the components of the CSS box model.
10. Explain how specificity influences the application of styles in CSS.
11. What is the event loop in JavaScript, and how does it enable asynchronous programming?
12. Define closures in JavaScript and provide a practical use case.
13. Explain the object-oriented nature of Ruby and how it supports metaprogramming.
14. Briefly describe the concept of blocks in Ruby and their application.
15. Differentiate between PHP and client-side scripting languages like JavaScript.
16. Define and explain the purpose of PHP sessions in web development.

Group – 2
Q. Answer the followings, any five : [15 Marks]

1. Discuss the use of the `try-catch` block for exception handling in Java.
2. Write a Python program that uses a decorator to measure the execution time of a function.
3. Explain the concept of operator overloading in C++ with an example.
4. Elaborate on the purpose of the alt attribute in HTML images.
5. Describe the concept of media queries and their contribution to responsive web design.
6. Explain how ES6 features like arrow functions and template literals enhance JavaScript

7. Discuss how Ruby on Rails leverages the Ruby language for web development.
8. Discuss the differences between GET and POST methods in PHP.

Group - 3
Q. Answer the followings, any five : [25 Marks]
1. Write a Java program that implements multithreading and synchronization.
2. Develop a Python script that interacts with a RESTful API and handles JSON responses.
3. Implement a C++ program that uses dynamic memory allocation and deallocation.
4. Create a sample HTML document using at least three semantic elements introduced in HTML5.
5. Implement a responsive webpage using media queries for various screen sizes.
6. Develop a JavaScript function that utilizes closures for encapsulation.
7. Create a Ruby program that demonstrates the use of metaprogramming concepts.
8. Write code to demonstrate the usage of sessions in PHP for user authentication.

Group - 4
Q. Answer the followings, any four : [40 Marks]

1. Explain the principles of inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation in object-oriented

programming. Provide examples to illustrate each concept.

2. Discuss the importance of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in software development.

Explain key considerations when designing a Python application with a GUI for effective user

3. Elaborate on the concept of class hierarchies and inheritance in C++. How does this
feature contribute to code organization and reusability in a C++ program?

4. Outline the role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in creating interactive web pages. Discuss
how these technologies collaborate to enhance the user experience on dynamic websites.

5. Compare the architectural paradigms of Ruby on Rails and PHP for web development.
Highlight their strengths, weaknesses, and typical use cases. Discuss how these frameworks
address scalability and maintainability challenges.

- END -

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